Deep sadomasochistic love with the cold president

16: He sent her to Zhang's house

Chapter 15: He sends her home
Mo Liangwei inadvertently looked at Gu Hancheng, a man with weird behavior, and clearly saw that he was concentrating on holding the steering wheel with one hand. His bony and slender hand looked more and more charming under the dim street lights on the street, which made people daydream.

"What are you looking at?" Gu Hancheng's magnetic and seductive voice suddenly came from his ears. With the open car window, the cool summer wind blew his black hair like black ink, so seductive.

"Ah, it's nothing." As if someone found out that she had done something wrong, Mo Liangwei's fair face flushed with embarrassment. Fortunately, it was at night and no one noticed in the dark environment.

Then there was silence.

"Aren't you engaged to Xue Siyuan? Why?" In fact, what she wanted to ask was why she was with him.After enduring it for a long time, Mo Liangwei's soft voice sounded slowly.

Gu Hancheng's beautiful face, black shirt, loosely rolled up at the wrist, although it is a minimalist style, but wearing it on him shows his incomparable dignity and arrogance.Looking straight ahead in the car, Junyi's face remained unchanged:


"Oh. Alright." Mo Liangwei couldn't ask any more questions about the two of them.

"Because I don't love." Gu Hancheng added another sentence at the end, I don't know if it was his own illusion, but Mo Liangwei always felt that he was explaining something to her, but on second thought, maybe she was thinking too much.


Xue Siyuan, who was carried out of the bar by Qi Chen, was at the beach with bright lights, leaning on a lush tree and couldn't help vomiting. The spicy alcohol burned her stomach, and her hair was slightly messy. It falls naturally on the shoulders.

With a cold face, the man easily unscrewed the mineral water he just bought from a nearby supermarket, and handed it to Xue Siyuan who was vomiting profusely:
"Have a drink."

Sure enough, after spitting out the strong wine, her stomach finally felt better. Xue Siyuan took the mineral water in Qi Chen's hand, and the cool feeling immediately spread in her stomach.
"My surname is Qi, why are you meddling in my affairs when you have nothing to do? You don't drink and come to a bar." Originally, I wanted to drink to relieve my worries, but I didn't drink too much and never got drunk, but Xue Siyuan never thought that she would kill her halfway. Out of Qi Yaojin, he forcibly carried himself out.

Regardless of Xue Siyuan's complaints, she just leaned against another tree and sat on the ground to rest. Qi Chen's slender peach blossom eyes were deep and deep, his slender hand rested on the arched knee of his right leg, and his face could not conceal the melancholy.

Seeing it, Xue Siyuan didn't continue to ask questions, and gradually became clear-headed.

"Why, are you still sad that your girlfriend ran away?" He walked up to straighten his skirt and sat next to the man together.

"Your boyfriend just ran away." Facing Xue Siyuan's lukewarm ridicule, Qi Chen frowned slightly, and looked at Xue Siyuan with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"My 'boyfriend' did run away, didn't you see it all?" He shrugged his shoulders indifferently, no emotion could be seen on his white and cold face.

"Cut." After a small snort of disdain, Qi Chen looked at the blue eyes of the woman beside him, puzzled:
"The 'fiancé' has run away, why do you look indifferent? Could it be that the sadness when drinking just now was just pretending?"

"You just pretended. I didn't have a good impression of Gu Hancheng at first, and I didn't drink because of him." It was because I felt sad about having a selfish and ruthless mother and the life that was arranged since I was born.

"Then why are you drinking so much wine?" His eyes were locked on the face of the arrogant woman in front of him. From the first day he saw her, he found that she had unruly pride and straightforwardness.

After tidying up the slightly wrinkled skirt, her nimble eyes flickered a few times as if avoiding it, the seaside breeze stirred a few strands of soft hair behind her ears, and for a while there was a faint fragrance in the air:
"I don't need to tell you." Her words were still straightforward and free and easy.

After hearing this, Qi Chen turned his head in disdain, as if he remembered something again, a slightly magnetic voice came out from his fair throat:
"How long have you known Gu Hancheng?"

"He." Mentioning this person's name, Xue Siyuan's glamorous face showed an inexplicable chill, thinking that there was nothing to hide, she said slowly:
"In fact, Gu Hancheng and I haven't known each other for long, only two or three years. When I saw him, I felt that he was a cold-faced machine that was extremely difficult to get along with. No matter what time he was, he always looked like someone who owed him The stinky faces of millions of dollars, except for Grandpa Gu."

Staring at the sparkling sea, and sometimes hearing the sound of waves lapping on the shore, Xue Siyuan expressed her acquaintance with Gu Hancheng expressionlessly:
"I was only 20 years old when I heard the words Gu Hancheng for the first time. One day, my mother, Ding Yawen, brought me to Grandpa Gu's house. The two seemed to be discussing something about the family business. Grandpa Gu looks old and strong, he told me that he likes me very much and hopes that I can associate with his grandson Gu Hancheng, and he loves me as much as his granddaughter."

"And then?" Qi Chen, who was listening attentively, asked in a low voice.

With a sigh of relief, Xue Siyuan continued to recall unhurriedly:
"It is rumored that our Ding family and Gu family are family friends. My father saved Gu Tingyuan's life. From what I know about my father, how could he be mercenary, greedy for life and afraid of death, so he would come to the rescue in times of crisis. I also I tried to investigate the car accident that year, but found that all the reports about the car accident were nothing. In the end, although I don’t know why Gu Tingyuan agreed to our engagement, I also hate this kind of sacrifice of my own happiness for family interests. However, I have always been a member of the Ding family after all, so naturally I would not allow the Ding family to collapse, so I did not object to this marriage. Although I understand Gu Hancheng's behavior to some extent, I never thought that he would Embarrass me in public because of Mo Liangwei."

