pick a peach essence

Chapter 268 Complicated Program

"I'm sorry Director Liu, I..."

"It's okay, you see me too, why did I tell you all of this suddenly that it made you feel so good that you were already in a bad mood."

Director Liu patted his head while talking, he smiled awkwardly at Tao Tao, and then continued.

"That one just now is your boyfriend?"

Tao Tao froze for a moment when she heard it, did Director Liu see it just now?It shouldn't be, didn't he come behind me?

Tao Tao cleared her throat, then nodded.


"That kid is a nice person."

However, Tao Tao was once again stunned by Director Liu's words. Hearing what he said, could it be that he knew Jiang Jinchen?

Director Liu looked at Tao Tao's puzzled expression, he quickly smiled and waved his hands.

"Look, I've said too much, we just met once."

Then Director Liu took Tao Tao to the place where the new staff reported. He pointed to the door in front of him, indicating that Tao Tao could go in.

"This is it. If you have anything to do in the future, you can come to me at any time."

When Tao Tao heard Director Liu say this, she hurriedly bowed to the man.

"Thank you very much."

Director Liu waved his hand indifferently, and left here with his briefcase.

Looking at the man's back, Tao Tao always felt... a little strange, because she felt that Director Liu was too enthusiastic about herself.

But now is not the time to think so much, Tao Tao quickly sorted out her emotions and clothes, and then knocked on the door of the reporting office.

"Please come in."

A nice voice came from the door, it sounded very young, Tao Tao hurriedly opened the door and walked in after hearing it.

As a result, as soon as she entered, the most obvious thing she could see was a lonely desk. Behind the desk sat a man in a suit with neatly combed hair.

The man looked very young, he seemed to be in his thirties, when the man saw Tao Tao, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted.

"Are you a newcomer who came to report today?"

The man said, his voice was also very nice and gentle.


Tao Tao hurried over and stood in front of the desk, and replied obediently.

But Tao Tao waited for a long time, but she didn't wait for the man to speak again. She raised her head in doubt, and finally saw the man staring at her.

What does it mean?
Tao Tao felt that that gaze was extremely impolite.


So Tao Tao made a noise to distract the man's attention, and sure enough, the man reacted immediately, and then he pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose in embarrassment.

"Sorry, sorry."

Tao Tao just pulled up the corners of her lips and smiled, a little perfunctory, because she felt that the man's behavior just now was really rude.

"I'm really sorry, because there are really very few girls here."


Listening to the man's sudden words, Tao Tao always felt very speechless.

Please... It's not like you won't see girls after you go out, how can you say it's so miserable.

"Hi, please sit down."

The man quickly sorted out his emotions, and he quickly stretched out his hand to signal Tao Tao to sit on the chair opposite him.

Then the man held out his hand and introduced himself.

"I'm the person in charge of the Personnel Department, Jiang Rui."

"Hi, I'm Tao Tao."

Seeing this, Tao Tao quickly stretched out her hand and held it tightly with the man.

"Okay, then let me introduce to you the nature of our work."

"Your department is the Foreign Exchange Department, so the chances of staying here to work should be very small."

When Jiang Rui said this, he pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose again.

"Most of your time should be spent following the leader to attend various meetings, and then doing some translation work for the content of the meeting."

Tao Tao nodded when she heard it. She knew the nature of her job. In fact, she had already guessed it before she came.

"But you don't have to worry. This is the imperial capital. You are only in charge of the imperial capital's meetings. Normally, you don't need to travel."

Jiang Rui smiled at Tao Tao and signaled her not to worry. Tao Tao said she was not happy after hearing it, it was a lie.

Because she was really afraid that she would be arranged to go on a business trip, and then be separated from Jiang Jinchen again, she really didn't want to do this again.

"Okay, I see."

Jiang Rui nodded when he heard it, and then recorded information for Tao Tao, which included collecting fingerprints, collecting faces, and recording a voice lock.

Tao Tao only feels that working here really requires concentration all the time, otherwise if there is a deviation, the consequences are not something Tao Tao can afford.

However, just when Tao Tao thought everything was over, Jiang Rui took out another stack of documents.

"These are some agreements and contracts. You have to read each of them carefully, and then you can sign after confirming that they are correct."

Tao Tao was shocked when she saw those documents.

"All, all?"

Jiang Rui nodded, and then said nothing.

"Because you're going to be dealing with some confidential issues, signing these agreements is a must."

I see……

Tao Tao suddenly felt that she had entered an incredible organization. She was trembling now, for fear that if she was not careful, she would lose her life in it.

It took Tao Tao a full three hours to read through the agreements and then sign her name. Only at this time did she really understand the nature of her work.

Jiang Rui checked carefully, then nodded, and said to Tao Tao.

"Okay, I will send these documents to the people above, and you can come to work after the review is passed."

"Also, still need to review..."

Tao Tao suddenly felt that this organization was terrible.

"Yes, because we want to investigate some of your social background and some trivial things now, but don't worry, we will not invade your privacy."

When Tao Tao heard Jiang Rui's answer, she suddenly felt very tired...

"What's wrong? Are you not used to it?"

However, Jiang Rui could see Tao Tao's emotions right away, he smiled at the girl, and said.

Tao Tao glanced at Jiang Rui's face, he was quite handsome, so she felt that this man should not be a bad person, so she nodded very honestly.

Jiang Rui's smile grew wider.

"Because the nature of our work is different, we must ensure that there will be no disclosure in every link. If something goes wrong, none of us can afford the consequences."

When Jiang Rui said this, Breakthrough repeated it very seriously.

"We really, really can't afford it."

Tao Tao didn't know what to say now, she nodded quickly, and then said.

"I see, don't worry, I will be serious."

