Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 698 Mountain Road

As soon as the words fell, Rourou stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the car drove towards the mountain road at full speed.

Obviously, the cheetah wanted to escape to a coastal city, and then fled abroad by boat.She had to stop him before he got there, and she didn't care about driving safely.

The car was driven gently, and the engine kept roaring.With his superb driving skills, although he ran rampant in the city, he did not cause an accident.

Soon, she drove to the mountain road.This mountain road was the only way for people to go outside the city before the expressway was built.

However, since the expressway was built, no one has walked this road, and it has been in a semi-abandoned state.The road surface is damaged in many places and is no longer suitable for vehicles.

"Gentle, be careful. This mountain road has been in disrepair for a long time, so there must be no accidents."

Wenrou didn't answer, she just turned her head and glanced at the cliffs on both sides of the road.She knew very well that if an accident happened in such a place, most of them would fall to the bottom of the valley, and even the bones would not be found.

"What is the speed of the target, and how far is it from me?"

Gentle asked for the necessary information, and if possible, she hoped to stop the cheetah on this road.

After all, that guy is a complete lunatic.He doesn't take human life seriously. If he fled to the city, it might affect many innocent people.

"The distance is about 3000 meters. His speed is very fast. It seems that he should exceed 60 miles."

Hearing this, Gentle curled his lips.On such a rugged mountain road, ordinary people may not even dare to drive 30 miles, but this guy has soared to 60 miles.

"If you want to die, go ahead and die, but don't bring Nuan Nuan."

Gritting his silver teeth gently and hard, the speed of the car suddenly increased.In order to catch up with the cheetah, she had to drive faster.

The gravel and potholes on the road made the gentle car keep bumping up and down.But even so, she has no intention of slowing down.

Now she has only one belief left in her heart, that is, she must rescue Su Nuannuan.

After chasing gently and desperately, I finally saw the taillights of the Cheetah.She took a deep breath and picked up the speed again.

The cheetah also seemed to have noticed that she was chasing, and also increased its speed.In this way, an extremely dangerous chase is being staged on this rugged mountain road.

No matter which side it is, if there is a mistake, it is likely to be buried in the bottom of the valley.

Suddenly, a notification tone rang from Wenrou's mobile phone.It seems that someone else called in.

Wen Rou lowered her head and glanced, her face suddenly became serious.It was none other than Cheetah who called.

When the two were still killers, there was once a cooperation.At that time, I left a phone number, but I never called. I didn't expect him to call under such circumstances.

"Yang Li, I'll hang up first. The Cheetah guy is calling, I want to see what he wants to say."

After all, Ruan Rou quickly hung up the phone in disregard of Yang Li's objection, and then connected to Cheetah's communication.

"Yo, Gentle, it's been a long time."

The cheetah is the same as before, as long as it opens its mouth, the words must be full of banter.

"What are you chasing after me for lollipops?"

Gentle snorted coldly, she didn't have any intention of joking with him.

"Cheetah, stop immediately and put Nuan Nuan on, I can pretend I haven't seen you before."

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