President, madam, she can't read it anymore

Chapter 359 The so-called love

Then Lin Nian remembered that his son was still barefoot.Just now when he got up together, he walked out of the bedroom barefoot. During this period of time, he was busy fighting wits with Yan Tingchen, but he forgot such an important thing and let his son stay barefoot.

She hastily stretched out her hand and touched her son's little feet. She was relieved after making sure that it was not particularly cold. Then she carried her son back to the living room, and then put him on the sofa.

Put the shoes on in front of his son: "Yaoyao, did mom say you can't walk barefoot? It's okay in summer, and it will get cold after a while, so it's easy to catch a cold."

Yaoyao frowned and said, "I have a cold, I feel unwell, I got an injection."

Lin Nian sighed: "Yeah, a cold is uncomfortable, of course you need to get an injection. From now on, just listen to me and don't go barefoot again, okay?"

Yaoyao nodded vigorously.

Lin Nian suppressed a smile: "Yao Yao is good."

After putting on the shoes for her son, she picked him up again and said to him: "We are all leaving now, so say goodbye to uncle."

Yaoyao waved to him obediently: "Uncle, goodbye."

For some reason, Yan Tingchen felt a little sad for a while, but of course he didn't show it, he just nodded blankly and said, "Okay, see you next time, remember to come to me and Xiaoxiong."

Yaoyao's eyes lit up again when he heard him mention the little bear, and then nodded vigorously: "Yeah, little bear, uncle, let's play together."

Lin Nian didn't want to ink any more, she felt a headache when she saw the man in front of her now, and there was always an inexplicable emotion in her heart, which made her a little depressed.

At this time, she just wanted to leave here quickly, so she carried her son out of the door: "Let's go."

"it is good."

Yan Tingchen put his hands in his trouser pockets, and didn't try to hold her back, but just stood there silently, watching her leave with her son in his arms.

It wasn't until Lin Nian left his room that he slowly breathed a sigh of relief. When he faced him just now, he always had a strange feeling in his heart. Sure enough, it would be much better to leave him now.

She took the elevator downstairs with her son in her arms, and then got into her own car, before she breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm still more comfortable now, and I really can't stay with that person for too long."

She kept saying this silently.

While driving, the assistant looked at her in the rearview mirror: "Niannian, there are some words I don't know whether to say."

"As long as you want to say it, then you can say it. What else can't you say to me?"

"Lin Nian. In front of this man, I always feel that you are a little different."

The assistant smiled awkwardly and said, "Although you've been here for a long time, it's not that no one is chasing you, but I really haven't noticed that you have shown any affection in front of any man."

Lin Nian froze for a moment: "What do you mean? To him, do I look quite happy?"

In front of everyone, she felt that she was still so ordinary, so ordinary.

I really don't understand why the assistant is saying this.

She said: "The so-called authorities are obsessed, but bystanders are clear. You think you are the same to everyone, but the emotions you show are completely different. This tone, this appearance, you may not feel it yourself."

The assistant shook his head and said, "In a few years, will you still love him?"

Lin Nian made a quick decision and immediately shook his head and said, "I've never loved him before, how could I still love him? Stop talking nonsense, and soon you will understand what's going on. When you fall in love, come again Analyze my emotional problems."

"Don't you know? The more people who have never been in love, the more they can analyze your relationship problems. Isn't it like this from ancient times to the present?"

The assistant laughed and joked with her.

She also smiled and said, "It's mainly because you like to analyze emotional problems for others. No matter what you do, it's like you know it very well."

The two of them joked around in the car for a while, and soon returned to the place where Lin Nian lived now.

The assistant sent the two of them out of the car first, and then left. She lived nearby, so it was more convenient.

Lin Nian took his son's little hand to take the elevator, feeling a little heavy along the way.

Sensitive Yaoyao also felt that her mother was in a bad mood and didn't speak all the way, so she obediently led her away.

Lin Nian sighed, bent down and picked him up: "Yaoyao, why don't you talk to your mother?"

Yaoyao, who was held in her arms, stretched out his hand to caress her face: "Mom, happy!"

Lin Nian felt sore, and hugged him even tighter: "You are such a silly son."

When she returned home with her son, she hurriedly turned on the water and took a bath with her son. After the bath, she took a hair dryer to blow his son's hair, but she still looked preoccupied and didn't look happy.

She was still thinking about what the assistant in the car told her just now.

Although she showed a look of indifference, everything the assistant said made her feel very reasonable.

The assistant said that compared with Yan Tingchen, her attitude towards other men was completely different from his attitude, so she began to recall in detail everything she had seen him today.

In fact, she believed the assistant's words a little bit, because she clearly felt that when she saw this person, she felt different from seeing everyone else.

This state of mind is an emotion that cannot be expressed in words.

But is that what is called love?
She couldn't believe herself that she really fell in love with Yan Tingchen.

Since she hated this man so strongly and truly at the beginning of this life, how could she fall in love with him so easily?
But what would this be without love?

She could say with certainty that she felt differently about him than anyone else.

What's ridiculous is that he also had a child with this person.

He and her son are so well-behaved and sensible.

While blow-drying her son's hair, she lowered her head and couldn't help laughing mockingly.

After her hair dried, she helped her son up and kissed his forehead lightly: "Is Yaoyao sleepy now?"

Yaoyao was hugged obediently by her mother, shook her head and said, "Yaoyao is not sleepy."

"Yaoyao said he's not sleepy anymore, so mother will heat you a cup of milk, and you can go to bed after drinking the milk, okay?"
Lin Nian said.

Yaoyao has loved drinking milk since she was a child, and a glass of milk before going to bed every day has become an indispensable item.

Even at night, he couldn't sleep without giving him milk himself.

Talking about this matter, Lin Nian remembered again that Yaoyao fell asleep at Yan Tingchen's place today, and couldn't help being very sad.

In any case, she couldn't figure out how her son fell asleep in a strange place.Besides, Yan Tingchen wouldn't be so careful, so he warmed up a cup of milk for his son.

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