Overbearing president is a zombie

Chapter 94: The Skull Pit!

"Hahahaha, who will believe you when you say you are a grass demon? Half-human and half-demon is more or less the same, is it because you have eaten ghosts for a while, and now you can only live with others? You have to rely on seducing their souls to be able Fill your stomach?" Liu Shiqing said with a merciless smile.

"Mind your own business! You old bastard!" After being ridiculed like this, the ghost became even more unhappy, and immediately flew into the air and shouted, "Don't think I'm afraid of you!"

"Hey, I didn't say you were afraid of me. Also, I'm just an ordinary person. You should pay attention to what you say and do. Don't make me unable to go back later." Liu Shiqing said Seriously speaking, there is something in the words.

"Hmph! I'm allowed to live on in spite of myself, and I'm not allowed to say a few words?" The ghost said indifferently.

"What are you talking about, Shi Qing, just deal with it directly, we will never tolerate things that will endanger society!"

A serious voice came from a distance, and Liu Shiqing immediately stood up when he heard this, and the two policemen who were hugging him were suddenly hit from behind with one hand, and then passed out directly!

"Hey! You are an old man, did you expect to have reinforcements? Is it necessary? I have just absorbed a lot of popularity, and my skills have greatly improved. I advise you not to ask for trouble!" Ghost Ying was worried when he saw this. , but he still threatened calmly.

Maybe it said this just to give itself a little comfort!

However, what it didn't know was that the person who was talking and rushing over from a distance at this moment was a zombie who was nearly a thousand years old, and he was still at the general level when he died!

Are you afraid of it, a little ghost?

"Suck a lot of popularity? Hahahaha, I think you are overthinking yourself. What if I told you that I just sucked the energy of a century-old snake spirit? Little ghosts dare to threaten me!"

The ghost could only hear a frightening sound, but could not see any shadow. Now it was really trembling with fright, and flew up with a whoosh.

It wants to run away quickly, but it also depends on whether it can be faster than this Mu Yunshu who heard his voice but couldn't see his shadow!
It rushed up quickly, but was pressed down hard by a stiff book against its head!

It knew that it couldn't beat others, so it thought of ways to hide in the nearby woods, but it didn't expect that if it hid in one place, the land would die immediately!
After three or five rounds, Mu Yunshu didn't display any skill at all, but absorbed some spiritual energy from plants and trees!
But that ghost was tired and lay down, and it would destroy one place if it escaped. Liu Shiqing Coke, who was watching it, was excited, pointed at the ghost, and started laughing and saying: "Haha...you really It's a crime!"

But at this time, the ghost had no time to care about his ridicule and sarcasm, and it was too late to hide desperately. It finally escaped and fled back to its old place: a lush grass pile!
The ghost image turned into a puff and flew into the grass, and Mu Yunshu was certainly not a vegetarian, he started sucking on the grass and the ghost in one mouthful!

At this time, Liu Shiqing rushed over with the two comatose policemen, threw them aside, and then stood with arms crossed to continue watching the show!
Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Mu Yunshu and the others also heard the shouts of some people, who might have come to look for the two missing police officers.

"Shi Qing, someone is here. Hurry up and help the two of them erase some bad memories. We will go back after I get rid of this idiot." Mu Yunshu sucked the ghost's energy with his mouth while using Mind explained to Liu Shiqing.

"Okay, look at me!" Liu Shiqing responded immediately after receiving the task, then walked towards the two policemen and began to cast mana.

With his two big eyeballs open, he shone a ray of light at the two policemen, and then silently chanted a few incantations, only to see the eyes of the two policemen open at the same time, and they directly met Liu Shiqing's eyes. up...

Mu Yunshu was smoking to his heart's content, when suddenly, a dazzling light came out from the pile of grass that was about to die, and Mu Yunshu gave Mu Yunshu a look.

"Ah! My eyes!" Mu Yunshu immediately cried out in pain, and then stroked his eyes with his hand, daring not to open them for a long time!

At this time, the light rushed directly into the sky, illuminating the area, and successfully attracted the police who were looking for their companions in the mountains.

"President! Are you okay, President?" Liu Shiqing turned around and asked in surprise when he heard Mu Yunshu's cry, and immediately ignored the two policemen who were confused by him, and rushed to Mu Yunshu's side to support him he.

"It doesn't matter to me," Mu Yunshu replied slowly, and opened his eyes that were about to be blinded by the light, trying to see clearly what the light was emitting just now.

"Seizing Soul Pill!" Mu Yunshu suddenly yelled again, startling Liu Shiqing who was beside him again.

"President, what's the matter?" Liu Shiqing asked nervously.

"The glowing thing inside is called Seizing Soul Pill. It looks like an eye. It hides in the dark and observes the situation of some people. It can take the opportunity to seduce and steal people's souls." Mu Yunshu finally put down his hand and quickly Explained to Liu Shiqing.