So Jiang Rui showed a teachable expression, he put the documents in the safe, and then walked out with Tao Tao.

"I'll take you around."

But Tao Tao refused.

"Will this delay your work?"

Jiang Rui laughed out loud when he heard it, and Tao Tao felt a headache when he looked at the man who was smiling without any image.

"You are the only person who came to report this month, do you think it will delay my work?"

Tao Tao shut up as expected.

"So I only see a new face a month, so I'm curious."

So it turned out that Tao Tao suddenly felt that Jiang Rui seemed like a... person who was alone in a vacant room.

"Actually, our place is mainly responsible for some diplomatic matters, so we are just a small branch."

Jiang Rui walked around with Tao Tao, and then gave her a detailed introduction to the situation here.

"Small branch? So, where is above us?"

When Jiang Rui heard Tao Tao's question, he suddenly smiled mysteriously, and then answered two words.

Tao Tao almost fainted when she heard it, and then she hurriedly lowered her sense of existence quietly.

Jiang Rui smiled when he saw the girl's appearance.

"The branch at the same level as ours also involves military, judicial, etc... a lot."

Tao Tao listened with half understanding, the more she listened, the more frightened she became.

But Jiang Rui kept comforting her.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, we are not devils, as long as you work hard, our welfare here is still very good."

Tao Tao nodded half-understanding when she heard it. She spent a few ten minutes walking around with Jiang Rui just now, and found out that it is really big.

Moreover, there will be special people guarding the front of each building. If you want to enter, you must show your ID.

"After you officially enter the job, I will take you to your special office."

Jiang Rui sent Tao Tao to the door, and then told her.

Tao Tao nodded after hearing it.

"I'm sorry to trouble you today."

However, Jiang Rui waved his hands indifferently, and then said to Tao Tao.

"I'm really sorry just now, I was rude. And I wanted to take you to have a good look at this place, but it's a pity that you can't stay here for too long before you enter the job."

Tao Tao smiled knowingly when she heard it.

"It's okay, thank you anyway."

Then Jiang Rui waved to Tao Tao and returned to his work place.

Watching the solemn door close again, Tao Tao sighed softly.

It seems that the days to come will not be so easy.

However, just when Tao Tao was about to pick up her phone and ask Jiang Jinchen to pick her up, she suddenly heard a pair of hands on her shoulders.

Tao Tao was taken aback, but when she felt the familiar breath, she relaxed.

Then Tao Tao turned her head helplessly, looking at the man who was smiling at her.

"Why didn't you honk your car horn to let me pass here?"

Jiang Jinchen shrugged helplessly after hearing this.

"Horning is prohibited here."

Well... Tao Tao has nothing to say.

"But how do you know I'm coming out at this time?"

Tao Tao was really curious about how this man's timing was so accurate.

However, Jiang Jinchen smiled mysteriously, then raised his eyebrows, moved closer to Tao Tao's ear, and said to her.

"Because I am very familiar with your set of procedures today."

"I also know you can't stay there for too long, so I came over earlier."

When Tao Tao heard it, my whole family was shocked.

This is all right?And this operation?
"Okay, I see."

Tao Tao sighed softly, and got into Jiang Jinchen's car.

"What's wrong? Are you tired?"

The man was worried when he saw that Tao Tao was offline.

"Yeah, I'm so tired..."

Tao Tao was physically and mentally exhausted all day today, she sighed softly, only feeling a headache.

"Go home and have a good rest. Your approval will come in about a week. Shall we go out to play this week?"


After Tao Tao heard Jiang Jinchen's words, she thought about it carefully, and then leaned on the seat decadently again.

"A week, it's still a long time."

Jiang Jinchen helplessly reached out and rubbed the girl's head.

"It's not long. It's pretty fast. How about it? We can take advantage of this week to travel."

However, just as Tao Tao wanted to happily agree, she suddenly received a phone call.

Tao Tao picked up the phone and found it belonged to Meng Yuqian, then she smiled and quickly picked it up.

"Hello? What's the matter Qianqian?"

Tao Tao's voice was very gentle, Jiang Jinchen smacked his lips when he heard it.

"Little Taozi, how is it? Did you successfully join the job today?"

Meng Yuqian's cheerful voice came from the phone, and Tao Tao smiled helplessly when she heard it. She knew that this child had really good things going on recently, so even Tao Tao's mood improved accordingly.

"Well, it's going well. If there are no accidents, I will be able to join the job next week."

"That's really good."

However, Meng Yuqian still didn't ask any questions about Tao Tao's mysterious job, because she knew there were some things Tao Tao couldn't answer, so she still didn't ask those questions to embarrass Tao Tao.

Tao Tao really thinks Meng Yuqian is so caring.

"That's great, just take advantage of this week, can you come and help me?"

Meng Yuqian's excited voice came again, and Tao Tao froze for a moment when she heard it.

"Help you? What's the matter, Qianqian, is something wrong?"

However, Meng Yuqian couldn't hold back her laughter when she heard it.

"I said you silly boy, how could something happen to me, I...Wen Liang and I have already obtained the certificate."

"Eh? Wait, wait a minute."

Tao Tao was completely stunned when she heard it, because it shocked her more than hearing about Meng Yuqian's accident.

"You're...too fast, aren't you?"

Meng Yuqian giggled on the phone, while Tao Tao held her forehead with a headache.

"Do all uncles and aunts know?"

Meng Yuqian quickly gave an affirmative answer when she heard it, and she almost stretched out her fingers to swear.

"Don't worry, I really didn't hide it from them. Our parents have already agreed."

Tao Tao's hanging heart was relieved after hearing this, but at the same time, she did not expect that Meng Yuqian actually got the certificate and got married before her.

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