While speaking, Xue Siyuan's deep black eyes were pitch black:
"Gu Hancheng is different from other people. In the past few years I have known him, I have never seen him fall in love with any woman. But the only difference is with Mo Liangwei. At first I wondered if it was because of Mo Liangwei Gu Hancheng favored her because of the power of her family business. It was not until later that I realized that Gu Hancheng liked Mo Liangwei."

As soon as Xue Siyuan's words fell, Qi Chen's slender eyelashes couldn't help trembling, and said in a cold tone:
"Then why don't you try again to make him fall in love with you?"

Regarding Xue Siyuan's guess, Qi Chen actually agrees in his heart. He has long discovered that under various 'coincidences', Gu Hancheng will always appear beside Mo Liangwei in time.

As if hearing a joke, Xue Siyuan showed a disdainful smile:
"I don't have feelings for him at all, why should I try? What kind of woman he, Gu Hancheng likes, has nothing to do with me. I also know very well what kind of other half I want. He and I are just for the family We have to be tied together. Now that he has taken that step, there is no need for me and him to be connected again."

Seeing that the man beside her was silent, Xue Siyuan turned her head and locked her eyes on his frowning brows:
"Why, are you unhappy? Heh, if you want me to say, if you like someone, you should go after someone boldly. You don't look like a man if you are timid. You like Mo Liangwei but don't say a word. If it were me, I would have done it earlier." kicked you away."

Xue Siyuan, who has always been used to being straightforward, casts contemptuous glances at the man beside her, and can't help complaining in her heart.

At this time, the sky was starting to drizzle a little, probably because he didn't sleep well last night, Gu Hancheng turned his head and silently glanced at Mo Liangwei, who was leaning on the seat and sleeping soundly, and then gently pressed the window lift button and concentrated on it silently. driving a vehicle.

Outside the window, more and more rainwater trickled down the glass window in front, probably to make the woman next to her sleep more comfortably, Gu Hancheng carefully adjusted her seat.

About half an hour passed, and the black Maybach stopped outside the villa at No. 305, Wanxi Street, Fengnan Road.After lightly opening the car door, he took out a high-end pure black umbrella from the trunk, and the translucent leather shoes made transparent water splashes on the wet ground. He opened the door of the passenger seat and put the umbrella aside first, and approached the still sleeping stranger. When it was cool, a pleasant fragrance came to the nostrils.He helped her unbuckle her seat belt with extreme care, feeling a little discomfort, Mo Liangwei's slender eyebrows could not help but frown slightly, and let out a soft snoring sound.

Afraid of waking up Keren below him, Gu Hancheng paused the movements in his hands for a few seconds. Seeing Mo Liangwei's separation, as the seat belt was loosened, Gu Hancheng carefully embraced Mo Liangwei's slender waist and stretched it horizontally. Picking up, when the woman's body was about to leave the car, the hand worn under Mo Liangwei's legs perfectly raised the black umbrella on the side and opened it outside the car, and then held the umbrella to pick up the person in her arms and walked straight to the living room The big raindrops fell on his broad and strong back and shoulders.

Gu Hancheng stopped in front of the door, didn't ring the doorbell, and knocked the door lightly with her hand. Xu Ma, who was tidying up the shoe cabinet behind the door, heard some movement outside the door. When she opened the door, she saw a handsome man with an unfamiliar face. .

"Are you...?" Turning to notice the woman with closed eyes in his arms, he asked differently, "Miss Weiwei?"

"Can I come in?" The tea-brown hair of the man in the black shirt outside the door was soaked in rain, and a small amount of warmth was revealed in his words.

Xu Ma, who just realized it, hurriedly responded, "Yes, please come in." She then called to Xu Xiuzhi.

Xu Xiuzhi, who was wearing a dark brown gold velvet dress, came out of the bedroom, and at a glance, she saw a tall and tall Gu Hancheng standing upright in the living room holding Mo Liangwei. His dark and shrewd eyes locked on the man's face.

"She's asleep." As if explaining to the old woman, Gu Hancheng's dark golden eyes were deep, and he kept his voice down as much as possible while speaking.

"That's it, then Mama Xu, take Xiaowei into the bedroom to rest, and wipe it off by the way." The heavy rain was still falling outside the window, the old woman slowly approached and sat on the sofa, her wrinkled face revealed Feeling cold and cold, feeling that the atmosphere was a bit weird, Xu Ma responded and tiptoedly took the sleepy Mo Liangwei from Gu Hancheng's hand and returned to the bedroom.

"Why is Xiaowei at your place?" Xu Xiuzhi's hoarse questioning voice rang out in the living room. After staying halfway through the engagement ceremony, there was a temporary work arrangement to leave early. After finishing work, Mo Licheng returned home and lowered his head. The deep voice came into the living room when the shoes were worn:
"Mother Xu, I saw an expensive Maybach parked outside the door. Is there any important guest at home?"

Entering the living room with the closed umbrella, Mo Licheng looked at the man in black who stood up from the sofa, his broad and thick eyebrows formed a tightly wrinkled word 'Chuan':
"Gu Hancheng?" There was a cold and low tone in his throat: "What are you doing here?"

(What is Gu Hancheng doing here? Is it possible? Oops, Xiaowei!) Although I don't know much about the man in front of me, Mo Licheng's intuition is that anyone who gets close to Gu Hancheng will be in danger, and he is the most likely to approach The person is his own daughter.

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