(Ding House)
Xue Siyuan sat on the sofa in the living room with an extremely ugly face. She had already changed her engagement dress into a sleeveless and slim black Hepburn dress, and she kept scratching each other with her white and slender hands on her knees due to anger.He Qiang, who was standing aside, also raised his eyebrows with anger:
"This Gu Hancheng actually left Xiaoyuan alone in front of so many people! He even canceled the engagement, it's just too deceitful!"

At the same time, He Qiang was not the only one who was angry. Ding Yawen folded her hands on her chest, all of her charming faces revealed flame-like anger, and her thin red lips gritted her teeth:
"Gu Tingyuan, an old man, actually told me that he didn't know anything beforehand. How could he not understand the grandson he raised by himself! No wonder he behaved kindly today. It turned out that he wanted to join me at the last moment! I should have thought of that With Gu Tingyuan's behavior, how could he be there to bless him in person. It's nothing more than sitting down for his grandson. Now that Ding's scandal is well known, tomorrow's news will definitely bring serious serious problems to the group. Disadvantage!"

Seeing Xue Siyuan's gradually ugly face, He Qiang, who has always loved her, patted her on the shoulder and comforted her:
"It's okay Xiaoyuan, uncle will avenge you. Don't be angry."

"I'm not angry with Gu Hancheng." Standing up from the sofa, Xue Siyuan's dark eyes shot straight at Ding Yawen's face like ice blades, and she said slowly:
"I said a long time ago that no one can force Gu Hancheng to do something he didn't agree to. Mother, why did you tell me? Tell me, Gu Hancheng is afraid of Gu Tingyuan, but what will happen?"

Anger drove Xue Siyuan closer to Ding Yawen step by step, her slender eyes were dazzlingly rosy,

"I was the one who regretted my marriage, it was me who was labeled as indecent by everyone, it was me who was abandoned in front of hundreds of guests, even if it was me, Xue Siyuan, who would be prominently published on tomorrow's headlines! I I have told you more than once that I am not interested in Gu Hancheng, the Gu family, or anything related to the Gu family, but what about my mother? You still care about the interests of your broken group! I was born to be a bargaining chip for your interests. "

Looking at Xue Siyuan's moist cheeks, Ding Yawen's heart was twisted like a knife:
"It's not Yuanyuan like this, it's not..."

Xue Siyuan ran to the door and ran out. He Qiang comforted Ding Yawen and hurried out to chase.


Mo Liangwei sat up from the sofa, unable to understand why this man named Gu Hancheng would somehow save herself and give him a mobile phone.Looking at her with bright eyes, Gu Hancheng saw that Mo Liangwei was still in a daze and did not pick up the phone in his hand. He turned around and walked towards the trash can. His magnetic and cold voice came from his sexy throat. Gushing:

"Since you don't want it, throw it away."

"Hey, why did you throw it away?" Hastily following in the footsteps of Gu Hancheng, Mo Liangwei quickly spread her hands to block in front of her, her two slender willow eyebrows slightly frowned and looked up at Gu Hancheng, who was half a head taller than herself:
"I bought it all, and it's a pity to throw it away. Although it's easy for you to buy a mobile phone, it will take months of struggle to put it in some ordinary people's home."

"Well, then you take it."

Looking down at the cold and beautiful woman in front of him, Gu Hancheng's black and golden eyes were deep and charming, as if he would fall into a thousand years if he looked at him one more time.Mo Liangwei suppressed the inexplicable throbbing in her heart, and hurriedly lowered her eyes pretending to be calm, showing doubts on her face:

"It's not that I don't accept it. Gu Hancheng, I don't understand why you suddenly gave me a mobile phone with our unfamiliar relationship. Besides, I already have one, so even if I accept it, I still leave it."

The man in the black suit frowned slightly under the glossy hair tips, and there seemed to be a different emotion mixed between the thin teeth:

"Unfamiliar? Hmm."

Seeing the momentary embarrassment between the two of them, Fang Wei knew it. After packing up the medical equipment, he changed hands and approached Gu Hancheng and took the mobile phone in his hand.

"Keep it for you, why bother so much. One mobile phone is being used by another mobile phone, so why not do it. Keep it, let me tell you, don't want it for nothing."

