Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 180: Song Yanran Appears

When the person on the stage came to the forefront, almost everyone was stunned.

Because this person is not a temporary model, nor is it a model invited by Yunshang, but Song Yanran, who is now known almost all over the world.

"How is this going?"

Wilber Wen never thought that this one would appear on the stage today. He remembered that the company had never cooperated with Song Yanran, and he never thought that there would be today.

But when he thought that Song Yanran was Hengrui's artist now, he had another thought in his heart.

If I didn't guess wrong, it should be because Song Yanran came to watch the show, and then they had a problem backstage when it just rained, so now she is standing on the stage.

Wilber Wen's thinking is quite logical, but it seems that things are different.

"Boss Wen is capable. He actually invited Song Yanran to sit in charge. It seems that this time it will have a good effect."

The people sitting next to Wilber Wen looked at Song Yanran on the stage, it was indeed a good design, and now the people and clothes are so perfect, this time it will definitely seize the sales in this part of the market.

"Boss Huang is overrated. I didn't invite Song Yanran here. I'm also very puzzled about her appearance."

Recently, it was heard that Song Yanran had returned to China, but he did not expect that Song Yanran would show his face in their company for the first time when he returned to China.

And the audience sitting behind the stage also began to speak up, but it was all in a very low voice.

"Song Yanran is such a famous brand now, she will also come here for the catwalk."

"Yes, could it be because Song Yanran likes these Hanfu?"

"Who cares about her, it's mainly because Song Yan is so good now, Yunshang will definitely secure the sales in the market this time. And that MSW may not even have a chance to stand up now."

"What is MSW?"

"Could it be that you don't even understand this one?" No way, could it be that MSW can't catch their eyes?That's Lin Huaxue's endorsement, so it can't be said that it's useless?

Now there are still people who don't know MSW, it seems that Guan Hui of Yunshang is too bright.

The show on the stage ended perfectly under the remarks of Wilber Wen and others.

And some people sitting in front have already taken out their cameras and secretly took pictures, but it doesn't matter whether it's out of liking for Song Yanran or this outfit.

As long as they are posted on the Internet and seen by netizens, it is a good business opportunity.

These are Wilber Wen's personal thoughts, not the thoughts of everyone present.

Backstage, Tang Yunxi stood here waiting for Song Yanran to come down from the stage, and she directly asked Aiya to drive the car to the back door of the stage.

Although Song Yanran's appearance this time may not be as scary as everyone imagined, but after thinking about the people who surrounded Song Yanran at Beicheng International Airport last time, Tang Yunxi had to think about it first. A way to leave.

"Yanran, you and Aiya leave here first, and I will go to find you after the activities here are over."

Tang Yunxi did not let Song Yanran go back in her car, but let her leave in the car he drove over.

"Okay, I see, Yunxi, then you can do your work first, and we'll see you later."

Song Yanran put on that whole set of clothes and got into the car driven by Aiya, Tang Yunxi was about to leave here at this time.


"Sister Yunxi, are you back?"

"Sister Yunxi."

Tan Mingming and Wu Wu were waiting for Tang Yunxi to come back at the door of the backstage. If it wasn't for these problems later on, they would not have expected Tang Yunxi to come back from outside as enthusiastically as they are today.

"What's wrong, what are you all doing here?"

Although it is daytime, the current temperature may not be very warm, and the wind blows to the face from time to time.

Not to mention that she herself felt a little cold, not to mention these two such light and flirtatious people.

"Sister Yunxi, the person just now was Song Yanran, right?"

However, Tang Yunxi did not plan to hide it from the two of them, "The person just now was indeed Song Yanran, but I don't want more people to see her, so I have to leave here now."

It was only at this time that Tan Mingming and Wu Wu realized that, as the saying goes, there are many people who are popular and right and wrong, and those who can avoid suspicion as much as possible should try to avoid it now, otherwise the image that was established well will be gone now.

"Sister Yunxi, can we take a rest next time?"

After being busy for so long, now that everything is finally done, I didn't expect that under the leadership of Tang Yunxi this time, the whole group began to have different gains.

