Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 176: Hacked Again

"Who am I?" 
At this time, even Peng Yingying herself began to doubt what kind of person she was.

"Yes, you should not be sister Jing'an's younger sister or some other relative, or you are also a puppet?"

"What? A puppet?"

Peng Yingying had never thought about such a thing. The reason why she came back to Ziqiangwei Studio was all because of Chen Jing'an, and she always felt that there was some kind of inexplicable intimacy in her.

Regarding Lin Huaxue, Peng Yingying did not express anything, and she was not interested in the rumors from the outside world.It's not unusual for three people to become a tiger, let alone in a place like the entertainment industry.

"What about you? Are you their puppet?"

What Peng Yingying said was indeed a bit heart-wrenching, but she was right. She was originally Lin Huaxue's puppet, but this time someone reminded her.



This time it was Peng Yingying's turn to be speechless, so if Shi Yi is really a puppet, will she be like this in the future?

"What's the matter? Could it be that you are afraid?"

"I'm afraid, will I be afraid?"

Peng Yingying never thought that one day she would start to doubt whether she should leave here and Beicheng.

But when I think of what my parents said, as long as I stay in Beicheng, I will find my biological parents and sister one day.If it wasn't for Chen Jing'an's resemblance to herself, she wouldn't be here.

"Are you leaving?"

I don't know whether Peng Yingying is asking Shi Yi or Shi Yi is asking Peng Yingying, but the two of them still cannot escape this fate after all.



"Why did it hang up again?" It's better to just shut down the phone.

Sitting in the office, Lin Huaxue watched Chen Jingan hang up the phone again and again, and felt a little bored for a while.

"This time it's up to you, Huaxue."

Chen Jing'an was also helpless, those partners were terminated again and again, and they all said "to save face" that they didn't need to pay termination fees for the contract, and they didn't need to continue to cooperate in the future.

Although Chen Jing'an was not surprised by this situation, this time even Jiaxin Entertainment began to express that they would no longer cooperate with anything related to Lin Huaxue or post any labels related to Lin Huaxue.

This time, no matter who it is, as long as it is a company that has a little contact with Lin Huaxue, someone from them will call and tell Chen Jingan that they want to terminate the contract. Although some partners will give Lin Huaxue some breach of contract, but No matter how you look at it, this is not happy.

"Are you afraid?"

Lin Huaxue stood up from the chair, listening to the cell phone in Chen Jingan's hand with a look of disdain.

"What's the use of being afraid."

Don't be afraid, he won't be able to come back now, the matter has come to this, it is better to think of a way first, how to solve the current predicament.

"Chen Jing'an, now I can give you a chance to choose."

Lin Huaxue came directly in front of Chen Jing'an, and said to her without any jokes.


What kind of choice is given to her?Could it be possible for her to play the role of "Lin Huaxue" again?

"Leave Ziqiangwei Studio, or more precisely, leave Beicheng for a while."

"What? Why do you say that, Huaxue?"

Is it possible...

A very bad idea suddenly flashed into Chen Jing'an's mind, did it mean that Lin Huaxue was going to abandon her, or that she was useless now, that's why she said this.

"I'll go and say it for a while now, and it's all for your own good."

To put it bluntly, it means that I don't want the wrong things I make later will affect and implicate her.

"Then you can first tell me what it means to be good for me."

For her own good, do I have to let myself leave Beicheng first?Isn't this unreasonable.

"Don't you understand now? But everyone who has a little relationship with Li Jinyi's company or who is afraid that he will offend Li Jinyi has called."

Termination of the contract, on the surface it is said to be a termination of the contract, but in fact it is just a notification.

"What does this have to do with whether I want to leave Beicheng?"

Chen Jing'an couldn't get Lin Huaxue at all. If she was really scared, she wouldn't appear here.

"it is good."

For the first time, Lin Huaxue spoke to others in a better tone, but she didn't want to hurt Chen Jing'an, but she was also stubborn.

"I hope you can always maintain an optimistic attitude in the future."

Lin Huaxue didn't try to persuade Chen Jing'an this time. She had already reminded her that if anything happened in the future, she would not be entirely responsible.


"Oh, why does Lin Huaxue like to dominate the screen so much recently?"