Looking down at the mobile phone stuffed into her hand by the man Fang Wei, Mo Liangwei didn't know how to answer for a while:

"not me……"

"Hey Cheng, let's have a meal with you tonight."

Seeing that Mo Liangwei still wanted to decline, Fang Wei looked at Gu Hancheng as if nothing had happened.

The man in the suit seemed to have a finely crafted face, with a naturally noble and cold aura:
"You do it."

Then he turned around and walked straight to the sofa to sit down, picked up the black-shell document on the coffee table, and carefully reviewed it.

Patting Mo Liangwei's shoulder lightly, Fang Wei's thin lips raised a beautiful arc:
"You can also eat here. You are really blessed. You can enjoy my super cooking skills on the first day you see me. Remember to praise me."

If Qi Chen's smile is charming and uninhibited, then his smile is undoubtedly sunny and handsome.Mo Liangwei shuddered in the face of Fang Wei's unexpected winking eyes, thinking that this doctor was very serious.

No one noticed that at the same time Fang Wei patted Mo Liangwei on the shoulder, a trace of displeasure appeared between the drooping brows of the man sitting on the sofa.

"Oh, that lady, why don't you come and help me out, because he is too busy looking at the documents and has no time."

Fang Wei's magnetic and sunny voice came from the kitchen, and Mo Liangwei was about to answer, but the man on the sofa suddenly spoke first:
"She's not feeling well, you can do it yourself."


Instead, Gu Hancheng still lowered his starry eyes and locked his eyes on the document in his hand. He looked at Mo Liangwei who was standing beside him without squinting, and opened his thin lips lightly:

"Sit down, I won't bother you."

Fang Wei, who had already changed his clothes and was cutting vegetables in the kitchen, heard Gu Hancheng's familiar voice, with an intriguing smile on his face, and whispered:
"It seems that summer is coming early."

Then he took out his mobile phone from his black trouser bag and sent a message to Cheng Tezhu.

Cheng Tezhu, who returned home from the engagement field to catch up on sleep, was woken up by continuous message reminders, took out his mobile phone from under the pillow, and the message of 'Fang Brain' (Fang Wei) was displayed on the screen.

(Cheng Yaojin, are you up yet?)
(Hurry up and come to Chengjia, I will treat you to a 'super big melon')
(By the way, I went to the supermarket to buy some more vegetables, and there were important customers present. Gu Hancheng, a man, usually doesn't know whether to eat grass or air, so there are only two cucumbers left in such a big refrigerator.)
Then there is Fang Wei's continuous rush of Aite news.Special assistant Cheng rubbed his head just after waking up, and tapped the keyboard of the phone with his white hands:

(No, square head, those two cucumbers are used by the boss to apply to his face, and I usually cook for him)
Reply: (Then you are too poor, don’t prepare more)
Cheng Tezhu, who got up quickly from the bed, looked at Fang Wei's teasing, and felt a little grievance in his heart:
(I was fined by the devil boss some time ago. I lost a pair of sneakers. It’s not bad that I didn’t leave you with an onion.)
Then he remembered that the boss usually respects only grandpa, and then he asked with doubts

(You mean an important guest? Grandpa Gu?)
Reply: (Grandpa than Grandpa Gu. Cut down the nonsense and go grocery shopping!)
In the living room, the yellowish warm light was illuminated as the night gradually fell, and the almost spotless gray and white marble tiles projected the perfect figure of Gu Hancheng Xinchang.Mo Liangwei was sitting on the sofa outside, and from the corner of her eye, she glanced at the man on the sofa inside who was concentrating on reading documents. He was leaning on the black sofa, and under the dim light, it seemed that he was not a real person.The delicately contoured face is like a cold star, and the melancholy and deep eyes are full of charming color, cold and lonely but domineering.With his jacket off, he was only wearing a black shirt on his upper body, and his charming and sexy collarbone was looming under his neck, so alluring.

Sure enough, as he said, almost an hour has passed, and Gu Hancheng has been looking at the documents in his hand intently from the beginning to the end, as if Mo Liangwei was not there at all.

At this time, the mobile phone that Qi Chen bought for Mo Liangwei in the bag rang a beautiful ringtone. Gu Hancheng inadvertently raised his eyes and glanced at the mobile phone that Mo Liangwei was holding. A Chen was displayed on the screen.

