pick a peach essence

Chapter 267 Registration

"Jiang Jinchen!"

Tao Tao roared, calling Jiang Jinchen who was holding a spatula over.

"what happened?"

At the same time, Jiang Jinchen also brought a whole body of food.

"Why is my room door locked?"

Tao Tao pointed at her door, very angry.

"What? Did you find this room unpleasant after I left?"

It's over... I'm afraid there is a misunderstanding?
Jiang Jinchen stood there in embarrassment with a spatula in his hand, he looked at the very angry girl frowning in bewilderment.

"Listen to my explanation."

"You open it first."

Tao Tao closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"No, this...really not."

So these two idle people broke out in a war caused by a locked door.

"Listen to me, I didn't move your room. The reason I locked it was because there was a surprise for you in it..."

Tao Tao was skeptical, she actually believed Jiang Jinchen, but this man had never done such a naive thing before, which made Tao Tao a little suspicious.

No way... This man has become naive after falling in love?

This must be a horror story.

"Okay, but... where should I sleep?"

Tao Tao wants to cry but has no tears, it's over, her feelings have faded, and now she has no place to stay in this family.

"Why are you making that expression?"

Jiang Jinchen helplessly looked at Tao Tao's sad and wronged face, as if he was about to cry.

"Of course we slept together, why? You want to share a room with me?"

One, sleep together?

This... came a bit suddenly.

"Why are you hesitating? Didn't we all sleep together before?"

After Tao Tao heard the man's words, she thought about it seriously, and then nodded.

Well, it does.

So Tao Tao could only resign herself to her fate and walked to the door of the master bedroom like a walking corpse.

"Okay, let's go cook."

Jiang Jinchen saw that the expression on Tao Tao's face had eased a lot, so he breathed a sigh of relief.

"OK, wait for me."

Tao Tao looked at the man's disappearing back, and suddenly found his apron... quite cute.

Tao Tao opened the door of the master bedroom, and everything that caught the eye was a very tall and simple style.

But she didn't have time to think about it, so she lay on the bed and closed her eyes.

She smelled the very comfortable smell in Jiang Jinchen's room, and slowly fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, but she suddenly smelled the smell of braised pork in those high-end aromatherapy.


Tao Tao suddenly woke up from the dream, she opened her eyes, only to see a plate of delicious meat appearing in front of her eyes.

"This is……"

Fresh braised pork?

Jiang Jinchen looked at the dazed look of the girl who had just woken up, and was almost turned on by her.

"Want to eat?"

After Tao Tao heard the man's voice, she suddenly woke up. She sat up from the bed and looked at the man in disbelief.

"You, you actually brought braised pork into the room?"

"what happened?"

Jiang Jinchen looked puzzled, he wondered why Tao Tao was surprised.

"Do you want to sleep with the smell of braised pork tonight?"

Tao Tao rolled her eyes almost to the sky, but in the end Jiang Jinchen turned her back with a word.

"No, I want to sleep smelling you."

"Let's end the meeting... I don't want to talk to you anymore."

Tao Tao closed her eyes resolutely, then hugged the quilt and went to sleep.

Jiang Jinchen helplessly put down the delicious braised pork in his hand, bent down, and softly coaxed Tao Tao in the girl's ear.

"Don't be angry, get up and eat, I have made a lot of things you like to eat."

Tao Tao said that she didn't want to talk to him, because she didn't want to believe the man's nonsense anymore.

"Get up, won't I kiss you again?"

Jiang Jinchen looked at Tao Tao who was motionless, and he really planned to use a more effective method.

Sure enough, Tao Tao opened her eyes all of a sudden, then she turned around and looked at the man who was full of bullshit, and sat up.

"Let's go, let's eat."

Jiang Jinchen looked at Tao Tao's aggrieved look, he took the girl's hand, then picked up the plate of braised pork with the other hand, and walked towards the kitchen.

Looking at the dishes on the table, Tao Tao suddenly felt better.

"It looks fine."

Jiang Jinchen raised his eyebrows arrogantly when he heard it.

"How about it, eat quickly."

So Tao Tao started eating again, Jiang Jinchen still looked at the girl with a smile as before.