"So...the ghost just now used this pill to practice ecstasy?" Liu Shiqing seemed to have realized something, and asked loudly.

"Yeah, no wonder it's so frightening. That's not how it works in cultivation. Failure to respect other people's lives will end up harming others and yourself! Shi Qing, hurry up and deal with those two policemen before I destroy this one." Dan, let's go!" Mu Yunshu sighed, then looked at Liu Shiqing and ordered.

"Okay, it will be ready soon!" Liu Shiqing readily agreed again, and then let go of Mu Yunshu's hand and walked away.

Mu Yunshu's eyes returned to normal. When he spotted the Soul Seizing Pill hidden in the grass, he spit and flew over!

When his saliva touched the pill, it immediately transformed into tens of thousands of corpse insects covering the surface of the pill, instantly covering the light emitted by the pill!

In less than a second, the pill turned into ashes, and the group of corpse insects immediately dispersed and began to eat the pile of withered grass!
"President, my side is fine." Liu Shiqing said cheerfully and walked towards Mu Yunshu.

Then, what surprised them even more was: after the corpse worm eroded in a second, there was only one grass head left in the grass pile, and in that area, there was a large pile of white things tightly piled up!
"Oh my god, President! Bones!" Liu Shiqing yelled in horror, but Mu Yunshu stared at the pile of things in front of him calmly, and responded after a while: "It seems that you have never seen this kind of thing. The pictures are the same, but you haven’t seen the more thrilling ones?”

"No, President, the normal plot is not to scream when you see a skeleton, I just don't want to stand in the cold." Liu Shiqing curled his lips in embarrassment.

"Is there a camera here?" Mu Yunshu asked indifferently while still looking at the pile of skeletons.

"No!" Liu Shiqing patted his head and replied.

"Then is there an audience here?" Mu Yunshu asked indifferently again.

"This... yes, the skull pit in front of you plus you have a lot of spectators?" Liu Shiqing replied triumphantly this time, so angry that Mu Yunshu immediately turned his head and stared at him intently !
"Hey, Mr. President, don't be angry, I'm just joking," Liu Shiqing knew that Mu Yunshu was angry, so he stretched out his hand with a smile and took Mu Yunshu's hand and said coquettishly.

At this time, the voices of the policemen not far away were getting closer, and Liu Shiqing immediately became serious and said: "President, those idiots are here, let's go!"

"Hehehe, let's go." Mu Yunshu laughed a few times and then said coldly, and then flew to the other side of the forest by himself.

"Hey, President, wait for me!" Liu Shiqing, who was left on the spot by Mu Yunshu, yelled in a hurry, and felt that he should not be too public, so he quickly chased after him covering his mouth.

At this time, the sun was gradually rising in the east of the sky. Fortunately, the sun was not too hot. Liu Shiqing hurried over, but saw Mu Yunshu suddenly stop.

"What's wrong with the president?" Liu Shiqing slammed on the brakes to stop, then looked at Mu Yunshu and asked in confusion.

"The sun will be brighter later on. Go hide in the cave over there first. I'll send someone to pick you up with a cloak and sunglasses later." Mu Yunshu patted Liu Shiqing's shoulder and said.

Unexpectedly, his CEO still cared about him so much, Liu Shiqing immediately replied with emotion: "Thank you, Mr. President! Then what do you do? Are you going to risk running away in the sun for me?"

"You're thinking too much, don't worry about me, I've taken so many nutritional supplements recently, I'm not afraid of sunshine anymore!" Mu Yunshu said in a frightened voice, making Liu Shiqing jump with anger!

"Hahahaha, then I'll leave first. Your sister-in-law is still at home waiting for me to go back, so I won't accompany you." Mu Yunshu continued to speak triumphantly, and then left on his own.

"President, don't bring something like this! Your siblings are waiting for me to go back at home!" Liu Shiqing shouted at the top of his voice, and then he could only watch Mu Yunshu run away...

When the gang of police found their two companions who had been missing for a long time, they saw the terrifying big skull pit beside them!

"Rong'er, I'm back, where are you?" Mu Yunshu had just returned to the other courtyard, and when he entered the gate, he started yelling loudly, ruthlessly waking up Mu Yunrong who was sleeping for a beauty sleep up.

As soon as Mu Yunrong opened her eyes, she felt hopeless, and she wished she could stuff Mu Yunshu's mouth with something!
Immediately afterwards, Mu Yunshu went to the living room to turn on the TV, pressed the "Music" one, and deliberately took the remote control to turn the volume to the maximum!
"Devil!" Sitting on her bed, Mu Yunrong pursed her lips and cursed angrily.

The fist in her hand has been clenched!Gritting her teeth and opening her big eyes, she looked like a bomb that was about to go off!

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