pick a peach essence

Chapter 78 Professor Jiang's appointment

Tao Tao and Meng Yuqian were surrounded by their classmates and walked out of the arena. They seemed to see classmates who did not belong to their class in a daze.

"You are really great! You really give our school a face."

"Honor, this is honor."

"Both the first prize and the special prize were won by the students of our school, which is great!"

Tao Tao really couldn't stop her smile when she heard the praise from her classmates.

Since she was a child, she was actually not very willing to make friends, because she was afraid that she would not be able to do well.

I don't know if it is because of the single-parent family that her personality is more or less introverted. Although Meng Yuqian took herself to meet various people after she went to college, she still has a little concern.

She's afraid they don't like her because of her personality.

But until now, she didn't realize that her classmates are so cute.

They are really willing to accept themselves, and accept that this is not a perfect self.

"Little Taozi, we really did it."

Tao Tao and Meng Yuqian were hugged by a group of girls and dragged away outside the school, but Meng Yuqian still couldn't restrain the joy in her heart and shouted at Tao Tao through a group of people.

"Yeah, we did it!"

This was the only time Tao Tao shouted this sentence in front of everyone.

Then the two looked at each other and smiled, blending into the laughter of the students.

They booked several private rooms in a restaurant and threw a party together.

Everyone was very happy, and Tao Tao felt as if she had really come to the Happy Town at this moment.

"To be honest, Tao Tao University Bully, I really like you so much."

What surprised Tao Tao was that she heard someone say that she liked her.

too blunt...

That girl is the literary and art committee member of their class. She is usually very cheerful, and she always has many friends around her.

"It's true, me too, and I really like you too."

Afterwards, many people took advantage of this topic to chime in.

"And you are so beautiful!"

Tao Tao seemed to be pulled into the boasting group, her face flushed with embarrassment.

However, Meng Yuqian on the side also looked at everything in front of her with a smile on her chin. She was very happy that Tao Tao could hear these words, which might change her words.

"I'm so jealous of Meng Yuqian..."

At this moment, an extremely discordant voice suddenly interspersed.

"Who, who said they were jealous of me!"

When Meng Yuqian heard that, it was not bad, she jumped up at the desk, and glanced around the people on the table with her hips on her hips.

This arrogant look made everyone laugh.

"Hahaha, I'm jealous too!"

"And me and me."

"How can you be the only favorite of Tao Tao?"


There were too many enemy forces and the attack was too fierce, Meng Yuqian finally retreated into Tao Tao's arms aggrieved, and everyone laughed again.

Looking at the scene around her, Tao Tao suddenly felt very at ease. There are friends who like her around her, and her mother who misses her at home, and over there...

And love yourself, love.

I have no regrets in this life.

Everyone quarreled together for a long time, and in the end it was the squad leader who spoke.

"Okay, okay, the students are almost ready, our two babies have worked so hard for so many days, let them go back and rest quickly."

The female squad leader was smiling, holding Tao Tao in one hand and Meng Yuqian in the other.

Then he waved his hands with difficulty through the gaps in their arms.

"Let's all withdraw, everyone, if you want to go out to play again, remember to come back early, and those who go back to school should also pay attention to safety."

Under the circumstances of the squad leader's repeated instructions, a group of people finally greeted each other and left here.

"Okay, okay, the children are gone, my two heroes, you should go back and rest quickly."

Tao Tao and Meng Yuqian smiled and nodded to the monitor, then waved their hands.

"Master Squad Leader is working hard!"

"Hahaha, you're the only ones with sweet lips."

The squad leader also packed up his things and said to the two of them.

"I still have something to do, so I won't see you off. Be careful, you two."

"Got it, monitor bye."

Tao Tao waved to the monitor.

Then at this moment, only Meng Yuqian and Tao were left staring at each other.

Meng Yuqian suddenly took advantage of Tao Tao's inattention and pounced on her.


Tao Tao first smiled helplessly, and then patted her on the back gently.

"Silly boy."

"Little Taozi, am I good or not?"

"Yeah, you're the best."

"Can I live a good life alone?"

Tao Tao continued to smile and nodded.

"Yes, you can live a good life alone."

Then both fell silent, just hugging each other tightly.

Meng Yuqian has transformed from the status of the eldest lady to an adult who can take care of herself, and Tao Tao has also changed from an inconspicuous girl to the glory of the school.


After a long time, Tao Tao finally broke the silence.


"I want to go to the bathroom."


"You vicious woman who ruins the atmosphere!"

Meng Yuqian barked her teeth and claws and pushed Tao Tao out of her embrace.

"3 minutes! I'll wait for you here."

"Good good."

Tao Tao threw a loving blown kiss to Meng Yuqian, and then rushed into the toilet.

Tao Tao solved everything as quickly as possible and came to the sink.

She turned on the tap, lowered her head and washed her hands carefully.

However, the moment she raised her head, she saw a man suddenly appearing behind her.

"Scared me."

Tao Tao was taken aback and turned her head quickly.

She looked at Xiao Qiong who was standing in front of her and was smiling, and touched her little heart.

"Teacher Xiao..."

