"Not only do I want you to have an abortion, but I also want you to live well and get a kidney transplant for Lin Zihan."

After saying these cruel words, he raised his head and looked at the two guards, "Give the medicine to Miss Lin."

He sat on the sofa. For two days, his long legs were crossed casually, his whole body exuded an extremely arrogant temperament, and he looked at Lin Nian coldly, as if he was enjoying a good show.

At this moment, Lin Nian completely regretted the verbal provocation he had just made, his eyes were full of resistance, and the corners of his lips paled as he shook his head, "No, Yan Tingchen, don't."

The two bodyguards seemed to be hesitant and did not move.

Yan Tingchen didn't look at them, and asked coldly, "Are you deaf?"

Next, one bodyguard let go of Lin Nian, and another bodyguard twisted Lin Nian's hands back.

These bodyguards have all been trained, and even ordinary men are no match for them, let alone Lin Nian who is now pregnant, it is absolutely impossible to get rid of them.

She saw the bodyguard let go of the medicine on the table, and then walked towards her with the newly filled hot water.

The fear in Lin Nian's heart became stronger and stronger, and the sense of despair in her previous life rose from her heart again, making her unable to control her emotions anymore.

She burst into tears!
She wanted to struggle, but she couldn't struggle, the man behind her was holding her hand like an iron ring.

The guard had already come to her with something, and was thinking about how to make her take medicine.

Lin Nian's teeth were chattering in fear, looking at the medicine bottle in the guard's hand, he was as scary as a scourge.

While crying, she could only call out to Yan Tingchen: "Yan Tingchen, don't do this, Yan Tingchen, tell him to stop..."

Yan Tingchen sat on the sofa and watched her cry like this, and couldn't help frowning.

He was even more angry, and he didn't know whether it was because of seeing her so sad or because she was working so hard for this child.

I didn't know what to do, and my whole body felt cold.

Apparently, low air pressure can kill people.

The bodyguard waited for a long time but did not wait for Yan Tingchen to let him stop, so he had to put down the quilt first and go to open the package of medicine.

It was only then that Lin Nian finally realized what it means to not respond every day and not to respond to the ground.

She looked at Yan Tingchen's cold side face in despair, and cried, "Yan Tingchen, are you really going to kill your own child? He's still very young, how could you be so cruel?"

Could it be that she was still unable to protect the child in the end?Wouldn't she be able to escape this fate even if she was reborn?She couldn't bear the pain of losing her child.

If she loses this child again, she cannot die.

So she cried loudly: "You can't be so cruel, Yan Tingchen, you can't be like this..."

But Yan Tingchen's face was completely stiff.

He stood up and asked her blankly: "What did you say?"

She lowered her head, cried hard, and her voice was very low: "I said you can't be so cruel! Yan Tingchen, if you really kill this child, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life, I..."

"Who do you think this child belongs to?"

He interrupted her and walked towards her, reaching out to push away the bodyguard behind him.

Lin Nian let go suddenly, staggered, and bumped into Yan Tingchen.

Yan Tingchen supported her subconsciously.

Lin Nian was relieved this time, he raised his hand to wipe away his tears and cried.

Yan Tingchen frowned, and asked again coldly: "You just said..."

Lin Nian suddenly looked up at him, with tears in his eyes, and said bluntly, "I said the child is yours!"

Her voice was a little hoarse, her eye circles and nose tip were red, and there were still tears on her face, making her look extremely pitiful.

It's just that her eyes are full of anger, and she has lingering fears. Although she is very close to him, she has no other emotions except hatred.

But he didn't care, he only knew that a little joy suddenly rose in his heart, but he once again held doubts.

The baby is his, really?But he didn't know if this was an excuse she came up with temporarily to have a child, after all, she was always good at lying to him.

But there was no denying that the pain in his heart had all but disappeared.

Constantly tossing and turning, painful and sleepless, it seems that at this moment, it slowly begins to collapse.

At this time, he stood where he was, as if he had finally recovered his tone. He looked down at Lin Nian who was crying while dragging his shirt, and asked in a gloomy voice, "Is what you said true?"

Lin Nian lowered his head, tears streaming down his face, and said as he cried, "It's true... I, the child really belongs to you, why don't you believe me, why..."

Yan Tingchen looked at her black hair, his heart finally regained a little consciousness, and there was a severe pain from somewhere in the heart.

He wanted to comfort her in some way, but he didn't know what to say.

"I have never...never, never betrayed you." She was still crying and the hand holding his shirt turned white. "How could this child belong to someone else? Why don't you believe me?"

Yan Tingchen didn't speak, but stretched out his arms stiffly to hold her in his arms.

Seeing this situation, the two bodyguards looked at each other, left the house together, went out and stood up again.

Lin attached to his arms and wept, wiping his tears and snot all over his shirt, until his eyes were swollen from crying, before pushing Yan Tingchen away.

Yan Tingchen watched her gradually calm down, was silent for a while, and then said, "I'm sorry."

Lin Nian did not expect that he would apologize to her, and looked up at him.

But she just glanced at him, then sat down on the couch and wiped her nose with a tissue.

Yan Tingchen stood there and looked at her for a while, until the wind blew from the window and pulled him back to reality.

He looked away, walked to the window, and started smoking.

The rain curtain outside the window was getting smaller and smaller. He lit a cigarette and looked at the rain outside the window, meditating.

At first, when he came, he was torn. He knew he couldn't force her to have an abortion, but he felt he couldn't stand the baby in her womb.

But the moment he saw her cry, he had already started to regret it.

He was even more distressed.

When he realized that was not what he wanted at all, and even in that moment, he realized that if he did force her to spank the child, he wouldn't be happy either.

Only more pain.

Just when he was about to stop the bodyguard loudly, she said this sentence suddenly.

That child does not belong to Lu Feiyu, it belongs to him.

Undoubtedly, hope was rekindled in his heart at once, but at the same time, deep doubts arose.

No one knew whose child this child really belonged to.

But, in any case, he couldn't give her the medicine anymore, he couldn't do it anymore.

Maybe some other woman would give him an abortion today, if it wasn't a sinful thing to do.

It turned out that he was very tolerant towards women, but why did he come to Lin Nian to do such a heartless thing?Besides, this person is also Lin Nian.

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