Over at Wanju Manor, a little girl was staring at the trending searches on the computer. She really didn't know why Lin Hua had been on that trending list these days.

"Because some people don't need to buy trending searches and will bring their own traffic to it."

The little boy was a little disgusted. He had heard of this old aunt before. This old aunt had always liked Uncle, and would appear in front of Uncle from time to time.

"What, now there are no news about Aunt Niannian that I want to read. It's really annoying." Tang Qingyi curled her lips, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart.

"Then should we do something?"

Tang Qing seemed to have a new idea in her heart, but it had to be nodded by her sister.

"Okay, okay!"

Tang Qingyi knew in her heart that as long as her brother said something, it must be a good thing.

"Brother, tell me what we are going to do later?" Tang Qingyi evoked a smirk at the strongest, feeling happy in her heart.

"It's good if we get Lin Huaxue off the top search list." Tang Zixiu hugged his hands together, and a good idea appeared.

"Come on brother!!"

"come on!!"

Tang Qingyi stood up and clenched her fists in front of Tang Zixiu, making a powerful movement.

"Looking good."

Sitting in front of the computer, Tang Zixiu "manipulated" with his hands from the very beginning. He didn't know what he was messing with, but it didn't look like a "good thing".

"Oh, what's going on?"

Could it be that I have been unfamiliar with myself recently, so I couldn't get this website down?
"What's the matter, what's the matter, brother?"

Tang Qingyi saw that Tang Zixiu was confused, and wondered if something went wrong.

"I don't know why this website has not been able to get the hot search of Lin Huaxue down."

But he didn't expect that since the latest Xule company's website was hacked last time, the latest entertainment company had secretly hired someone to do maintenance, and had prepared a lot of protective measures.

"Then what should we do now?"

Tang Qingyi was lying beside the computer desk with an unhappy expression on her face. It seemed that the plan was going to be ruined.

"Yiyi, don't worry, brother, I have my own trick." He patted Tang Qingyi's head.

Tang Zixiu called Tang Qingyi's nickname, which he himself gave to his younger sister. No one in the family called Tang Qingyi like this.

"Okay, let me see what special moves my brother can make."

Recently, Tang Qingyi also began to wonder if her brother was a love letter.That's why such "technical negligence" occurs, otherwise things like this can be solved at once.

After more than ten minutes passed, Tang Zixiu finally solved it. He successfully blacked out the latest website.

"Yiyi, what picture do you want to put here?"

Tang Zixiu turned the computer in front of Tang Qingyi. There was a large series of numbers on a black screen, and the entire screen was beating non-stop.

"Hmm... I think I think!"

Tang Qingyi touched her little face, thinking about how to make this page her favorite logo.

"How about putting a red panda emoji?"

Tang Qingyi looked at Tang Zixiu curiously. If it looked like that, it would be an incomplete black screen with a picture of a panda circled inside it.


Tang Zixiu also thought about it carefully, and it didn't seem very good-looking.

"Let's not use this one for now."

"Ah?" Why, Tang Qingyi began to doubt in his heart, could it be that his brother couldn't do this?

"Pandas are too ugly to look at."

Tang Zixiu said firmly, this is really ugly, not ordinary ugly.

"Brother, do you not love me anymore?"

How could he call the little panda ugly?Could it be that he hasn't seen any kind of cute panda in the doll?

"Why would it be, my silly sister." They are twins, how could they not love their sister, who would believe it.


Tang Qingyi suddenly had a plan in her heart, whether she should draw a panda and ask her brother to put it on it.

"Hee hee~ brother, just wait for me."

Tang Qingyi rummaged around in her small warehouse and took out a pen and paper. When she folded it back, she did not forget to tell Tang Zixiu this good idea.

"Brother, see what I draw and you can upload it."

While talking, Tang Qingyi continued to go back and lay down next to the computer and began to draw.

Netizens who were scrolling through the trending searches were fascinated by watching the excitement. They didn't expect that at this moment, the latest entertainment website would suddenly turn black.

In the next second, another weird little doll appeared, with weird horns and an unknown body shape. The front half was a thick and wide figure, and the back half was "" Small waist".

I don't know how to describe the four feet below, as if they are the legs of elephants, giraffes, and zebras.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is not the same...

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