Tao Tao was still dragged by Jiang Jinchen into an empty classroom in a daze.

She didn't react until Jiang Jinchen closed the door.

"I've recovered, Miss Peach."

Jiang Jinchen bent down slightly, smiled and stretched out his hand to shake Tao Tao's eyes.


Tao Tao finally reacted now.

"Why are you here?"

Jiang Jinchen pulled her to sit down.

"I can't restrain my joy, I just want to come and praise you."

Tao Tao choked up for a moment, then rolled her big eyes.

"speak English."

"I just wanted to come and see you."

Jiang Jinchen coughed twice in embarrassment.

Tao Tao sat on a chair in the classroom, looking at the smiling Jiang Jinchen speechlessly.

"So you sneaked out of the audience?"

"No no no."

Tao Tao raised her eyebrows to express her disbelief.

"It came out openly and aboveboard."

I saw Jiang Jinchen shook his head, and then said these words with confidence.

"Are you sure you won't cause a stir?"

Tao Tao brainstormed about the scene and felt that it was too much to see.

"It really caused a sensation. I remember that after Professor Jiang heard the voice behind him, he turned around and glared at me."


"Deserving it."

Tao Tao gave Professor Jiang a thumbs up in her heart.

"I didn't come here to see you."

"No coquetry!"

Tao Tao quickly stretched out her hand to cover Jiang Jinchen's face, selectively ignoring his pitiful expression.

She couldn't bear this the most, and almost softened her heart to him again.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Jinchen not only knew his mistake and refused to correct it, but even took Tao Tao's hand with an inch, put it to his mouth and gently kissed the back of her hand.

Tao Tao blushed instantly.

This time she knew what her weakness was, it was some strange operations of this man...

"You make me normal."

Tao Tao curled her lips and touched her hot face with the other hand.

"Miss Peach looks so cute when she's shy."

"To shut up!"

"It's so cute when you're angry."

Tao Tao took a deep breath.

"Aren't you going to say anything else besides saying I'm cute?"

Jiang Jinchen thought about it seriously after hearing it.

"will not."

What is this operation?After all, there are so many adjectives in this world.

"Because you are so unique in my eyes."

Jiang Jinchen looked at the girl in front of him tenderly.

"I don't want to find other adjectives to describe you, I just think you are cute, and only cute is the only way you look in my eyes."

Talking bullshit again.

Tao Tao glared at him, and felt her face turn redder.

"I know, I know."

Tao Tao waved her hand to show that she had received his heart.

"By the way, where do you want to work after graduation?"

Jiang Jinchen looked at Tao Tao's blushing face and decided not to tease her anymore.

"I have not decided yet."

Tao Tao was stunned when she heard Jiang Jinchen's question. She really didn't think about this question well.

"Can you come to my place?"

"Come on, where are you?"

"Yes, it happens that I can still take care of you."

However, Tao Tao suddenly became serious.

"And after that?"


Now it was Jiang Jinchen's turn to be stunned.

He didn't understand Tao Tao's question.

"Yes, after that, shall I continue to work with you?"

"If you want, of course..."

"But I don't want to."

Tao Tao sighed and shook her head.

"I know you're doing it for my own good, but I still want to go out and venture out by myself."

"I know."

Jiang Jinchen nodded when he heard it.

"I'm just worried about you, I'm afraid..."

"It's okay."

Tao Tao stopped what Jiang Jinchen was going to say next.

"Just like you said to me before, if I don't experience some tempering myself, how can I grow?"

Tao Tao smiled at Jiang Jinchen, then patted him on the shoulder.

"Anla Anla, isn't it because you are supporting me behind my back?"

When Jiang Jinchen saw Tao Tao's smile, he suddenly felt relieved.

Yes, he really has no right to stop her from growing up. Although he is worried that Tao Tao will be very hard outside alone, this is something that a person should go through.

And he knew Tao Tao's strength, didn't he also think that Tao Tao would become an excellent person in the future?
Jiang Jinchen nodded.

"Okay, I believe you."

Tao Tao looked at Jiang Jinchen with a smile, and said.

"That's right, Mrs. Jiang."


Jiang Jinchen sighed lightly, then glanced at the time.

"Is it almost time to announce the results, let's go back."


Tao Tao nodded, and was led out by Jiang Jinchen.

On the way, Jiang Jinchen received a call. It seemed that the company had important matters to deal with, but Jiang Jinchen refused decisively.

He said he wanted to witness the last moment, but Tao Tao patted his shoulder hard.

"Go back to work and I'll let you know when I'm done."

As she spoke, she pushed Jiang Jinchen towards the school gate.

"wait wait wait."

Jiang Jinchen lamented when Tao Tao's strength became so great.

But Tao Tao didn't give him any chance to speak, and just pushed him along.

However, Jiang Jinchen was really anxious to speak.

"I'll record you, record you."

In the end, Tao Tao successfully sent Jiang Jinchen to the school gate.

"Let's go, bye."

Tao Tao waved at Jiang Jinchen very handsomely, then turned around and left gracefully.

It's just that as she walked, she felt that someone was following her.

She turned around suddenly, and saw Jiang Jinchen.