In the lounge at the backstage, members of the entire group led by Tang Yunxi stood here waiting for Tang Yunxi and Tan Mingming to come back.

"Do you think President Tang knows Song Yanran? Otherwise, how could Song Yanran come to help us for no reason?"

Another girl who didn't talk much with the two male colleagues sitting here suddenly said something like this, but it didn't make them curious.

"Not very clear, but it probably is like this." In fact, they are also very curious, but according to the current situation, there should be no doubt.

"It's not surprising that Mr. Tang and Song Yanran really know each other." In his opinion, Tang Yunxi and Song Yanran are equally outstanding people, and it's not surprising that they knew each other.

Just when they were about to start their discussion, Tang Yunxi and the others came back.


"Please come in."


No, it seems that they closed the door just now...


The door was pushed in from the inside, and if I guessed correctly, they should be the ones who came in.

"Mr. Tang."

The man directly opened the door to the maximum extent, and the three people outside also walked in.

"Mr. Tang."

"Mr. Tang."

The two male colleagues sitting in this room saw Tang Yunxi walk in, and they stood up on the sofa that they hadn't lived together for years.

"Today's work, the preparations are now over. Here I represent myself first, thank you."

Tang Yunxi knows that the work has reached the level it is today, and everyone present has also put in a lot of hard work.

Whether it's brainpower or coolie, everyone in this game is no harder than herself.

"Mr. Tang, you are being polite."

"Mr. Tang, these are the achievements of all of us working together, but everyone is a great contributor."

"But the biggest hero is not here."

Tan Mingming stood up and said something like this.In fact, they were not very willing to communicate at the beginning.

If it wasn't for Aia, they wouldn't have achieved what they are today.I still remember that once they had problems and conflicts at work, they were not very willing to speak out.

They didn't do less things like holding their breath, but it was all because everyone was not good at words.

"Well, what Tan Mingming said is true."

Aiya came here because Tan Mingming was in this group.And Wu Wushi came here because Aiya came to their side.

And the two male colleagues in front of me chose her group because of other things. If it wasn't because of Aiya, then they might not be so active.

"Yes, where is Aya?"

Standing in this room, the three people who don't know the outside situation at all, judging from their usual habits and understanding, the most lacking person at this time should be Aia.

"Aiya, she's going to deliver Yanran."

Tang Yunxi only told them if she could trust them, as if she felt different when she started getting along with these people.

When she was in LY before, she never imagined that she would have the side she has today.


So, their President Tang really knew Song Yanran.

"Mr. Tang, Song Yanran is so beautiful, I envy her legs."

The figure is also good, and the face is also very good.Moreover, there are still some long resemblances with Mr. Tang, and I don't know when it started.She felt that Mr. Tang and Song Yanran knew each other, and it was very possible that this kind of person was like a best friend.

"I still think Mr. Tang is pretty."

Tan Mingming said swearingly, it was because none of them saw Tang Yunxi wearing that outfit, that's why they thought Song Yanran looked good.

Just now Tan Mingming was also looking for Aiya, and then she saw Tang Yunxi coming out of the dressing room after putting on the set of clothes in the storage room over there.

At that moment, she thought she had misread it, but she didn't expect Tang Yunxi to have such a figure.

When she was in the company before, she didn't see Tang Yunxi wearing any clothes that showed her figure in the company.


Except when Tang Yunxi came to the company for the first time.

"Okay, most of you should save some energy and wait for everyone to have dinner together."

Tang Yunxi watched them talking here, and there seemed to be nothing wrong with these things.But in her opinion, it is unnecessary, not everyone's aesthetics are the same.

"Have a meal……"

As soon as they heard the word eating, they didn't seem to be very interested.

The last time when they were in Tilai, Tang Yunxi invited them to eat a meal, and now they are still so slow.

"what happened?"

Tang Yunxi didn't seem to be able to see where their doubts were, but now didn't seem to be the time.

"Well, can we go..."

"No, this time, I'm here to treat guests, how about we go to eat food stalls?"

In order not to go to Tilay for dinner this time, they volunteered to stand up.


Could it be that she can't treat food stalls?Or maybe they think they won't go to food stalls to eat?

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