Madame is missing a vest

Chapter 175: One point away from Lin Huaxue

"What do you think about Lin Huaxue's matter?"

Shi Yi was very curious about what Qi Baizhi was thinking. For her now, it seemed that Lin Huaxue hadn't paid attention to herself since she came to Ziqiangwei Studio.

Qi Baizhi and Shi Yi are also artists of Ziqiangwei Studio, and they were also very surprised by this incident about Lin Huaxue.

In other words, she shouldn't be like this, and she doesn't know what he went through.

"It's hard to say, Lin Huaxue is still our boss no matter what."

Qi Baizhi and Shi Yi were both standing in the lobby of Ziqiangwei's studio. Usually, everyone would watch entertainment news like live broadcasts here, and this time was no exception.

"Hard to say……"

Shi Yi meditated in his heart, what exactly did that mean.

Watching the repeated live broadcast of the video, I suddenly felt a very bad feeling in my heart. This feeling seemed to be wiped out by Lin Huaxue's eyes.

"Emily, tell me something from your heart. Don't follow Lin Huaxue anymore, and find a way to leave Ziqiangwei's studio as soon as possible."


What is the situation, why did Qi Baizhi say this?And doesn't she know not to call her former name now?
Shi Yi looked at Qi Baizhi with doubts and bewilderment, maybe they had something to hide from him.

"do not trust me?"

Qi Baizhi actually didn't want to care about the relationship between Lin Huaxue and Shi Yi, but during the time in Ziqiangwei's studio, Shi Yi had always looked up and down with her.

The most important thing is that there are only Lin Huaxue and their two artists in Ziqiangwei Studio. The newcomers trained recently have not made their debut yet, but they probably won't have much chance.

"Qi Baizhi, what do you mean by that?"

Why did she say these things to herself for no reason? Could it be that she saw something tricky?

Qi Baizhi glanced at Shi Yi, and didn't know whether she really didn't understand or pretended not to understand.

"literal meaning."


Is there any danger in following Lin Huaxue?
Shi Yi thought to himself, Qi Baizhi had some disagreement with Lin Huaxue, or Lin Huaxue had some conspiracy this time.


Outside the gate, Qi Baizhi's manager returned to the studio with today's lunch.

Seeing the person coming, Qi Baizhi no longer intends to continue talking with Shi Yi, she has already done what she should do, and it is up to her to listen or not.If there are any problems in the future, Shi Yi had better not blame himself.

"One step ahead."

As soon as the voice finished, Qi Baizhi turned around and left, without giving her any chance to continue asking.

"Do you know something?" Why not tell yourself?

"Lin Huaxue stay away." The farther the better.

"What about you? Qi Baizhi, you are also a member of this studio! Why don't you leave here?"


No one answered, and Shi Yi didn't know what to do.

"Should I listen to what Qi Baizhi said?"

For a moment, Shi Yi, who didn't even know whether he wanted to stay here, suddenly remembered what Lin Huaxue said when he was "rescued" by Lin Huaxue as Emily.

"Is something really going to happen this time?"

Shi Yi squinted his eyes, and suddenly a sense of crisis appeared in his body.

"Bai Zhi, why did you tell Shi Yi those things?"

As Qi Baizhi's manager, she was very puzzled. In the past, Qi Baizhi was not a person who cared about other people's problems.

Now Qi Baizhi took the latte she just bought, and didn't answer her question for a while.Instead, he took a sip of this cup of latte and brewed it, then glanced at her.

"If Shi Yi hadn't left Lin Huaxue this time, maybe she would be like this cup of coffee in the next second."

"It will not be sweet but bitter."


Lin Huaxuegang and Chen Jing'an had just returned to Ziqiangwei's studio, and they happened to meet Shi Yi standing here in the lobby.

"Sister Huaxue..."

Just as Shi Yi was in a daze, when she heard some movement outside, she already guessed that it was Lin Huaxue and the others who had returned.

"What are you doing standing here?"

As soon as Lin Huaxue walked in, she looked at Shi Yi, and she didn't know what she thought to recruit her.


Turning around, Shi Yi looked at the crystal TV, which was still broadcasting the news reports about Lin Huaxue in a loop. For a while, Shi Yi was speechless.

"Does it look good?"

Lin Huaxue sneered, she didn't know whether she was talking about herself or Shi Yi.

"It's not good, it's not good."

Shi Yi, who hastily picked up the remote control of the crystal TV and turned it off, began to panic.

"You say I'm not good-looking, or this one is not good-looking."

