"It's eight o'clock in the morning Beijing time. Our reporter has just arrived at this big mountain named 'Huaniang Mountain'. There is a road at the foot of the mountain. Because of the mountain's shape, the road at the foot of the mountain is a frequent accident point. !” In the living room of Muyun Bieyuan, the TV news was reporting that horrific disappearance again!

"Baby, don't be angry, baby knows I'm wrong, don't ignore me baby!" Mu Yunshu stood beside Mu Yunrong and acted helplessly, but Mu Yunrong pretended not to see it. Didn't hear, still staring at the TV in front of her engrossed.

"It is said that there were many traffic accidents on that section of the highway, and the person involved died on the spot. Now let's move the camera a little bit to see—" The news reporter on the TV said nervously, and then the person on the TV A huge skull pit immediately appeared on the screen!
"Oh my god! Bones!" Mu Yunrong screamed when she saw the scene, and the camera continued to shoot the huge skull pit, and the bones were covered with fat bugs, one by one. Green and red, it still looks slimy, it keeps wriggling, climbing, and falls to the next bone!

Mu Yunrong, who was blocked by Mu Yunshu, just stood there and vomited wildly!And he vomited on Mu Yunshu's body!
"What's the matter, baby?" Mu Yunshu immediately supported her nervously and asked, his eyes were always on Mu Yunrong's side, and he really didn't notice what was playing on the TV.

"Evil... wow, wow..." Mu Yunrong quickly raised her finger to point to the TV, just about to tell Mu Yunshu that she was sick but she vomited!

Only then did Mu Yunshu turn his head to look at the TV, and realized that what he saw in front of him turned out to be his masterpiece from early in the morning. This is really...

"Pfft! Hahaha..." Mu Yunshu couldn't help laughing at last, holding on to Mu Yunrong, whose stomach was full of bitterness, he didn't dare to speak, his eyes were full of helplessness and pity!

"Mu Yunshu, you are really...wow, boring!" Mu Yunrong looked at Mu Yunshu with a painful expression and said, but she felt sick again before she finished speaking, and finally could only simply say two words. I gave him a word and gave him a blank stare!
"Oh baby, I was really wrong this time. Master Mu Yun, please calm down, the villain knows that he was wrong!" Mu Yunshu was actually apologizing to Mu Yunrong for the scene in front of him, but he really didn't dare to say those sticky things. The mushy stuff came out of his mouth.

"No, how can this be so disgusting, Mu Yunshu, you know that you are wrong, so you can't help me block that disgusting ghost scene!" Mu Yunrong finally vomited so much that she couldn't vomit any more, and she endured it. Stop talking.

"Baby, what you said is wrong!" Mu Yunshu curled his lips, and continued to say with low eyes: "Baby, I am staring at you very seriously, I just missed your expression later , I’m going to make you unhappy again, who knew you would see such a bad picture.”

"Then you're blaming me?" Mu Yunrong immediately yelled ferociously, causing Mu Yunshu's face to turn blue and white with fright.

"No, no, this is not at all! I said it was my fault, it was my fault, it was all my fault, baby, don't be angry." Mu Yunshu immediately froze, and patted Mu Yunrong's face very gently. Back, still hastily said comfortingly.

At this moment, large and small beads of sweat finally appeared on his forehead!
How much blood did he have to drink to squeeze it out!

"Let's stop watching this baby, it's hard to rest, I'll take you out for a stroll, forget about these unpleasant scenes." Mu Yunshu said and hugged Mu Yunrong, his face was tense, afraid They jumped out of the car without giving face!
"Hey Mu Yunshu, what are you doing, let me down and I can still go!" Mu Yunrong didn't refuse to go out shopping with him, but just felt the feeling of being hugged by him "for the first time". A little blushing!

"My baby, don't be shy anymore. It's not like you haven't hugged and kissed before, right! Besides, I'm so obedient, you should have no defense against me at all." Mu Yunshu looked at his hands playfully. The cute girl in her arms said in a leisurely manner.

"Then don't be so unexpected, I... still feel a little uncomfortable." Mu Yunrong said angrily and shyly, paused, and looked at Mu Yun's book from time to time.

"What's wrong with you? We're only short of a little red book now. You should adapt as soon as possible, but it's okay, hehehe..." Mu Yunshu couldn't help but smirked as he spoke. Rong's goosebumps burst out of laughter!
"You, you, stop!" She pretended to be angry again, and said fiercely to Mu Yunshu, "Why are you laughing? Are you thinking about something?"

This time, Mu Yunshu was amused!
"How can you say that I'm just thinking about something!" Mu Yunshu looked at Mu Yunrong with an innocent face and responded, and then he gently put Mu Yunrong on her bed, and then went to the bed by himself. Walking over to the bathroom, he said aggrievedly, "It's my baby who thinks wrong!"

"What is it, Mu Yunshu!" Mu Yunrong yelled angrily.

"No, no, the baby didn't say anything!" Mu Yunshu immediately changed his mouth and walked out of the bathroom, still holding a towel in his hand.

"Come on, baby, wipe your clean and pretty face. Master Mu Yun, do you think the villain's service is considerate?" Mu Yunshu smiled and said as he unfolded the towel in his hand, and then turned towards Mu Yunrong's The face was scrubbed gently and thoughtfully.

After he finished scrubbing, Mu Yunrong's face was filled with happiness, but when her small eyes met Mu Yunshu's eyes, she immediately turned into a look of disgust.

"Hey! What kind of expression is this? Is Master Mu Yun dissatisfied with the villain's service? The villain has no choice but to continue to hehe for you..." Mu Yunshu looked at Mu Yunrong in surprise and said, but said As she spoke, she began to laugh again, and Mu Yunrong was so scared that she immediately hid on the other side of the bed.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! Mr. President, just go about your business, and leave me alone!" Seeing his treacherous appearance, Mu Yunrong nervously pulled the quilt over herself, and then replied with a serious face.

"Then you evaluate this baby!" Mu Yunshu continued to say coquettishly, but this time the coquettishness will disappoint him again.

"No! You woke me up early in the morning, and I haven't settled with you yet! Get out quickly, I'm going to continue to catch up on my beauty sleep, so that your baby can be beautiful, you know!" Mu Yunrong is now focused on Just wanted to drive Mu Yunshu out of his room!

Hearing that she hadn't settled the account yet, Mu Yunshu was frightened again, and immediately walked out of the room without forgetting to close the door.

"Come here, prepare some mouthwash soup for the young lady, and bring some food..."

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