"Didn't I tell you to go back!"

Tao Tao put her hands on her hips and frowned.


Jiang Jinchen looked at the girl in front of him wanting to cry but without tears.

"My car is parked in the parking lot inside your school."


It took Tao Tao ten seconds to react, and then she glanced at Jiang Jinchen with apologetic eyes, then turned around and ran away without looking back.

Jiang Jinchen's secretary on the other side of the phone held the phone with dull eyes, and almost died on the spot.

"You're back."

Tao Tao ran back to the competition venue without stopping.

She always felt that there was a line of sight staring at her closely from behind, she knew that Jiang Jinchen might be very blocked and panicked.

"What's the matter with you?"

Meng Yuqian looked at Tao Tao, who was sitting on the chair with her face covered, wondering what she was thinking about, and sat beside her in doubt.

Tao Tao talked about the embarrassing thing just now in a muffled voice.

Meng Yuqian helplessly helped her forehead when she heard it.

"If I were Jiang Jinchen, I would definitely not let you go..."

Fortunately, on the other side, the staff at the competition venue had already counted the scores and handed them over to the host.

The contestants resting in the rest area nervously waited for the host to announce the ranking.

"Next, I will invite the contestants who have won the awards to enter."

Then the host read out a string of names, and Tao Tao counted them, there were fifteen in total.

Including her and Meng Yuqian.

Meng Yuqian excitedly pulled Tao Tao onto the stage, Tao Tao heard the sighs of those contestants who were not selected as she walked.

Hey, the game is so cruel.

When everyone stood on the stage, the host finally announced the ranking of the players on stage.

She was the first to announce the third prize, and the host slowly read out the names of ten people.

Then she asked the award presenters to issue certificates to them, and after taking pictures, she left the stage.

The host then announced the winners of the second prize.

Meng Yuqian held Tao Tao's hand tightly. She knew that she might win the second prize this time, but Tao Tao suddenly felt that her name should not be included in the second prize list.

However, the fact is so strange that Meng Yuqian's name was not included in the second prize list.

wait wait wait.

Meng Yuqian and Tao Tao watched in a daze as the three second prize winners walked off the stage. At this time, apart from the host, only Tao Tao and Meng Yuqian were left on the stage.

The two of them glanced at each other, both seeing shock in each other's eyes.

Meng Yuqian didn't expect that she would...

Tao Tao worked hard to calm her heartbeat. In fact, compared to her own joy, she was more happy with Meng Yuqian, because she knew that Meng Yuqian had really proved herself to everyone this time.

She is really good.

Tao Tao also clenched Meng Yuqian's hand, responding to her.

The host on the stage saw the two people holding hands tightly, and smiled clearly.

"There are only two of our contestants left, and the awards we haven't announced yet are the first prize and special prize of this competition."

"Whether you win the first prize or the special prize, it means that you are one of the best talents in the city, and the person who wins the special prize will take the honor of all the contestants to participate in the provincial competition and win glory for our city! "

Listening to the host's excited speech, the two of them immediately became nervous.

"That's good, I'm announcing now, the winner of the grand prize."

The host smiled mysteriously, then opened the card in his hand, and read the name under the expectant eyes of everyone.

"Let's congratulate the winner of the grand prize, Tao Tao!"

The moment the host's voice fell, the entire venue erupted. Tao Tao looked at the restless people in the audience with a dazed expression, and unexpectedly saw Jiang Jinchen's figure among those people.

Why is he still here?

Tao Tao thought she was wrong, but when she looked at the real person standing there, she was sure right away.

That's really him.

Jiang Jinchen was the first to stand up from his seat after hearing the host's announcement of the rankings, applauding without hesitation.

His eyes are full of pride.

Tao Tao shed tears.

After hearing the ranking, Meng Yuqian turned around and hugged Tao Tao.

While crying, she kept talking in Tao Tao's ear.


Tao Tao was amused by the girl in her arms, and the two girls felt each other's tears dripping on their collars. This was the happiest moment for the two of them.

After many years, when the two of them recalled this time again, they still feel that the memory is still fresh.

Professor Jiang stepped onto the stage, holding a certificate and a trophy in his hand, and came in front of the two of them.

"Ah Professor Jiang."

Meng Yuqian saw the figure of the old man and immediately reacted.

Professor Jiang looked at the two children with a smile and nodded.

"You really didn't disappoint me."

Meng Yuqian became even more excited after hearing this sentence.

Tao Tao looked helplessly at Meng Yuqian's sobbing, thinking that this little girl admired Professor Jiang too much.

Professor Jiang patted the shoulders of the two girls, and then solemnly awarded the certificates and trophies to them.

The three then posed for a group photo on stage.

But at this moment, Tao Tao's gaze shifted from the camera to the man.

The man still smiled gently, he had witnessed her success.

This time, she felt that she was one step closer to Jiang Jinchen.

After the ceremony, when everyone walked off the stage, Tao Tao saw Jiang Jinchen shaking the phone in his hand.

Tao Tao nodded vigorously at him.

Then Jiang Jinchen watched Tao Tao walk out of the gate surrounded by her classmates.

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