A sense of crisis emerged spontaneously, Shi Yi panicked as he watched Lin Huaxue approach him step by step, and suddenly even his breathing became short of breath.

"Sister Huaxue, I...I don't mean that."

"Then what do you think it means?"

Shi Yi, who didn't feel that Lin Huaxue was quietly putting his hand on his shoulder, gave a shabby slap.

"Sister Huaxue, I don't understand what you're talking about."

Only now did she really feel why Qi Baizhi said she wanted to stay away from Lin Huaxue just now.

"is it?"

But why, in her eyes, was the person in front of her eyes full of sarcasm and contempt.

"Hua Xue, let go of Shi Yi first."

Chen Jing'an, who was standing behind Lin Huaxue, looked at the red and bloody marks she had pinched Shi Yi's arms, and became worried for a moment.

"Jing'an, do you think I did something wrong?"

Lin Huaxue, who had been holding onto Shi Yi's arm without letting go, looked at Chen Jing'an, wondering if it was her own illusion, when did Chen Jing'an start being so kind to Shi Yi.

"I didn't mean that by painting snow, Shi Yi's arms were all red."

She herself didn't even feel pain when looking at it, let alone someone like Shi Yi who was afraid of pain.

Lin Huaxue suddenly realized that Shi Yi had already been pinched and cried by her.

Looking at the really pitiful Shi Yi, Lin Huaxue suddenly realized that she was really wrong.

"Thank you, sister Huaxue."

Shi Yi never thought that Lin Huaxue would become what he is today, the Lin Huaxue who used to keep people away from thousands of miles away and would not let people approach her.Now that things have started to be rough on her, I never thought that I would have this day.


Lin Huaxue, who just let go of her hand, somehow said such a sentence from the bottom of her heart.

"It''s okay."

Regarding Lin Huaxue's abnormality, Shi Yi also began to feel suspicious of Lin Huaxue, but this was still the same Lin Huaxue they knew before.

For some unknown reason, Lin Huaxue left without saying a word, leaving only three people standing here.

"Sister Jing'an...what's wrong with Huaxue?"

Shi Yi looked at Chen Jing'an in disbelief, thinking that Lin Huaxue had changed her soul without knowing it.


Chen Jing'an didn't know how to explain this to Shi Yi, but it was the first time they saw Lin Huaxue like today.

To be honest, she was also taken aback by Lin Huaxue when she was in Ziqiangwei's studio.

"Sister Jing'an, sister Huaxue, she should be fine..."

Peng Yingying, who was standing at the door, also started to join the conversation between them. If it wasn't for Lin Huaxue, he wouldn't be here today.

"These things happened today, neither of you can speak out."

Chen Jing'an had already begun to suspect that Lin Huaxue really had a problem, so he had to find an opportunity to ask Lin Pujiang, what happened to Lin Huaxue these days that led to such a change.

"Then what should we do now?"

Shi Yi, who has not received any notice or any cooperation during this period, began to have some doubts.

what to do?What else can I do?Chen Jing'an asked herself from the bottom of her heart, and she didn't know what to do next when things got to this point.

Regarding Lin Huaxue's matter, she had already prepared for the worst. It never occurred to her that she would have nothing to do with Lin Huaxue.

Chen Jing'an ignored the two of them, and followed Lin Huaxue's footsteps and left.

"who are you?"

I didn't pay attention to it just now, but the person from before looks almost exactly the same as Chen Jing'an, no matter what angle you look at in terms of height and shape.

"Sister Jing'an's younger sister?"

At the same time, Peng Yingying didn't react, looking at the person in front of her, she was also suspicious, not knowing who Shi Yi was.


Peng Yingying looked at Shi Yi appreciatively, "Who are you?"


Shi Yi said that she was hit again, it turns out that not everyone knows her, and it seems that she is not that popular either.

"Shi Yi, do you really not know him?"

"Yeah. Peng Yingying shook her head and looked at Shi Yi. She really didn't know her. Not to mention that she posted advertisements to make money a while ago and was fired for a while. How could she have time to get to know people in the entertainment industry?" .

Apart from Lin Huaxue and Ci Shiyi, Peng Yingying had never seen such a character.

"You look a little poetic like that one, don't you?"

This time Peng Yingying finally saw something, and she didn't know if it was.

"Well, I look poetic, but it's out of necessity."

But she was very curious why she saw a person who looked so much like Chen Jing'an in Ziqiangwei's studio. Could this be the result of plastic surgery again?
But she just saw two identical Lin Huaxues in the video, but why did she turn into two identical Chen Jing'an after she got here.

"So, who are you?"

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