Cute baby from heaven, please accept

Chapter 220 Something is wrong!

"Did Nuan Nuan smell it? The air is sour. Is someone jealous?" Bao Lingqing smiled and pulled the little girl back into his arms.

Su Nuannuan didn't want him to hug her, and she played petty temper, "Hmph, it's all your fault!"

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault, don't be angry, okay?"

"Are you sure you don't need to reply to Duan Xueqing's message?"

"I'm here with you, physically and mentally, and I can't take time off. Besides, that's an unimportant person, so it doesn't matter if I come back or not." Bo Lingqing replied seriously and gently.

It's comforting to hear this!

Su Nuannuan stopped worrying about it, and let Bo Lingqing hold her, and with Bo Lingqing by her side, Su Nuannuan's sleep quality improved greatly, and her depression also improved unconsciously.

Pulling over the quilt for Su Nuannuan, Bo Lingqing frowned and brought over the phone. He should block Duan Xueqing.

It's so good, why just send him a text message, there is something wrong!

Click on the text message, "Mr. Bo, I think we can talk about what you suggested before, why don't we meet tomorrow and reply quickly, because I have to arrange a schedule." '

Seeing this, Bo Lingqing recalled that he planned to buy Duan Xueqing's shares in POP before, but Duan Xueqing refused, so the matter was over.

But why did Duan Xueqing suddenly bring up this matter again?

Certainly not easy.

But now Bo Lingqing didn't bother to care about it, he threw the phone away, and continued to sleep with his arms around the little woman.

At this moment, Duan Xueqing waited and waited, but she never got a reply from Bo Lingqing. She was anxious, what was going on, didn't she still want it before?This meeting is gone!
Feeling restless, she called Hu Yutong to come over to accompany her, but unexpectedly Hu Yutong said that he was exercising now, and he was still panting!

"Why do you want to exercise? I'll give you 10 minutes. It's best to get out of here quickly, or I won't spare you!"

After yelling, Duan Xueqing hung up the phone directly.

Hu Yutong, who was on Zhengxing's head over there, had no choice but to get away and put on his clothes, "I'm sorry baby, I have to go there, you should understand me, right?"

Su Jin nodded with a considerate look, "It's okay, you go first."

"You're so good. I'll buy you a new bag tomorrow." After kissing Su Jin again, Hu Yutong felt like leaving in a hurry.

Then Su Jin turned around, used her mobile phone to check some things needed for the birthday party, and told those people that she wanted the most expensive one!

Even the lace that is arranged is the most expensive and the best.

This birthday dinner, she must make Su Nuannuan unforgettable!
The next morning, when the family of four left the amusement park, Bo Lingqing first sent the children to kindergarten, and then sent Su Nuannuan back to POP.

"Wait at noon, I'll come and have lunch with you."

"it is good."

Su Nuannuan replied sweetly, and was about to get out of the car when she was pulled back by the man, making her puzzled, "What's wrong?"

"Did you forget something?" Bo Lingqing smiled and pointed to his lips.

After realizing it, Su Nuannuan blushed, quickly pecked his thin lips lightly, got out of the car quickly, stood in place and watched the car go away, and then went back to the company happily.

As the saying goes, people are refreshed on happy occasions.

Seeing Su Nuannuan's face was ruddy, and her footsteps came in briskly, everyone looked at her quietly and discussed in a low voice.

Originally, they all thought that Su Nuannuan would not come back to work. After all, with Su Jin's target, no one can stay any longer!
She seemed to know that Su Nuannuan would be back today, so Su Jin also came very early, and walked directly to Su Nuannuan's seat, and greeted with a smile, "Nuannuan, you have rested for a few days, should you have rested? There are some things that I want to talk to you alone, come in."

Almost everyone was stunned, what the hell is going on, Su Jin has such a good attitude towards Su Nuannuan!
Su Nuannuan put down the handbag and followed inside.

She didn't believe that Su Jin dared to do anything to her in private, unless she wanted to be beaten up again!
"Is something wrong?"

"Sit down first, don't worry." Su Jin pressed the phone on the table, asked the secretary to bring in two cups of coffee, then sat down, picked up the phone and pressed the button, opened the WeChat group she built, and sent a task go out.

Throwing the phone on the table casually, he looked at Su Nuannuan with a smile.

"I've heard from my dad that I want to make a 25th birthday dinner for you, which is really enviable, because dad really loves you, and all the things he uses are the best."

Su Nuannuan raised her eyes slightly, straightened her hair carelessly, the corners of her lips curled up, and a cold and mocking light flashed in her eyes, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "Oh, is it? It should be a conscience discovery , I felt sorry for my mother and me before, so I wanted to make up for it."

"If you really want that, then let him abandon both of you, mother and daughter. After a few years, maybe he will find out with his conscience and try to make up for you, not necessarily."

Being ridiculed, Su Jin's face turned blue, "Hehe, you really know how to joke... Okay, let's not talk about this, I let you in because I want to tell you about a difficult client, so I will leave it to you , only you can handle it.”

Then Su Jin put a document in front of Su Nuannuan and asked her to read it first.

Su Nuannuan flipped through the pages, feeling a little puzzled, this matter was considered a matter of work, but she made it sound like there was some important personal matter.

However, Party A this time was indeed a bit difficult to deal with. At least a lot of requests were made, and many drawings were rejected.

So Su Jin is deliberately looking for trouble for her.

"You said it yourself, you are the number one POP designer, so no one else can do this job, so I can only leave it to you, is it okay?" Seeing Su Nuannuan hesitated, Su Jin couldn't bear it. It's so exciting, the subtext is, if you don't answer, you will slap yourself in the face!
For difficult things, Su Nuannuan also likes to challenge, so she agreed.

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