She is very smart, Yan Tingchen sometimes hates her smartness and thinks she is a robot without emotion.

He sighed secretly, reached into his pocket with his right hand, took out a small bag, and took it out.

The little boy bent down slightly, put the bag on the table, and put it next to the hot water cup she had just put down, and said, "After you finish taking this medicine, you will be free tomorrow."

Lin Nian's eyes were fixed on his movements, and the last eyes fell on the package of medicine, and he already had a bad premonition in his heart: "What is this?"

Yan Tingchen didn't speak, just remained silent.

Lin Nian reached out to get the package of medicine, and looked inside carefully, trying to find some clues.

Unfortunately, there is no text and description on this photo.

She raised her head, took the medicine from his hand, and asked, "What kind of medicine is this?"

Except for the tight lip line and dignified expression, her eyes were clear and clean.

She already had a premonition of what was going to happen next, but she didn't quite believe it, and asked him persistently over and over again.

Yan Tingchen's expression remained unchanged, this time he did not avoid her gaze, looked straight at her, and said slowly: "Abortion pill."

Abortion pills?
There was thunder and heavy rain outside the window.

It was as if a bomb had exploded in Lin Nian's mind following Yan Tingchen's words just now, making her dizzy and her head buzzing.

Her hand holding the medicine trembled instantly, she never thought that Yan Tingchen would send her the abortion medicine, let alone that he would do such a thing to her.

With all her strength, she threw out the medicine in her hand and hit him hard on the face.

"Are you still human, Yan Tingchen?"

Her voice was shaky, her chest rose and fell, and she clearly couldn't take what he was doing.

His eyes were full of gray things that were deeply disappointed in him, and the ray of light that was left just now had completely disappeared.

Yan Tingchen didn't react much to her actions just now, he still stood in that position, looked down at Lin Nian's trembling more than once, and felt more and more chilling.

After a while, he asked, "Son, do you care so much?"

Lin Nian was so angry that he couldn't speak, and after calming down for a while, he said, "Yan Tingchen, no matter whose child this is, why do you want me to have an abortion? How could you treat me like this?"

"Because he shouldn't exist." His face was completely cold.

"Why do you say he shouldn't exist?" she asked rhetorically.

Slowly losing my mind.

"If he knew that he was ashamed, he would not want to come to this world, I believe."

Just now, a gust of wind blew through Lin Nian's open window. It was clearly early summer, but this gust of wind made Lin Nian physically and mentally cold, and a layer of goose bumps appeared on his skin.

The person in front of her, really caring? "

"It's shameful, you have no right to make such a decision, Yan Tingchen, you have no right to touch my child."

She turned her head away from him, as if she would feel sick to look at him again.

This attitude of avoiding the plague annoyed Yan Tingchen, and he took out another thing from his pocket - the A4 paper.

He unfolded the note, held it between two slender fingers, and handed it to her, like a pretentious god-man, breaking free from worldly troubles, and said coldly: "Not only abortion pills, but also this, kidney donation The agreement, take the medicine and sign it."

She swept her head and looked at him again, the anger in her eyes became more and more intense, she raised her hand to grab the paper, but Yan Tingchen had already seen her plan, and put the paper away as soon as she raised her hand Turning back, he smiled sarcastically: "Don't waste your efforts."

Lin Nian was so angry that he raised his hand to cover his stomach, took a step back, looked at his eyebrows and said word by word: "Yan Tingchen, if you don't beat me to death today, don't even think about it, if the child is gone , I'm sure I won't survive."

This statement is obviously very useful, which makes Yan Tingchen very annoyed.

He threw the piece of paper in his hand on the table, and grabbed Lin Nian's arm as soon as he raised his hand. Lin Nian wanted to hide in horror, but he couldn't.

He squeezed her slender wrist vigorously, his eyes were full of bloodthirsty madness and monstrous hatred, and his other hand really grabbed her neck. He approached her coldly and asked, "Nian Lin , are you too self-righteous, do you really think that I am not willing to touch you?"

Lin Nian was indeed a little scared at this time, but she still bit the bullet and looked at him without speaking for a while.

Yan Tingchen continued: "I can exchange your kidney for Lin Zihan immediately after you die, who do you think your death will threaten?

"Don't force me, Yan Tingchen." Her voice trembled.

"Forcing you? Lin Nian, I have [-] ways to make you have an abortion, and make you willingly replace Lin Zihan's kidney.

Do you think I've never moved my hands?Why didn't I find you so childish before? "

"You would rather let me have an abortion to save her because of Lin Zihan, but you still care about her so much? Yan Tingchen, do you really have the heart? How could you sacrifice your child and let me save her?"

Tears welled up in Lin Nian's eyes as he spoke, and the tears fell straight down.

But at this time her tears were hateful, Nai Hexin began to convulse and ache, the pain made her almost unable to breathe.

It was the first time that Yan Tingchen was not angry because of her tears, he was even more furious, he almost roared: "I should ask you this question, Lin Nian.

You care so much about Lu Feiyu, in order to protect his child, don't you even want your own life?As if I'm dead? Lin Nian turned his head, no longer looked at him, and no longer spoke.

Seeing her like this, Yan Tingchen suddenly sneered, let her go, threw her heavily on the sofa, then turned around and strode towards the door.

For some reason, Lin Nian sat on the sofa and looked at his angry back, not knowing what to do.

Seeing him push open the door, he said to the two bodyguards standing outside, "Come in."

After receiving the instructions, two bodyguards in black trousers immediately turned around and walked in, closing the door behind them.

Yan Tingchen walked back to the living room, looked at Lin Nian who was still sitting on the sofa, and said, "Help her up."

Lin Nian's eyes were filled with fear immediately, his face was pale, he kept retreating to the corner of the sofa, and asked angrily, "What are you going to do?"

Yan Tingchen ignored her, and the two guards naturally didn't say much, they went straight to Lin Nian, took Lin Nian's arm and put her in the middle.

Yan Tingchen responded coldly: "Don't you think you have no choice but to force me to die? Lin Nian, let me show you how I did it."

Then, he walked to the medicine bag she threw on the ground, bent down to pick it up, and threw it casually on the table.

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