Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 512 Have you lost your memory?

The next day.

Bo Lingqing sent Su Nuannuan and the two children out as usual.

When Nannan and Beibei disappeared from sight, Bo Lingqing couldn't help but glance to the side.

"Still angry?"

Hearing this, Su Nuannuan glared at him angrily.

Yesterday, the two of them didn't make it to the end because they were concerned about the child in their womb, but Bo Lingqing actually used the name of "jealousy" to make her...

Chaotic pictures appeared in front of my eyes from time to time, and Su Nuannuan's mood suddenly became more and more depressed.

"Don't mention it anymore!" She hurriedly reached out her hand, eager to try in front of Bo Lingqing, as if as soon as the man opened his mouth again, she would cover it with her hand without hesitation.

Bo Lingqing saw through her awkward thoughts with just one glance, and immediately suppressed the idea of ​​continuing to open his mouth, with only a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Not long after, the car stopped in the bustling downtown of Lingang.

Looking up at the familiar studio signboard not far away, Su Nuannuan quickly adjusted her expression before Shi Shiran opened the car door and walked out.

Bo Lingqing gave a few words of advice as usual, then stepped on the accelerator and left.

Su Nuannuan didn't say hello to Lin Xianyu before leaving, so when she stepped into the door of the studio, she saw Lin Xianyu surrounded by everyone at a glance.

She was explaining something carefully.

Turning his head inadvertently, Su Nuannuan's figure broke into his sight, Lin Xianyu was extremely surprised, his eyes were filled with undisguised surprise.

"Nuan Nuan, why didn't you tell me in advance, so that I can pick you up." Lin Xianyu walked up quickly and said, "This studio has just been prepared, it's a little messy, don't mind it .”

"How could it be?" Su Nuannuan shook her head in reproach and denied, "It's too late for me to admire you!"

As soon as the words fell, Lin Xianyu looked over hesitantly with awkward eyes.

Su Nuannuan was consciously surprised, couldn't help but look down at her clothes, and asked strangely, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

A bit of confusion appeared on Lin Xianyu's face. Seeing that Su Nuannuan seemed unconscious, he explained intermittently.

"Nuan Nuan, you are being serious." Lin Xianyu smiled wryly and waved his hands, "How can I compare with your achievements! When you were the chief designer of the Bo Group, I barely came into contact with this industry. Woolen cloth!"

It turned out to be the case.

Su Nuannuan's eyes flashed a look of sudden realization, and then he was a little dumbfounded.

"Xianyu, to tell you the truth, in fact, I have been ill for a while, and I have completely forgotten all my previous memories." She then added, "I even picked up my paintings after Yayoi. And the scenery of the past."

"Have you lost your memory?" Lin Xianyu turned pale with shock, and the expression on his face was confused for a moment.

Before Su Nuannuan noticed something was wrong, she quickly returned to normal.

No wonder that after she returned to China this time, whether she was in contact with Su Nuannuan or the people around her, she always had an indescribably weird feeling.

However, this is good news for her to celebrate.

The moment no one noticed, Lin Xianyu's eyes quickly formed a layer of ice.

Su Nuannuan nodded, but didn't take the change in her expression to heart.

"There were some accidents before, and I was accidentally injured, and now I have almost recovered, nothing serious."

If it wasn't just mentioned, Su Nuannuan didn't want to mention the past experience again.

Lin Xianyu seemed to be aware of it, and the heavy expression on his face changed, as if he had changed the subject inadvertently.

"Nuan Nuan, weren't you interested in the painting I wanted to consign? Would you like to take a look?"

"Okay!" Su Nuannuan couldn't wait to agree, "If I have the chance to see the legendary authentic work, I'm lucky today..."

Lin Xianyu smiled noncommittally, and the two immediately opened the door and walked into her office.

"I fell in love with it the first time I saw it, but it took a lot of effort to buy this painting. After the painting was finished, the author announced that he had sealed the pen..."

Lin Xianyu talked about his past, Su Nuannuan was fascinated by it for a while, and couldn't help giving her a thumbs up and praised, "Your experience is really rich."

Hearing this, Lin Xianyu's words paused for a moment.

She glanced at Su Nuannuan visibly, and only after seeing that she had caught the other's attention did she express her thoughts.

"Nuan Nuan, having said that, do you want to come and help me?" Lin Xianyu looked at Su Nuan Nuan with a particularly sincere look, full of sincere invitations.

"Help you?" Su Nuannuan was shocked and subconsciously repeated her words.

After reacting, she waved her hands again and again in a hurry to refuse, "I'm only in the studio out of interest, and the current technology is not very professional..."

