Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 181: Yang Yan's Past

When returning to Yunshang to work the next day, Tang Yunxi welcomed Yang Yan again in his office.

This time, Yang Yan's appearance was quite different from usual, especially in her clothes.

Yang Yan, who had never worn flat shoes before, changed from six-centimeter-high red high-heeled shoes to black flat shoes with non-slip shading.

The slim fit clothes were also replaced with loose one-piece dresses, and the long hair that was originally tied up with energy and experience was also long and draped over the shoulders.

The always sharp eyes also became gentle, as if it was a different person.

"Yun Xi, I want you to do me a favor."

But Yang Yan looked a little hard to speak in front of her but had to say.

"What are you talking about first?"

Tang Yunxi, who was busy reading the documents in his hand, stopped his work when Yang Yan walked in.

"What did you say."

Tang Yunxi hadn't seen Yang Yan since the last farewell in the hospital.

Yang Yan didn't even spend a day in the hospital, and Tang Yunxi knew what was going on.Probably just because he didn't want Wilber Wen to go to the hospital to see her again. Although he didn't know what was going on with them, Tang Yunxi still felt that it was better for him to be a bystander.

"I want you to help me deliver this resignation letter to the chairman."

Yang Yan carefully took out the resignation letter written by hand after hesitating for a long time from her Hermes bag.

"Have you really made up your mind?"

Tang Yunxi never thought that Yang Yan would tell herself that she would resign today. Although she was not the approver, she still found it incredible.


If she hadn't really thought it through, she wouldn't have come here.What's more, this is what he wanted to do in the first place, but it was just missing an opportunity.

Yang Yan handed the resignation letter to Tang Yunxi with both hands. She felt that as long as it passed through Tang Yunxi's hands, there was nothing she couldn't do.Once this resignation letter is handed over, there is no room for recovery.

"Are you ok?"

Tang Yunxi took the resignation letter and didn't read it, but worried about her current physical condition.The last time I heard in the hospital that it seemed to be not very good. If I guessed correctly, it may be because of the overworked work that caused Yang Yan to suffer from some kind of illness.

But she didn't know how to tell Yang Yan about this matter, but the illness was still his after all, and she didn't know if she knew about it.

"It's all good, but..."

Yang Yan began to hesitate a little, and didn't know what to do with this matter.

"If you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it." Tang Yunxi knows that there are some things that cannot be said, and she will not force others to say it.

"I might...maybe this one...may not be able to have a child."

Yang Yan's voice started to choke, she never thought that she would get such a disease, maybe this child came at the wrong time and shouldn't come.

"Why do you say that?"

Tang Yunxi didn't know what was going on with Yang Yan, so he said something like this all of a sudden.

In the past, Yang Yan, who acted resolutely and acted decisively without hesitation, has now turned into this delicate appearance.

"I have... breast cancer."

When she was about to pay the fee and leave the hospital, the doctor told her that she had already paid the fee.But the report she got from the doctor said it was breast cancer.

breast cancer...

I never thought that this kind of thing would happen to me, maybe God didn't want her to have this child either.


When Tang Yunxi heard these three words from her mouth, she was also taken aback.How can it be breast cancer? Didn't you say that the spine was fatigued before?
Could it be that Wilber Wen lied to himself when he was in the hospital, what reason can be made clear?
"Have you reviewed it?"

Tang Yunxi never believed in this kind of illness easily, and she would not believe those words if she hadn't passed the real examination. No matter what she did, she always paid attention to evidence.

"not yet."

Because she would not believe that the hospital would issue such an approved or fake test report, which was intentional.

Tang Yunxi walked up to her, patted her on the shoulder lightly and brought her to the sofa and sat down.

And carefully took out a small pillow from the corner opposite to the sofa for Yang Yan to lean on his back.

"Wait a minute, I will accompany you to check once."

Tang Yunxi held Yang Yan's hand. As a woman, she felt that it would be a pity if she could not have her own child.

Tang Yunxi began to pay attention to Yang Yan's matter. She never thought that such a strict Yang Yan would have papers behind her back.


Obviously, Yang Yan did not expect Tang Yunxi to be so concerned about her health now.

"Yunxi, I think it's better not to bother you."