After pressing the answer button, Qi Chen's anxious voice quickly came from the other side of the phone:



"Weiwei, where are you? I just checked all the hospitals and you were not there. Where did that Gu Hancheng take you?"

Gu Hancheng stopped what he was doing, and quietly stared at the woman in front of him who was talking on the phone with a smile on her face, with a high nose, as silent as ice.

"I'm fine. He asked a doctor friend to check me up. It's fine."

"It's okay to faint, no, you send me the address, and I'll pick you up right away to the hospital."

Sensing Qi Chen's anxiety, Mo Liangwei hastily listened patiently and comforted her:
"It's okay, Ah Chen, I'm at Gu Hancheng's house now. I'm really fine, I'm much better after taking the medicine, so don't worry about it."

As soon as he heard "at Gu Hancheng's house", Qi Chen's bright starry eyes darkened, and he slowly opened his mouth with the mobile phone held up to his ear:

"Well. Then I'll pick you up later."

Thinking that it would not be good to bother Qi Chen to pick her up all the time, and it was a bit late, and worried that it would be unsafe for him to drive alone, Mo Liangwei quickly declined:
"No need, Ah Chen, they will take me home later, you should go home early too, don't worry Uncle Qi."

From the other end of the phone came Qi Chen's slightly deep voice:
"Okay. Then call me if you have something to do."

After hanging up the phone, Qi Chen, who was sitting in the driver's seat, sighed deeply, his pair of beautiful peach eyes under the ends of flaxen hair became deep and dark, then he put down his phone and parked the car on the side of the street in front of a bar Parking space, got out of the car and walked straight to the bar.

Cheng Tezhu, who finally bought the vegetables, recognized the front and face recognition of the top apartment in a puzzled heart.After changing his shoes with two heavy shopping bags, he saw a man and a woman sitting on the leather sofa in the brightly lit living room.

"Huh? Isn't that strange, oh no, Miss Mo?"

Looking at Mo Liangwei's familiar face, Special Assistant Cheng froze for a moment in a daze.

"Hello, little special assistant."

Looking at Cheng Tezhu, who was dressed in casual sportswear, Mo Liangwei smiled at her. For some reason, she always felt that this little special assistant was inexplicably cute.

"Hello." Cheng Tezhu, who didn't know why for a while, greeted blankly, then turned his gaze to the handsome man on the sofa:
"Boss, where's Fang Skull?"

Before Gu Hancheng could speak, a head poked out from the kitchen door, Fang Wei frowned slightly and said angrily:

"Cheng Yaojin, if you call me Fang's head again, I will unscrew your Tianling cover and kick it as a ball, believe it or not!"

Special assistant Cheng disagrees:
"Boss, I'm going to help first." Then he walked towards the kitchen with the shopping bag in hand.Putting the shopping bag with many ingredients on the kitchen cabinet, Special Assistant Cheng approached Fang Wei and whispered in doubt:

"Didn't you say there are important guests? Where are people?"

"Isn't that the woman in the living room?"

"You mean Miss Mo?"

Fang Wei took out a food bag containing fresh crucian carp from his shopping bag, opened it and cleaned the fish under the faucet, glanced at Cheng Tezhu and raised his eyebrows implying:

"Otherwise who do you think you are?"

"Oh~" Cheng Tezhu, who finally understood, had an aunt-like smile on his face, and his black eyes shone brightly.

(Weilan Bar)
The colorful lights in the mixed bar are full of various smells of tobacco and alcohol in the stuffy and mixed air, and the almost deafening music is played in the restless stereo. With the dynamic music and blurred lights, the big Men and women frantically twisted their waists and buttocks, and gorgeously dressed women used frivolous and charming eyes to tease those men who couldn't control their behavior.

Qi Chen walked straight through the noisy crowd and sat on the off-white bar chair that could be rotated 360° at the bar counter. The voice of the bar staff in black and white overalls asked:
"Sir, would you like something to drink?"


"OK, just a second."

At this time, Qi Chen noticed that the woman in the black skirt sitting beside her had her misty white hair that was darkened by the light. It was obvious that she had drunk a lot from her slightly drunken appearance.

"Xue Siyuan."

The woman in black dress whose name was suddenly called turned her head drunkenly, seeing Qi Chen's familiar face calmly, her moist and charming thin lips moving slightly:

"Why, you also come to see my jokes, look at it, just look at it."

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