pick a peach essence

Chapter 83 The Unexpected Embrace

Tao Tao simply packed her luggage, and found that it was already noon, and then she sent a message to Jiang Jinchen.

But after waiting for a long time without receiving a reply, Tao Tao suddenly remembered the jet lag...

Oh my god, Tao Tao covered her face.

She always felt that her IQ was declining day by day.

Tao Tao opened the curtains of the room, looking at the vehicles and pedestrians downstairs, like ants.

After a while, Tao Tao suddenly felt someone knocking on her door.

"Who is it?"

Tao Tao asked, but no one answered, Tao Tao wondered if it might be the cleaning staff.

Then she walked over and opened the door, and...

She saw Xiao Qiong who raised her head slightly and looked down at her.

"Are you okay, Mr. Xiao?"


Tao Tao snorted, and then made a gesture to close the door.

"Going out for a stroll?"


Tao Tao looked at the man's serious expression with a big head, and found that he didn't seem to be joking.

She refused without thinking.

"I'm too tired to go out."

"I'll wait for you downstairs."

However, Xiao Qiong didn't intend to give Tao Tao this chance, he turned around and walked away after he finished speaking.

dog man...

Tao Tao gritted her teeth and stared at his back.

There was no way, and finally she bowed her head to the dark forces.

But Tao Tao decided that she should fight a little bit, so she tidied up slowly for a while before going out.

As a result, the moment she opened the door, the door next to her also opened.

She and Xiao Qiong stared at each other, oh no, to be precise, she and Xiao Qiong's sunglasses stared at each other.

"Didn't you say to wait for me downstairs?"

"Wouldn't it be a long wait?"

Tao Tao suspects that Xiao Qiong is the roundworm in his stomach.

The two walked into the elevator together, but the atmosphere between them looked like a pair of enemies.

After Tao Tao came out of the hotel gate, she was almost blown away by a gust of wind.

"I said, Teacher Xiao, with such a strong wind, how about we..."

"I want to buy a gift for Xiaolan."

"But I can't even open my eyes..."

Xiao Qiong lowered her head in doubt, and then Tao Tao saw the two black lumps on his face.

excuse me.

Then Tao Tao narrowed her eyes and risked her life to accompany Xiao Qiong to pick out gifts for his sister.

But she still couldn't believe that Xiao Qiong was such a kind man.

The two of them stopped and went, and visited many places. Later, the wind gradually died down, and Tao Tao could see the appearance of the whole city.

Tao Tao feels that this city is many times bigger than all the cities she has lived in before, and there are many things that she has never seen before.

Tao Tao gradually became excited. She looked left and right curiously, and found that there were novelty gadgets everywhere.

Xiao Qiong has been following behind her, maybe even he himself didn't notice the slightly curved corners of his mouth.

The two walked around like this for a day, and then they found a cheap restaurant in the afternoon, and Tao Tao generously invited Xiao Qiong to eat this meal.

They rushed back before the sun went down.

Tao Tao greeted Xiao Qiong with a smile, and then closed the door happily.

Xiao Qiong took off her sunglasses, the smile in her eyes couldn't stop.

As soon as Tao Tao put down her things, Meng Yuqian called. She told Tao Tao to take care of herself and some gossip she had heard in the past few days.

Tao Tao listened carefully, and then responded one by one.

Afterwards, the two chatted for a while, then hung up the phone.

Tao Tao lay on the bed and read a book for a while, before going to rest.

However, just when Tao Tao was about to close her eyes, Jiang Jinchen also called.


"How is it, is everything going well?"

Jiang Jinchen seemed to have just woken up, and a little laziness could be heard in his voice.

"Everything is fine."

Tao Tao smiled.

"That's good, but it's a pity that I can't accompany you."

Jiang Jinchen said regretfully.

"It's okay, but my heart is always with you."

"What, what?"

Tao Tao suddenly felt that the phone was slightly hot, which made half of her face hot.


Jiang Jinchen put the phone on the table while smiling, then got up to change clothes.

"Go to bed early today, don't be nervous tomorrow, and don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Jiang Jinchen exhorted worriedly.

"Understood, don't worry about me."

Tao Tao agreed with a smile.

"Then go and wash up, I'm going to bed too."

Tao Tao heard the sound of rushing water coming from the phone.

"Okay, then, good night, Miss Peach."

"Good night, Mr. Jiang, work is going well."

Then the two of them hung up the phone in unison.

As a result, Tao Tao had a good dream that night.

She woke up early the next day, and tidied herself up.

She looked at the energetic girl in the mirror and nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, today is also a day of hard work!"

Tao Tao glanced at the time, and then prepared to go out to call Xiao Qiong.

As a result, as soon as she opened the door, she saw the man who was looking at her face to face.

"You, why so early?"

Tao Tao did not expect the two to appear in front of each other by such a coincidence.

"I call you downstairs for breakfast."

Then there was another silence.

"Let's go then."

Tao Tao finally broke the silence, and the two walked out.

After breakfast, they took a taxi to the school where the final was held.

