Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 513 1 Everything goes according to plan

Hearing his firm tone, Lin Xianyu immediately beamed with joy, and couldn't hold back his excitement and said, "So everything is done?"

He Cheng nodded very vaguely, "I'm afraid that Moon City should be in chaos by now!"

In this regard, Lin Xianyu was not worried at all, but instead showed a high-spirited self-confidence.

"When there is chaos within the group, we will send people back secretly to control the situation. At that time, even if Bai Yan has great abilities, it will not help the situation."

He Cheng raised his eyebrows, and the old scar on his cheek became more and more obvious, "Bai Yan? It's not certain whether he will survive or not!"

The two talked about Bai Yan's life and death as easily as if they were talking about the weather, but Lin Xianyu didn't show any emotion to his former fiancé.

"One more thing, that Bai Yan is really cunning, no matter how hard we force him, he will not take the initiative to hand over the rights in his hands, and the only old woman who can threaten him has long been secretly hidden. I suspect that he is Already noticed it."

After hearing this, Lin Xianyu couldn't help but sneer, "Since you have the guts to covet other people's property, you must bear the corresponding consequences."

"It's just... At the beginning, he got most of the rights of the Han Group so smoothly, which is inseparable from Bo Lingqing's secret assistance."

"I don't know what conditions Bai Yan used to win Bo Lingqing's trust."

After finishing speaking, He Cheng subconsciously glanced at Lin Xianyu, the questioning in his eyes was obvious, the two of them didn't know the real relationship between Bai Yan and Su Nuannuan.

Impatientness was written all over Lin Xianyu's face, "When it comes to business, it's all about profit."

"Don't worry, I will find a way to hold Bo Lingqing back and prevent him from going to Yuecheng to save people." I wanted to use Su Nuannuan to hold him back, but he didn't agree, Lin Xianyu was inevitably upset A little bored.

I'm afraid I can only think of other ways now.

"Everything is going according to plan, and there must be no mistakes."


Bo's Group.

As soon as Su Nuannuan stepped into the top floor of the building, she heard a very faint sound of breathing out from around her.

She looked suspiciously at the people in the secretary's room who were sitting upright, and wondered for a while whether her hearing was wrong.

Otherwise, how could it be auditory hallucinations?

However, unbeknownst to her, the vibration frequency of the mobile phones of everyone in the secretary's room increased significantly.

"The president's wife has come, it seems that we are all saved!"

"By the way, what's the matter with Mr. Bo? When we came in the morning, we were in a good mood, but when we answered the phone, it turned into an iceberg. We didn't know how many people we scolded all morning, and we didn't even bother to eat lunch..."

"Something must have happened that we don't know about, but don't think about it, the president's wife is here, what are you afraid of, Mr. Bo's skill in doting on his wife is not hidden!"

Su Nuannuan naturally didn't know the different thoughts of the people, and walked towards Bo Lingqing's office at a leisurely pace under the gaze of many eyes.

After turning the corner is Bo Lingqing's office, but the strange thing is that Xu Rui's seat at the door is also empty.

Could it be that they are discussing business matters?
Su Nuannuan was thinking in puzzlement, but the vague voice came into her ears through the half-closed door.

CEO's office.

Bo Lingqing changed his previous style, and stood solemnly in front of the bright French windows. The scenery outside was beautiful, but it didn't affect his mood at the moment.

The mobile phone next to my ear heard a "beep beep" busy tone, and when it automatically hung up, there was no sign of anyone picking up the phone.

Xu Rui stood on the other side silently, with the same seriousness on his face.

"Mr. Bo, the people we stayed at Yuecheng just got the news. Since Mr. Bai left the group last night, no one has seen him again. We found him in an inconspicuous alley." The car, there are obvious signs of fighting on it..."

Outside the door, Su Nuannuan paused when she was about to push the door, and even the smile on the corner of her mouth became extremely stiff in an instant.

Xu Rui was still reporting sternly: "In addition, our people also found traces of He Cheng's activities in Yuecheng. He was Han Aotian's most capable subordinate in the past, and he disappeared after those accidents..."

Thinking about it in retrospect, I'm afraid it started lurking in the dark very early.

Bo Lingqing got all the news expressionlessly, and asked with a frown, "How is the current situation of the Bai Group?"

Hearing this, Xu Rui's eyes darkened slightly, "Now the group has no leader, and even Boss Bai's mother has disappeared for a while. People in the group are in panic, and rumors that have caused commotion have begun to spread..."

As soon as Xu Rui gritted his teeth, he simply told the whole situation he had learned.

"Boss Bai just grasped the situation not long ago, and people's hearts are fluctuating. Perhaps the best solution is to let Madam come forward." Xu Rui paused, seeing that Bo Lingqing only frowned and didn't stop him, he continued.

