Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 699 A Dangerous Chase

Rourou tried to persuade Cheetah to stop the car on his own initiative.After all, Su Nuannuan was still in his car, she didn't dare to take the slightest risk.

"What a scary woman, she ordered me as soon as she came up."

In Cheetah's frivolous voice, anger was clearly revealed.It was clear that he hated being ordered.

"Only a fool would stop. If you can stop me, go ahead and try."

Biting her lips gently and hard, this was the last thing she wanted to see.Not only does Cheetah not take other people's lives as his own, even his own.If he was pushed too fast, maybe he would bump into her on purpose and fight her to the death.

Rourou scolded a lunatic in her heart, but the speed of the car did not slow down a bit.She knew very well that even if the situation was dangerous, she had to try.Otherwise, it would be really bad for him to successfully bring Su Nuannuan abroad.

"Cheetah, since we are all killers, how about talking with a knife like a killer?"

Professional killers like them, although they are equally proficient in the operation of firearms, but what they really get is the skill of using knives or daggers.After all, there are many occasions where guns cannot be carried at all, and then it is time to test how they can kill the target with a knife.

"It's an interesting proposal. To be honest, I'm really moved."

Cheetah showed a playful smile, but did not stop there.

"That's good, if you can stop my car, I'll fight with you with a knife."

Gentle snorted coldly, what this guy said was as if he hadn't said anything.Even without his words, once the car was stopped, he could only choose to fight himself.

After hanging up the phone, the speed of Cheetah continued to increase.At this time, Rourou had completely bit the rear of his car, but she was still unable to overtake and force him to stop.

Suddenly, the cheetah's taillights turned on, and the speed of the car instantly decayed, as if it had stepped on the brakes hard.

Seeing this, Ruan also quickly slammed on the brakes.Thanks to her timely reaction, the two cars finally stopped smoothly, otherwise they would definitely cause rear-end collisions.

Looking forward gently, she immediately understood the reason why the cheetah braked.On the road ahead of them, a huge boulder stood in the middle of the road, completely blocking the passage.

The two got out of the car almost at the same time, but their expressions were slightly different.

"It's a pity. You originally wanted to escape by this road that no one would come, but you didn't expect that it would become your fatal wound instead."

The gentle heart was slightly relieved, although Su Nuannuan had not been successfully rescued, but at least stop racing on such a dangerous mountain road.

Her pressure is much greater than that of a cheetah.After all, the cheetah only needs to concentrate on driving and avoid accidents.But she can't. While driving her car carefully, she also has to keep an eye on Cheetah's car.If he had an accident, everything must be done to prevent the car from falling off the cliff.

"It's unlucky enough, but it's okay."

There was a frivolous smile on the corner of Cheetah's mouth, as if the boulder was blocking the way, it didn't affect him at all.

"Anyway, it's very close to the next city, so you just need to spend a little effort to walk there. As for the car, it's not too difficult to just grab one."

Hearing this, Gentle frowned tightly.The cheetah is still as bold and reckless as ever, and doesn't care what the consequences will be.

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