There were many people standing in front of the school gate, and the two showed their IDs to the staff before they were allowed to go.

Xiao Qiong took Tao Tao and followed the signs to find the competition venue quickly. After they walked in, they found that it was much bigger than their school's.

And even a lot of reporters came, which shows how important this game is.

Tao Tao was arranged by the staff to wait in the waiting area, but to her surprise, Xiao Qiong took the initiative to stay with her.

Tao Tao glanced at the people around her, they were all preparing for the competition alone, but she was the most special one.

Xiao Qiong sat on the chair very comfortably, not paying attention to those people's eyes.

There were more or less gossip-loving people in the crowd speculating about their relationship.

Everyone looked at the two handsome men and touched their chins to confirm an idea.

But they didn't expect that irrelevant people were not allowed in, especially family members.

Tao Tao turned her back to everyone, staring at Xiao Qiong fiercely.

"What are you looking at me for?"

"It's all your fault, why do you have to accompany me in?"

"I'm afraid you'll be bored by yourself."

"Okay, now we have something to talk about..."

She turned her head and glanced at the girls who were about to move while staring at Xiao Qiong.

"Miss Xiao, your peach blossoms are coming."

Xiao Qiong followed Tao Tao's line of sight and frowned imperceptibly.

However, when those girls saw Xiao Qiong in this state, even bigger star eyes appeared.

"Wow, it's so cool!"

Tsk tsk tsk, poor girls, don't be fooled by this man's appearance.

The two of them watched a girl walking over with her mobile phone, Xiao Qiong immediately reacted.

Before it was too late, Xiao Qiong suddenly grabbed Tao Tao's neck, put his other hand on her back, and hugged her tightly in his arms.

Tao Tao felt that she was suddenly surrounded by a burst of cold.

This, this, what's the situation?
Xiao Qiong hugged her tightly, and sneered at the girl who was about to come over just now.

Then he lowered his head, leaned close to Tao Tao's ear and whispered a word word by word.

"Behave well in a while."

Tao Tao almost fainted.

Fortunately, the competition started soon, Xiao Qiong heard the host introducing the judges, at this moment he let go of the girl in his arms.

"Go, I'll wait for you here."

Tao Tao was suddenly in a trance, he seemed to have heard such words somewhere.

Xiao Qiong gently brushed the broken hair behind her ears, then got up and walked out.

Tao Tao knew that his back disappeared at that corner, and she reacted.

She didn't understand why Xiao Qiong was so gentle to herself suddenly.

Gentle, compared with the previous him, he seemed to be a different person.

Tao Tao tried her best to calm down her heartbeat, and then calmly went to draw her number plate.

No.20 eight.

Tao Tao helped her forehead helplessly. There were only 30 contestants in the finals this time, and she was too late this time.

She feels that if you participate in a competition, the lower you are in the order of appearance, the more you will suffer.

But Tao Tao still tried her best to control her emotions, not caring about everything around her, and immersed herself in her own thoughts.

She seriously recalled what Xiao Qiong taught her a while ago, and then confidently opened her eyes.

She's fine.

Tao Tao glanced at the sky outside, and remembered the message Jiang Jinchen sent her in the morning.

He had been busy all day, so he should be asleep by now.

Tao Tao thought that the two of them might meet in a dream after a while, relying on the tacit understanding that only belonged to them.

The contestants got off the podium one by one. During this period, some performed abnormally, and some performed exceptionally well.

Tao Tao saw various expressions on their faces.

Finally, the pointer of fate still pointed to her.

Tao Tao stood up and adjusted her attire, then walked onto the stage with confident steps.

Countless people flashed through her mind at this time, her family, friends, mentor, and...

Jiang Jinchen.

When Tao Tao thought of Jiang Jinchen who was sleeping peacefully at this moment, she immediately touched the softness in her heart.

Holding the trophy in my hand, I will appear in front of you once again, dressed in glory.

Tao Tao stood on the podium while thinking.

Although she had made enough mental preparations, she was still frightened.

The arena was so big that she could hardly see the faces of the people in the last row of the auditorium.

Tao Tao glanced around quickly, and suddenly she felt a line of sight cast over from the last row, staring at herself closely.

Tao Tao didn't care. She bowed to everyone in the audience, then nodded to the judges with a smile, and went to draw the topic of this speech.

She took a deep breath and pulled a card from the staff member's hand.

Tao Tao was stunned for a few seconds.

Because the questions she drew this time were actually practiced by herself.

Tao Tao looked at it in disbelief, and suddenly felt that she had spent all her good luck in this life on this.

Tao Tao quickly realized that she nodded to the staff, then turned around and turned the card over to face the camera, only to see the title of this time appeared on the big screen behind her instantly.

The audience in the audience made a small and imperceptible discussion.

That's right, Tao Tao knew what they were talking about.

Because the topic she picked was a particularly difficult topic, about the world, about issues between human races.


Tao Tao glanced at the judges sitting under the stage, and as expected, she found two foreign friends among them.

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