If there was such a thing, there wouldn't be so many idiots complaining about women in this world.

Furthermore, even if she could really take back her feelings so resolutely, what kind of man would she like in the future?

Lin Nian remembered a very good saying, how can a woman who has loved eagles fall in love with crows?

But this kind of thing is not something that others can persuade.

No one else can judge what the individual's inner feelings are like, and even if they come up with an idea, it can only be for their reference.

Yes, everyone does.

Xiao Ya thought for a while and then said, "You told me about your plan before, what do you think now?"

"My mind has never changed. The reason why I came back was to let Lin Zihan pay the price she should pay." Lin Nian said.

"I originally wanted to accept that interview first, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"So are you leaving now?"
"Well...but I haven't fully rested yet, wait for me to rest for a while, and..."

Lin Nian stopped and looked in the direction of the ward, "I still have to explain something to him. After all, I am pregnant with his child, and he has the right to know where I have gone."

"Yeah, it's time for you two to have a good talk. There are so many things, even I can't believe it." Xiao Ya shook her head.

She had to admit that everything Lin Nian had experienced was so ups and downs.

"Don't say you find it unbelievable, even I find it somewhat unbelievable."
Lin Nian smiled bitterly and said, "When I was kidnapped last night, I really thought I would die there. None of you know how unwilling I was."

Xiao Ya stretched out her hand and patted her on the shoulder, comfortingly said: "Forget it, everything is over, don't think about it anymore, aren't you well now? We will all be well in the future."

Lin Nian nodded: "Of course, we will be fine in the future."

Xiao Ya suddenly remembered something again, she turned her head and asked, "By the way, is your birthday coming soon?"

After asking, Lin Nian counted the days and realized that his birthday was really approaching.

It has been a whole year since she was reborn on her 19th birthday last year.

Soon, it will be her 20th birthday.

From the age of 20, she entered her 20s and really started a new stage in her life.

No matter how dark and crazy everything she has been through, it will pass, and she will start a new life, and everything can start from scratch.

A gratifying smile floated from the corner of her mouth, and her mood improved a lot.

Looking at the smile on the corner of her mouth, Xiao Ya seemed to understand her thoughts, so she smiled.

The mood of the two of them suddenly became very happy because of this simple topic.

"Then, don't leave in a hurry, wait for us to celebrate your birthday before leaving, okay?" Xiao Ya asked.

"Are you celebrating my birthday?" Lin Nian blinked.

"Of course it's your birthday, otherwise I'm afraid you will be alone in a foreign country, and no one will buy you a birthday cake, how pitiful it is..." Xiao Ya said.

Lin Nian chuckled and said, "Well, it's pretty pitiful when you think about it."

The two of them sat and talked in the hallway for a while longer, until the bright sunlight streamed in lazily.

While they were talking, the door of the ward not far away was suddenly opened, and then Yan Tingchen ran out with an anxious expression on his face.

Lin Nian was stunned for a moment, Yan Tingchen almost rushed out of the ward, but as soon as he walked to the corridor, he saw Lin Nian, sitting on the recliner in the corridor chatting with Xiao Ya.

The moment he saw Lin Nian, he was visibly relieved.

Xiao Ya was right beside her, poking her with her elbow: "Look at how you forced him to be."

Lin Nian stood up from the chair and took two steps towards him: "Why did you wake up so quickly?"

When Yan Tingchen woke up in a daze just now, he subconsciously searched for Lin Nian in the ward, but he couldn't find her after searching around, because he clearly remembered that she promised him that she would never leave the ward before Lin Nian went to bed. .

Seeing the person, he breathed a sigh of relief, but still couldn't help but blame her and said, "Didn't you promise me not to leave the ward?"

Lin Nian was helpless: "But Xiao Ya and the others are here. I was afraid that our talking would disturb your sleep, so we chatted in the corridor."

"I thought something happened to you, or rather, I thought you left..." He frowned.

This sentence sounded a little pitiful, and Lin Nian fell silent.

Although she didn't leave now, she will definitely leave, sooner or later.

Xiao Ya also followed slowly, feeling that the atmosphere between the two was a bit awkward, she couldn't help but smile: "Okay, since Boss Yan is awake, why are you still outside? Let's go in and sit down."

Therefore, Xiao Ya and the others walked to the ward together.

She pushed Lin Nian onto the hospital bed, forced her to lie down, and then covered her with a quilt while scolding Yan Tingchen: "I said, Mr. Yan, it's not like you don't know Lin Nian's physical condition. How could you just sleep on the bed like this? Let her sit on the couch? If anything happens again, I guarantee you will regret it."

Lin Nian couldn't help explaining to him again: "He hasn't slept all night, his eyes are bloodshot, and the sofa is so small, how can he sleep..."

"You don't need to explain here." Xiao Ya was speechless.

Lin Nian originally thought that Yan Tingchen might be a little unconvinced, thinking that he would not explain.

Unexpectedly, he took the initiative to speak, and even apologized as soon as he opened his mouth: "I'm sorry, I was not thoughtful."

This apology made the jaws of both of them tremble with fright, what happened, I heard right.

Although Lin Nian also heard him apologize to himself in the morning, he has never been a person who is so easy to change.

Now, she has to lament that Yan Tingchen is a different person today.

What made Xiao Ya even more unbelievable was that she never expected that Yan Tingchen would take the initiative to apologize, and just because he said a few words casually, he himself took the initiative to apologize.

In front of this person, who would not know that in the entire imperial city, the most ruthless person is him.

I hope he will take the initiative to apologize, this is simply nonsense.

But the fantasy in the past actually happened now, she was so surprised that her mind went blank.

After a long time of introspection, he stammered and replied: "No...no...it's nothing...just pay attention next time..."

Lin Nian couldn't help but rolled his eyes and scolded her: "I told you Xiao Ya, can you make a difference?"

Xiao Ya also felt that she was a bit exaggerated, but she was really surprised just now.

She curled her lips and said, "Why do you want to be successful? You can't eat it!"

Lin Nian shut up and stopped talking to her.

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