"No, no, no, Nuan Nuan, when do you go to work? POP is really busy recently, and many customers have asked you to design by name, so go to work tomorrow, okay?" Su Jin's tone changed from the previous disgust, disgust, High above the ground, but rather friendly.

The person who urged her to go to work turned out to be Su Jin, which Su Nuannuan never expected.

If it wasn't for Jiang Xueyao, she would have resigned early.

"My vacation is until the day after tomorrow."

After saying this, Su Nuannuan hung up the phone, then turned it to silent, turned over and fell asleep again.

Just now she was really tormented by Bo Lingqing!

After calling several times in a row and not answering, Su Jin stomped her feet angrily, "This damn bitch, even if you want to treat her better, you should slap her a few times first!"

The day after tomorrow, now she can't wait for a moment!
So I sent a text message instead, 'Nuan Nuan, please, okay?Come back tomorrow, or POP is really doomed! '

'This client is really difficult to deal with, she has a strong background, and threatened that if we can't design a dress that she is satisfied with, it will ruin our POP! '

The fingers were sore from pressing it, so Su Jin dropped the phone.

It seems that it is absolutely impossible for Su Nuannuan to lower her vigilance towards her for a while, and she has to find another way.

Kill Yuan Zhu directly.

Standing at the door and ringing the doorbell for a long time, no one came to answer the door.

"It's impossible not to be at home at this time."

She looked around and found that the house was not lit, so she was sure that no one was at home, so she thought, this family is probably still in the amusement park!

Thinking of that happy scene, her jealousy grew wildly like a vine.

Suddenly received a text message, so hurried home.

"Dad, what did you say to me yesterday that you want to hold a grand birthday dinner for Su Nuannuan? Why, are you right?"

Su Mu is in contact with the planning company and has no time to talk to Su Jin.

He waved his hand to signal her not to mind her own business.

"Mom is still in the hospital now, shouldn't you visit her more when you have time, and you still have the mind to hold a birthday dinner for that bitch Su Nuannuan, and even have a dinner party!"

On her birthday, there were none of these!
How can this make her not jealous or angry!
If her mother hadn't sent a text message to tell her, she might not know anything and be kept in the dark, which meant that Su Mu didn't value her.

After chatting with the planning company, Su Mu's face darkened, and a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Hmph, what do you know, this is my last move, if we still can't stop her before her 25th birthday If I inherit this inheritance, then I will definitely not let her take it so comfortably!"

"What do you mean?" Su Jin raised her eyebrows, and suddenly felt that this birthday party was not easy.


Bo Lingqing spent a lot of energy taking two children out to play for a few hours. He knew that it was not easy to take care of children, especially two children.

My heart feels even more distressed that Su Nuannuan has raised the child for five years by herself.

"You two sleep well and go home tomorrow." Bo Lingqing turned off the lights for the children, and told them not to play with the dolphins anymore, before closing the door and leaving.

Back in Su Nuannuan's room, he found that the little girl was still sleeping, so Bo Lingqing went over, pinched her cheeks, and teased her to wake up.

"Well, stop making trouble..." Su Nuannuan shook her head coquettishly, grabbed the man's hand, kissed him, as if to comfort him, and wanted to sleep again.

But Bao Lingqing picked her up and took her into the bathroom to wash.

"Little lazy pig, no matter how sleepy you are, you have to eat something, otherwise what will you do if you are starving?"

"I'm not hungry..." Su Nuannuan wrapped her arms around the man's neck, and took the toothbrush to brush her teeth with the other. She didn't want him to brush her teeth yet.

Bo Lingqing shook his head and twisted the towel for her, "Eat even if you're not hungry."

"Okay, okay, nagging ghost." Su Nuannuan playfully tugged the man's ears, and ran out with a smile, but how could she beat a pair of long legs, and easily hugged her two or three times, both of them Fell into the sofa.

The moment the four eyes met, sparks shot out.

"I want to 'eat' you, little fairy." Bo Lingqing lowered his head, wrapping his thin lips around hers.

Su Nuannuan was greedy for the man's temperature and fiery eyes, and responded frantically. Her little hands eagerly wanted to untie his belt, but the man stopped her.

She was puzzled, isn't he usually the most anxious?
"No matter how hungry you are, I still can't starve you. Let's eat first." Bo Lingqing braked suddenly.

Looking at the man's bulging place, Su Nuannuan couldn't help laughing. When she got up, she reached out and touched him deliberately, wanting to push her back with excitement.

After a good 'lesson', I probably won't dare to be so rampant.

However, he really liked her arrogance.

Taking advantage of Su Nuannuan's eating time, Bo Lingqing went to take a shower.


The vibrating mobile phone on the table belonged to Bo Lingqing, but Su Nuannuan subconsciously looked at the mobile phone when there was any movement, and saw that the person who sent the text message was Duan Xueqing.

Liu Mei twitched.

What does this woman want her man to do? I hate it!

That's right, it's her man now, her man!
Every time I repeat these four words in my heart, Su Nuannuan is sweet. I am very grateful that I have taken this step of trying. It is actually much better than I imagined!

I even felt a little regretful, why did I keep resisting at the beginning, Bo Lingqing was hurt so many times!

So she secretly vowed in her heart that she must double compensate Bo Lingqing.

When Bo Lingqing came out, he was only wrapped in a bath towel, and there were sexy drops of water flowing on his strong chest. Su Nuannuan was dumbfounded by his seductive abdominal muscles and mermaid lines.

"are you full?"

The man's voice was hoarse, and he stood there, enjoying the little woman's obsessive eyes on him.

Of course, he couldn't wait any longer.

Understanding the other meaning in his words, Su Nuannuan shyly opened her hands, wanting to hug her.

"Then, it's time to feed me." Bo Lingqing stepped forward in two or three steps, picked up the little girl, and turned back to the room.

But when she was pressed under her body, Su Nuannuan was enjoying herself comfortably, but she still couldn't help thinking that Duan Xueqing sent a text message, which would affect her, so she poked at the man who was working hard.

"Well...Ah, Ah Qing, just now you received a text message on your mobile phone, I accidentally saw it, it was sent to you by Duan Xueqing...Uh, ah..."

Suddenly mentioning such a thing, Bo Lingqing frowned slightly, this is the time that belongs to the two of them.

He reached out and brushed her long hair behind her ears, revealing a swan neck with a fine line, and planted a strawberry, which was his exclusive brand.

Seeing that Bo Lingqing didn't respond, Su Nuannuan didn't mention it, and she didn't have the heart to mention it, it was all on the place touched by the man.

After the passionate entanglement, Su Nuannuan snuggled up to the man to breathe, and slowly calmed down, then turned over and said sullenly, "Are you familiar with Duan Xueqing?"

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