Time seemed to go back to the past, and Jiang Jinchen suddenly felt that the vacancy in his heart had been filled.

This feeling...he felt that it would always exist in the future, the peace of mind that the person he loves the most is by his side.

The two chatted while eating, and Tao Tao also knew what changes Jiang Jinchen had made in the company during her absence for three years.

And Jiang Jinchen also knew that Tao Tao had always been a bully in the eyes of his classmates and a malleable talent in the eyes of his teachers in school.

"As expected of the woman I like."

Jiang Jinchen propped his chin, and looked at the girl leisurely.

Tao Tao pursed her lips, stood up resolutely and cleared away the dishes on the table.

"I'm going to wash the dishes."

"If you have a dishwasher, don't do it. My wife's hands are not for washing dishes."

Tao Tao held the plate in her hand, and thought carefully about the probability of using these plates to knock Jiang Jinchen unconscious. She roughly calculated it, but she decided to forget it.

"Murder is against the law, don't force me to do it."

When Jiang Jinchen heard Tao Tao's murderous words, he felt his hairs suddenly stand on end.

"I'm not talking."

Only then did Tao Tao put the dishes in the dishwasher, and after the dishes were all washed, she then tidied up everything, clapped her hands and was ready to go to sleep.

Seeing this, Jiang Jinchen quickly stretched out his hand and walked forward to squeeze her shoulder.

"Thanks for your hard work."

"No hard work, go to sleep."

Although Tao Tao said that she was not tired, she was actually sleepy now, and she had to report to work tomorrow.

Tomorrow is obviously a tiring day, too.

So Tao Tao decided to go to bed early tonight.

"Okay, let's go to bed then."

Jiang Jinchen took Tao Tao's hand and sent her into the bathroom.

"Take a bath, and then we'll go to bed early."

Tao Tao looked at the man's thoughtfulness, but felt that he had some other purpose.

"it is good……"

Tao Tao carefully looked into the man's eyes, and then agreed to him.

Jiang Jinchen rubbed the girl's hair, then put water for her thoughtfully, and closed the door.

Tao Tao walked into the bathtub, then comfortably closed her eyes and soaked in the hot water, feeling that her whole body was relaxed.

After a while, just when Tao Tao was about to fall asleep, Jiang Jinchen's voice sounded from outside.

"Did you wash it? Did you fall asleep again?"

Tao Tao woke up all of a sudden, and she quickly stood up from the bathtub.

"Don't come in, I'll..."

Jiang Jinchen sighed helplessly outside the door, and then said.

"What are you afraid of? I'm not a hooligan."

After Jiang Jinchen finished speaking, he left the door and walked towards the kitchen.

Tao Tao thought that Jiang Jinchen was angry, so she quickly tidied herself up, then opened the door and came in front of Jiang Jinchen, only to see Jiang Jinchen walking towards Tao Tao with a cup of warm milk.

"This is……"

Tao Tao took it suspiciously.

"It's for you, drink it and go to sleep."

Jiang Jinchen smiled gently, but his tenderness once again moved Tao Tao's heart.

She carefully held the milk cup, and then hugged Jiang Jinchen tightly.

"You are the one I want to hug with a full glass of milk."

Jiang Jinchen only felt that this sentence really touched his heart.

"Ok, I know."

The two hugged quietly for a long time like this, like two dying fish hugging each other.

"Okay, go to sleep."

Tao Tao nodded, then took the milk in her hand and drank it down.

Then she took Jiang Jinchen's hand and came to the room.

She lay on the soft bed, covered with a quilt.

Jiang Jinchen lay down beside the girl, and hugged Tao Tao in his arms.

"Go to bed early, you have to go to work tomorrow."

"it is good."

Tao Tao agreed, then she kissed Jiang Jinchen on the cheek and closed her eyes.

Jiang Jinchen laughed until he lost his eyes, and then he gently kissed the girl's face.

"Nice dream."

Then the two of them fell asleep together, and Tao Tao's biological clock of the past few years woke her up early the next morning.


Jiang Jinchen opened the door, and happily said good morning to Tao Tao.


