pick a peach essence

Chapter 84 Embracing My Soul

But Tao Tao still smiled confidently, because Xiao Qiong had already given this topic to herself in the first competition.

So much so that Xiao Qiong complained to herself after the city competition, saying that the last question was too superficial.

He didn't have any in-depth topics, wasting his time looking for information in vain.

This time, however, he might not think so.

She glanced at Xiao Qiong who was sitting in the second row with an expressionless face, and thought in her heart that he really had a cold face all the time...

Tao Tao quickly put away all her emotions. She stood confidently in front of the podium, greeted everyone politely, and then went straight to the topic.

There is no time limit in the competition rules this time, but you can say as much as you want.

However, in order to be able to speak more to prove their strength, some players in front of Tao Tao suddenly ran out of words in the middle of the speech, so that they could only end hastily in the end.

But Tao Tao was different, because her familiarity with this speech topic was entirely thanks to that man Xiao Qiong.

Yes, the two of them once had a fight over this topic.

In fact, it is not considered a quarrel, that is, two people insist on their own opinions and persuade each other.

However, in the end, Xiao Qiong conceded defeat.

He sighed helplessly, then poured himself a full glass of water, and gulped it down.

That was the first time Tao Tao saw such inelegant movements from him.

"Small mouth..."

And this is also the most unlikely sentence that Tao Tao has ever heard from Xiao Qiong.

In the end, Xiao Qiong sorted out the views of the two people resignedly, and came to the final conclusion.

"You can say whatever you want about these two points of view, because there is no absolute answer to this topic."

"But you have to remember that if you go to the competition field, there will definitely be judges who will put forward a point of view that is opposite to yours to question you."

"Don't be afraid, go back, just like you did to me just now, but you must be sure to convince him, otherwise not only may you get a very low score, but you may not be able to step down."

The scene of that time was still fresh in Tao Tao's memory, it was the first time she felt that Xiao Qiong was actually not that annoying.

So this time Tao Tao did not complete the speech with the attitude of a competition, but really wanted to talk to everyone about this point of view that she had been arguing with Xiao Qiong for a long time.

Tao Tao talked a lot, but the way she spoke made people feel very comfortable and pleasing to the eye.

She didn't memorize scripts like other contestants, she really had her own thinking process.

She had clear thoughts in her mind, and then she put these thoughts into words and conveyed them to everyone present.

The judges kept nodding while listening.

Tao Tao finally finished what she wanted to say perfectly.

As soon as her words fell, the audience burst into warm applause.

Tao Tao looked at the audience who couldn't help standing up and applauding for her, and smiled.

Then came the Q&A session.

Tao Tao couldn't wait to communicate with the judges.

She bowed to the judges, and then listened carefully to the judges' questions.

Sure enough, not everyone is qualified to sit on the judging panel.

The judges asked many in-depth questions. Tao Tao thought while listening, and then communicated with the judges.

People were surprised to find that Tao Tao was not just answering the judges' questions, she was actually discussing with the judges sentence by sentence.

Everyone stared at the girl on the podium dumbfounded, and couldn't help admiring.

However, as Tao Tao expected, one of the foreign judges really put forward an opposing point of view.

Tao Tao already knew what he was going to say the moment he spoke, but Tao Tao listened carefully.

Tao Tao nodded, then looked into his eyes and expressed her point of view.

Sure enough, Tao Tao felt that this person was the second Xiao Qiong, who was so stubborn that he couldn't even bring back ten cows, but Tao Tao still persuaded him very patiently.

After going back and forth like this several times, the other judges around him couldn't stand it anymore, and they tried to stop him but failed.

Tao Tao smiled indifferently, she has plenty of time, but this truth must be explained clearly, especially if the other party is the second Xiao Qiong.

Then everyone looked at the two people who became more and more excited as they talked.

The host stood awkwardly at the side of the stage, and even the contestants poked their heads out to see who the hell dared to quarrel with the judges.

Xiao Qiong twitched the corners of her mouth and covered her face speechlessly.

But in the end, when the confident Tao Tao uttered the last word, the judge finally agreed with her point of view.

He cleared his throat in embarrassment, then nodded.

In this way, under the witness of everyone, Tao Tao became famous in one battle.

Everyone knew about the girl who confronted the judges on the field.

Including the man hiding in the back row.

When Tao Tao walked off the stage after winning, she rolled her eyes at Xiao Qiong very badly.

However, Xiao Qiong just glanced at her calmly.

But in fact, his heart has already burst into laughter, um, he is worthy of being the student he taught by precepts and deeds.

Tao Tao walked to the backstage lounge and slumped down on a chair.

Some people around her who were jealous of her were talking quietly.