I don't know her very well, and when I was in the company, it seemed that I was the only one fighting against Tang Yunxi. I don't know whether it should be a blessing or a feeling of helplessness.

"This kind of thing must not be sloppy. After all, the body is more important than anything else." What's more, she is still pregnant. If she can't take care of herself, how can she take care of the child in her stomach.

Looking into Tang Yunxi's sincere eyes, Yang Yan didn't refuse anymore.

"Then I'll trouble you when I get off work." Yang Yan now began to feel that she might have been careless.

What the doctor said was true, but looking back now, it seems that something went wrong.

Yang Yan also felt that she had always been rigorous, and she didn't seem to believe such things easily.

"No trouble."

Now Tang Yunxixi doesn't say a word about Yang Yan's resignation. I don't think he ever thought about letting Yang Yan leave Yunshang.

"Yunxi, let me tell you one thing." At this moment, Yang Yan seemed to believe in Tang Yunxi.

Tang Yunxi, who was about to stand up and pour water for Yang Yan, suddenly had a bright light in his eyes.

"Okay, tell me and I'll listen."

At this moment, Tang Yunxi chatted with others about things that had nothing to do with work during working hours for the first time.

Yang Yan and Tang Yunxi talked a lot, about her past with that person, about her life alone, and why she resigned this time.

Tang Yunxi listened, and probably heard some information like this.

Yang Yan used to be the school belle of their school, and Wen Weibo was a couple that everyone envied in the school. They have excellent academic performance and are easy to get along with.

But later, because of an unexpected incident, they had to separate.Maybe it was right for them to separate that time, maybe it was God's arrangement that they separated.

These are all the messages that Yang Yan conveyed to Tang Yunxi, and Tang Yunxi has nothing to say, thinking that their affairs are already in the past.

"Yun Xi, I might have to say sorry to you."

When Yang Yan was thinking about problems in Tang Yunxi, many people came from such a sentence.

"Huh?" When did she act as a sorry for herself?
"The reason why I entered this quarterly sales competition with you this year was because I had no expectation that Wilber Wen would be gone. But this time, I also want to take this opportunity to leave the company."

Yang Yan expressed her own thoughts. She used to think that Tang Yunxi could beat her, but now things are like this, just as she imagined.

But now no matter from what point of view, it is disrespectful to Tang Yunxi, as if it is reasonable to use others, and now I always feel uncomfortable in my heart.


What she said made Tang Yunxi not know where to start.

"Originally, I wanted to come to Yunshang to work, and it was all because of Wilber Wen."

But it seems that it doesn't make any sense now. He hasn't recognized herself all these years when she worked in Yunshang.

Maybe this is fate, Wilber Wen may really not be his own.

In the following time, Yang Yan also talked to Tang Yunxi about many things.

She said how she saw Wilber Wen from the company side, and how she thought about it, if Wilber Wen didn't recognize who she was within the stipulated years.

It happened that Wilber Wen and them recognized him at the dinner party on the night when the deadline passed, and it was also on that night that Wilber Wen had something to do with himself, and then he had the current child.

Looking for an opportunity to leave the company, Tang Yunxi happened to be a good excuse at this time.


This time Tang Yunxi really didn't expect that Yang Yan would tell herself such a thing.

"It doesn't matter, everyone makes their own decisions for a reason, as long as it is not harmful to others."

Tang Yunxi is a person with a bottom line no matter what he does, as long as it is not a serious matter, Tang Yunxi will not be bullied casually.

"Thank you Yunxi."

Yang Yan felt that it was rare to meet such a good person. In the past, when everyone played with her, they had ulterior motives, so that they would not disfigure themselves later.

This time Tang Yunxi saw too many complex and intertwined emotions in Yang Yan's eyes, and he didn't know what she had experienced before, but in Tang Yunxi's opinion, this should not be something a woman should undertake.


Just when it was time to get off work in the morning, Tang Yunxi and Yang Yan left Yunshang together.

But just as they were leaving, a person sneaked up behind them.

After going to Wanxiangyu Restaurant for lunch, I came to Beicheng Central Hospital.

That person still followed closely until Tang Yunxi saw the person behind him in the rear mirror when he parked the car at the gate of the hospital.

"Yang Yan, let's wait a moment."

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