"What's more, your studio specializes in the management of works. I was only devoted to design before. I'm afraid that not only will I not be able to help you, but it will also cause you a lot of trouble!"

The overly self-effacing tone made Lin Xianyu frowned instantly and denied it.

"Don't say that." Lin Xianyu paused, "I also saw the things you designed in the studio, and I have to say that this line of work really requires talent, and in this respect, you are definitely the best among them. By."

What she said made Su Nuannuan couldn't help laughing, "I'm not as powerful as you said."

Lin Xianyu saw that she was still unwilling to give an accurate answer, so he gritted his teeth and narrated his feelings.

"Actually, the reason why I came to China to start a business is because my family encountered some difficulties in country M."

Lin Xianyu's expression was tainted with a bit of bitterness, "The former family property was occupied by some bad guys, and the family members had no way to escape, so they had to find an opportunity to send me back to avoid the limelight."

"Out of the control of the enemy, I also want to do my part to earn more money so that I can bring my family back to China safely in the future."

Hearing this familiar experience, Su Nuannuan frowned. How come there are such people everywhere?This is the case with the Bai family, and now even Lin Xianyu is facing the same situation.

"Don't worry, since they can send you out under the eyes of those people, they will definitely be able to take care of themselves."

Realizing this, she had no choice but to comfort her softly, which inevitably added a bit of sympathy.

However, the truth in these words... At the same moment, Su Nuannuan thought of Bai Yan and her grandmother who had been incognito for more than ten years. Recalling their experiences, the light in her eyes dimmed a lot.

But Lin Xianyu could hear a little looseness from her tone.

When he spoke again, there was a bit more pleading in his voice out of thin air.

"Nuan Nuan, you shouldn't look down on me because of this."

Su Nuannuan immediately denied it in a hurry, looking at Lin Xianyu who was hanging his head because of loss, a flash of unbearableness really flashed in his heart.

"Of course not. It's just... I haven't been in touch with the studio before, I'm afraid I can't do it well."

Without waiting for Lin Xianyu's persuasion, Su Nuannuan continued to add: "However, since we are friends, if there is anything I can help with, just ask."

Hearing this, Lin Xianyu pulled the corners of his mouth and smiled very reluctantly.

Su Nuannuan carefully watched her face, just when she thought she would be depressed, Lin Xianyu quickly recovered.

"Let's not talk about such a heavy topic. After visiting for so long, you should be hungry, right?"

Lin Xianyu made fun of Su Nuannuan with great interest, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled, and after meeting for a few short times, they cultivated a tacit understanding between friends.

"Do you have any plans for the afternoon?" Lin Xianyu asked very naturally, "Do you want to meet a client with me?"

Su Nuannuan froze for a moment, but the image of someone being "jealous" the night before subconsciously appeared in front of her eyes, and she immediately suppressed a smile and shook her head slightly.

"There are still some things to deal with." If the man is left out in the cold, who knows what kind of condemnation he will face when he returns home!

Naturally, Lin Xianyu couldn't know about Su Nuannuan's internal calculations. After talking and laughing together in the studio, the two parted soon after lunch.

Looking at the back of Su Nuannuan leaving, Lin Xianyu had a smile on his mouth, but his eyes were quickly covered by a layer of chill.

Suddenly, a black shadow appeared out of thin air in a dark corner beside him. Lin Xianyu seemed to be aware of it, and if there was a seemingly invisible line of sight wandering to one side, he had no intention of panic at the appearance of the coming person.

"She agreed?"

The man's dark and hoarse voice sounded in the office, as if it had been sharpened by sand.

Talking about this time, Lin Xianyu's complexion became a bit darker and more sinister, and when talking about Su Nuannuan, he lost the amiable look when he was getting along with him just now.

"Heh! The vigilance is quite good, I just said a few ambiguous words, and then we can adapt accordingly." The eyes focused on the man with the scar on his face again, "Uncle He, what about Yuecheng?" How's it going?"

The person who came was one of Han Aotian's most sincere subordinates, He Cheng.

The man exudes an unfriendly aura all over his body, which makes people want to retreat three feet away. He is an extremely important chess piece set up by Han Aotian in the underworld of Yuecheng, but he did not expect that he has now become the revenge of the father and daughter. Biggest boost on the road.

However, even Lin Xianyu flinched subconsciously when he saw him.

This He Cheng, stayed in the dark for too long, if it wasn't for——

"Bai Yan, this despicable villain, actually concealed his identity and approached my father and me. Now he is taking advantage of our weakness to take away most of the power of the Han Group. I must tear him to pieces!"

He Cheng turned around expressionlessly, sneered and replied in a sinister tone: "He thought that all the Han family members who stayed in Yuecheng had already been driven away, how could he guess that we would dare to turn back! "

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