"Look, I was just pretending, but I was actually so nervous."

"Did she bribe the judges to know the competition topic in advance?"

"Oh my god, you can see that her face turned pale with fright."

Hearing these words, Tao Tao really didn't bother to talk to them.

Leaning on the back of the chair, she felt the pain in the soles of her feet.

It's all the fault of that person...

She stood on the podium for so long just now, and she didn't even think that she would endure the pain and persevere until now.

For the sake of beauty and formality, Tao Tao specially wore a pair of high heels this time.


It is because of inexperience that it became what it is now.

Tao Tao took a break before the end of the game.

After a while, the game was finally over, and now came the most exciting time.

The host invited all [-] people to the stage, and the reward rules this time were particularly humane.

All contestants who participated in this competition, even if they did not win the first prize, second prize and third prize, they will also receive participation awards as encouragement.

Tao Tao is still very calm at this time, maybe because she believes in herself, or maybe because it comes from a woman's terrible intuition.

She felt that this time, she should not get too low a ranking.

The host first announced the list of winners of the participation award, which does not need to create too much suspense, so the host quickly finished reading the list.

Tao Tao grabbed her little heart and listened quietly.

Sure enough, there is no self.

So the 24 people on the list got their own certificates. Although it was just a participation award, it also represented that they stood out from their respective cities and proved that they were very good.

At this moment, the scene came to the most critical moment, and Tao Tao's heart was pounding.

She saw countless cameras pointing at the five of them, and everyone held their breath.

Before announcing the final ranking, the host explained to everyone present that the competition was absolutely fair and rigorous, that there was no cheating, and that the results of the competition were true and valid.

After the host finished speaking, Tao Tao felt even more nervous.

It's over, I wasn't nervous during the competition, why did I suddenly...

Tao Tao was about to go crazy, she wanted to announce the results as soon as possible.

She began to panic, looking around uncontrollably.

At this moment, she seemed to see Jiang Jinchen's figure in the crowd.

what's the situation?
Tao Tao stared blankly at the man who was about to hide immediately after he met her eyes.

The corner of Tao Tao's mouth twitched.

She stared suddenly, and Jiang Jinchen stopped still after seeing it.

Jiang Jinchen is this?
Skipping work?
Tao Tao sighed softly, he was too nonsense.

She looked at Jiang Jinchen who was still calm after being caught by her, and then glared at him.

Jiang Jinchen still looked at her with a smile.

But Tao Tao suddenly felt that her heart suddenly calmed down.

She had to admit that with Jiang Jinchen by her side, she really felt at ease.

The host finally announced the result of the game.

She still announced from the third prize.

Tao Tao took a deep breath, and then quietly waited for the result.

Sure enough, once again, she did not hear her name from the third prize list.

After the three contestants who won the third prize delivered their acceptance speeches, they walked off the stage to be interviewed.

Then the host directly announced the winner of the first prize.

Of the remaining three, two of them were second prizes, while only one won first prize.

It means that she has been affirmed by everyone and won this honor.

"Then next, I will directly announce the winner of the first prize..."

The host dedicatedly created suspense, but if you look carefully, you can see her slightly trembling hands.

"She is..."

"Tao Tao!"

Finally, in everyone's expectation, Tao Tao won her highest honor in college.

The runners around who won the second prize all expressed their sincere congratulations to her.

But Tao Tao was unexpectedly calm.

However, what everyone didn't know was that her heart was already so excited right now.

Under everyone's gaze, she walked to the front, took the microphone in the host's hand, and gave her acceptance speech under the flashing flashing lights.

"Really, thank you all."

Tao Tao tried her best to control her trembling voice.

"Thank you for everyone's recognition of me, but the trophy in my hand represents all the players who participated in this competition. All their glory is gathered on this heavy trophy."

"You are all the best people."

As soon as Tao Tao finished speaking, the whole venue immediately burst into deafening applause.

"Then, I would also like to thank all the people who helped and encouraged me, my teachers, my classmates..."

While talking, Tao Tao nodded gratefully to Xiao Qiong in the audience, and Xiao Qiong smiled when she saw it.

Then she shifted her gaze to the man standing in the corner and giving her a thumbs up.

"And, all the people who came here today to witness my growth."

Tao Tao actually knew very well that the person she was talking about was just Jiang Jinchen.

She hid all her gratitude and love for him in this sweet secret word.

Then, in front of everyone, she sent it to the ear of the only man who shared her heart.

Although the house was not full of guests at this time, the two of them still talked about the love that only belonged to each other.

She saw Jiang Jinchen suddenly froze, and then he opened his arms, holding Tao Tao's soul tightly in his arms.

At this point, the souls of the two were firmly bound together.

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