Tao Tao rubbed her eyes and sat up, then looked at the apron on Jiang Jinchen.

"Why do you get up so early?"

Tao Tao knew that Jiang Jinchen had nothing to do today, so she was very puzzled.

But Jiang Jinchen said a few words in a serious manner.

"I'll cook for you."

Tao Tao was suddenly moved, and then she got out of the bed and came to the man's side. She tiptoed to smell the man's clothes.

"You still smell like breakfast."

Jiang Jinchen smiled helplessly, then rubbed the girl's hair.

"Are you hungry? So there is an illusion."

"No... I really smell it."

Tao Tao suddenly sighed at this point.

"You won't be soaked in the smell of food in the future, right?"

"how is this possible……"

Jiang Jinchen smiled helplessly, then took the girl by the hand and led her to the bathroom.

"Hurry up and wash up, then eat, and I'll take you to work after eating."

"it is good."

Tao Tao obediently went to wash up, and then she ate a breakfast she was very familiar with, and then went downstairs with Jiang Jinchen.

Jiang Jinchen opened the co-pilot's door, and motioned for Tao Tao to sit in.

Then the man drove Tao Tao to her unit downstairs.

But Tao Tao saw the man's reluctance, and the corner of her mouth twitched.

"Don't be like this... I'll be back at night."

Looking at the girl's appearance, Jiang Jinchen always felt that he was very reluctant to part with her.

He didn't know why, but he knew that she would never disappear from his side again, but he was still afraid that one day he would have to live alone.

Jiang Jinchen could wait for Tao Tao in the lonely years, but he was insecure and still afraid of the girl's sudden departure.

"Okay, I'll pick you up after you get off work."

Jiang Jinchen leaned down and kissed the girl's cheek lightly. Tao Tao saw that he didn't tidy up his shirt collar because of his haste in the morning.

She stretched out her hand and gently smoothed the wrinkles on Jiang Jinchen's shirt.

"wait for me."

After Tao Tao finished speaking, she got out of the car, she asked Jiang Jinchen to drive back first, the girl watched the shadow of the car disappear not far away, she sighed helplessly.

what to do?She felt that she was really relying more and more on Jiang Jinchen, which was not a good sign.

The girl sighed, and then she was about to walk into the gate, but before Tao Tao took a step, she suddenly felt the sound of a car coming from behind.

Tao Tao turned around suspiciously, only to see a man get off the car.

"Tao Tao?"

That man was about 50 to [-] years old. Although he was past middle age, he didn't have a single gray hair on his head, and he looked very energetic.

Tao Tao was stunned when she heard the man calling her name.

Then it took her a full three seconds to react.

"Director Liu?"

This person Tao Tao still knows, this is a leader who went to Tao Tao school with the principal at that time to do exchange work.

Tao Tao hurried over to greet him.

"Hello Director Liu."

Tao Tao bowed to the man very politely, and Director Liu quickly helped her up.

"You don't have to be so polite with me."

Director Liu smiled kindly. For some reason, Tao Tao suddenly felt that she was on top of him...seeing the shadow of her father.

Tao Tao raised the corners of her mouth helplessly, she just felt that she really thought too much, why did she suddenly feel like this?

Fortunately, Director Liu didn't notice Tao Tao's strangeness. He just picked up his briefcase and told the driver to drive the car to the garage in the yard.

"Let's go together?"

Tao Tao nodded quickly when she heard it, and then walked over with Director Liu.

They took the elevator directly to the personnel office where Tao Tao was going to report today.

Tao Tao was surprised why Director Liu also came up with her.

"I'm afraid you won't find it."

"Ah, thank you so much."

Tao Tao only thinks that Director Liu is really a very kind person.

"It's okay, it's also necessary to take care of new comrades."

"Actually...you are very similar to my daughter, I felt very similar when I first saw you."

"Ah, that's right... That's really my honor, your daughter must be very good."

Tao Tao turned her head and smiled at Director Liu, but she saw that Director Liu was suddenly depressed.

"My daughter... had an accident and has... passed away."

Tao Tao was stunned when she heard it, she really couldn't believe it.

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