Tao Tao sighed, do you know that I was almost scared to death by you.

"what happened?"

However, Xiao Qiong didn't seem to notice Tao Tao's expression, he asked her seriously.

"It's okay..."

Tao Tao was very speechless.

"Why are you here?"

"Come to the celebration banquet for the two of you."


It was only then that Tao Tao remembered that she seemed to have heard someone casually say that there is a certain person's instructor here.

Only then did she realize that she was the only one among the contestants who was equipped with an instructor...

"Then how do you..."

She wanted to ask why he didn't come.

"I'm afraid to block your eyes."

What are you talking about.

Tao Tao choked.

"That... I still want to thank you."

Hearing Tao Tao's thanks, Xiao Qiong froze suddenly.

"Thank you for guiding me."

Tao Tao lowered her head awkwardly, and it was a bit embarrassing for her to say thank you in front of that person.


Xiao Qiong suddenly laughed, and Tao Tao looked at the man suspiciously.

"You have to thank you for your talent and hard work. I just added a little more firewood."

This metaphor is very Xiao Qiong...

But Tao Tao is still very grateful to Xiao Qiong, because without him, it would be very difficult for her to get this award.

"Okay, remember to go back early."

Xiao Qiong looked her up and down, then turned and walked out.

Tao Tao looked at Xiao Qiong's back in a daze, very confused.

However, as soon as Xiao Qiong went out, he bumped into Meng Yuqian who was rushing over.


Xiao Qiong nodded lightly to the sluggish Meng Yuqian, and passed her calmly.

"Why is he here?"

"He said... come to our celebration banquet."

Then the two girls looked at each other in silence.

"Okay, okay, let's go, it's getting dark."

Meng Yuqian took a look at the sky outside, then quickly took Tao Tao's hand, and the two of them took a taxi outside and rushed back to school.

"What are you doing."

Tao Tao looked at Meng Yuqian who dropped her things and took out her mobile phone as soon as she returned to the dormitory.

"Order takeaway."

"Why do you order takeout?"

Meng Yuqian raised her head and gave Tao Tao a white look.

"Keep celebrating."



Tao Tao thought that Meng Yuqian was so energetic, she was already exhausted, but that little girl still had the energy to keep on hilarious.

"Hey, let's chat peacefully."

Tao Tao cried out inwardly when she heard it, because every time she talked about a peaceful chat, it was particularly restless.

Soon the takeaway came, and Meng Yuqian went downstairs to pick it up.

"come on."

Tao Tao spread a blanket on the ground, and then the two of them opened the takeaway and talked freely while sipping juice.

The two talked for a long time that day, and they were very happy.

In the end, Meng Yuqian glanced at the time, and then at Tao Tao.


After Meng Yuqian finished speaking, she ping-pong-pang-pang quickly cleaned up everything, took Tao Tao and walked to the bathroom.

"Go wash up and get ready to answer the phone."


Tao Tao turned her head suspiciously, but only got a blank stare from Meng Yuqian.

The two of them finally cleaned up, and then lay on the bed and put on the mask beautifully.

Meng Yuqian sighed while applying it.

"I said, this mask is too good. Your Mr. Jiang has a good eye."

On the other hand, Tao Tao also had a look of enjoyment.

"It's really comfortable."

At this moment, Tao Tao's cell phone rang.

In Meng Yuqian's eyes, this string of cell phone ringtones came on time.


Tao Tao picked up the phone and gave a vague hello.

Jiang Jinchen was silent for a second.

"Are you wearing a mask?"


Tao Tao still couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you so smart this time?"

"It's just the last experience."

Tao Tao tried hard to control herself, but this time she failed completely.

In Meng Yuqian's eyes, Tao Tao really laughed all over her face.

"How? Are you happy?"

Jiang Jinchen asked softly there.

"Well, happy, very happy."

Tao Tao continued to speak vaguely.

"Well, I'm happy too."


Tao Tao couldn't help laughing again.

Meng Yuqian rolled her eyes, then stretched out her hand and carefully stroked the same mask on her face.

"How about Mr. Jiang, are you particularly proud now?"

"Of course, I found the treasure."

"Come on."

Tao Tao clicked her tongue and sat up from the bed.

"Where are you now?"

"Still in the company."

"Have you not finished your work yet?"

Jiang Jinchen sighed softly.

"Yes, but I really want to run in front of you now."

"President Jiang Da should work hard."

Tao Tao curled up the corners of her mouth and smiled.

"You must rest early when you go home."

Listening to Tao Tao's instructions, Jiang Jinchen suddenly felt warm in his heart.

"You too."

"Oh, by the way, Professor Jiang said let's go to his house for a meal someday and bring your friend along."

"Huh? Going to eat?"

"That's right, Professor Jiang first wants to see you, and second, he wants to tell you something."

Professor Jiang wants to tell me something?
Tao Tao was instantly confused, what could Professor Jiang tell her.

"Anyway, you'll know when you come."

Jiang Jinchen smiled mysteriously on the phone.

"Oh, okay."

Tao Tao complained in her heart why Jiang Jinchen's mouth is so strict...

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