"Madam is Boss Bai's niece, and she is also the only one who can stand up and take over the Bai Group in an open and honest manner, and be able to convince the public..."

Bo Lingqing stretched out his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, "That's enough."

"Book a ticket for this afternoon immediately, Feiyue City." The man regained his previous indifference, raised the corners of his eyes slightly, and made a decision without the slightest hesitation, "As for Nuannuan..." For now, keep it from her.

"I also need to go!"

Before Bo Lingqing could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Su Nuannuan who suddenly pushed the door open.

Bo Lingqing glanced at Xu Rui very secretly, obviously, he never noticed when Su Nuannuan appeared.

"Nuannuan, when did you come here?" Bo Lingqing was not sure how much Su Nuannuan had heard their conversation just now, so he only inquired ambiguously.

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan exhaled a long breath, and when she raised her head again, her eyes were already full of determination.

"Ah Qing, you don't need to hide it from me, I heard everything just now."

However, unexpectedly, Su Nuannuan didn't feel any nervousness or fear, instead, she was filled with determination.

Xu Rui glanced hesitantly at the CEO who was beside him. The other person's face was gloomy, obviously hesitating.

"Madam, the current situation in Yuecheng is unclear, and you are still pregnant..."

The rest of the words are self-evident, and this is exactly what Bo Lingqing is worried about.

However, Su Nuannuan's attitude is extremely firm.

She glanced at Xu Rui with disapproval, and immediately retorted: "You all said just now, now I am the only one who can rush to Yuecheng to take charge of the overall situation as the Bai family."

Bo Lingqing didn't answer immediately.

The man raised his eyelids slightly, and Su Nuannuan's tightly pursed lips fell into his eyes.

"Ah Qing, I promise you, I won't run around after arriving in Yuecheng, and I will take good care of me and the baby..."

Su Nuannuan was afraid that Bo Lingqing's idea of ​​objecting hadn't given up, so she continued to add.

While she was panting, the man's helpless voice finally rang out, but the content of his words was aimed at Xu Rui.

"Book two tickets."

The meaning behind the words is very clear.

Before Su Nuannuan could breathe a sigh of relief, Bo Lingqing's voice sounded again, "I'll go with you. If something goes wrong, you have to come back immediately."

Su Nuannuan knew that he was thinking for her own sake, so she agreed without hesitation.

Due to this sudden change, the afternoon tea time that was supposed to be spent happily was also ruined. Instead, the group of people had to hurry up and make preparations to deal with the unexpected situation that Moon City might face.

However, something that caught Bo Lingqing and Su Nuannuan by surprise happened unexpectedly.


Bo family villa.

The husband and wife and the two children stared wide-eyed, forming a confrontational situation in the living room.

One of them was headed by Nannan and Beibei, behind them were the suitcases they had packed.Stand in front of Bo Lingqing and Su Nuannuan, preventing them from going out "privately".

Nan Nan changed from her low-key style in the past, and confronted Bo Lingqing silently with a resolute face. Beibei, who had always been restless, became the one obediently listening to her brother.

"Both of you are not allowed to go anywhere." The situation was critical, and even Bo Lingqing treated Nannan and Beibei with a rare seriousness, "We are going to do business, this is not a joke."

Su Nuannuan couldn't help echoing a few words.

"Yes, father and mother have urgent matters to rush to Yuecheng to deal with."

While talking, Su Nuannuan knelt down in front of the two of them, "Be obedient and stay at home. After we come back from Yuecheng, our whole family will go out to play together, how about it?"

After all, Beibei is still young, and she doesn't know how to come and go in the adult world. Hearing this, her expression loosened for a moment, and she glanced hesitantly at her elder brother.

No matter how the two adults "coerced and lured", Nan Nan remained unmoved.

"I know something happened to my uncle, you don't need to hide it from me." Facing the slightly surprised gazes of Bao Lingqing and Su Nuannuan, Nan Nan raised his hand and waved it, and the two soon noticed that his hand was shaking wearing a microcomputer.

"It wasn't someone who told me. I noticed something was wrong when someone came to clean up the things at home. I used the computer to monitor the communication records between Dad and Xu Rui."

When she spoke again, Nan Nan's tone was tainted with incomparable confidence, "I heard that my uncle's cell phone has not been found yet... As long as I go to Yuecheng with me, I will definitely try my best to find his whereabouts."

In just an instant, Bo Lingqing was quickly persuaded by Nan Nan. He took a deep look at his son, and if the timing wasn't right, he really wanted to laugh out loud.

However, before lifting his foot to leave, Bo Lingqing finally couldn't help stretching out his hand expressionlessly, and ruthlessly ravaged Nan Nan's hair.

"You stinky boy!"

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