pick a peach essence

Chapter 240 Test Report

Although I thought so, it was really difficult to investigate this man, and even find out whether he had made any mistakes.

Tao Tao put the diary on the table, and wanted to get up and go to the window to calm down.

However, when Tao Tao stood up, she suddenly knocked the diary on the corner of the table to the ground, and the diary landed in a perfect arc.

Tao Tao smacked her lips, squatted down and wanted to pick it up, but at this moment, Tao Tao suddenly sat on the ground very excitedly.

She looked at a certain page in the diary and opened her mouth in surprise.

This, this turned out to be...

Tao Tao's breathing also became chaotic, her body was trembling all the time, she picked up the diary in a panic, and ran out the door without thinking.

Faster, faster.

Tao Tao wore slippers on her feet and ran in the uninhabited villa area. She held the diary in her arms and ran desperately, then ran to a place where there were people and took a taxi.

"Putt College."

Tao Tao told the driver her destination, and then she took out her mobile phone and dialed a number?
"Hello? Xiaohan?"

Jiang Yihan received a call from his sister-in-law, but as soon as he got through, he heard Tao Tao's somewhat messy breathing.

His heart tightened.

"What's the matter, sister-in-law, is something wrong?"

However, Tao Tao didn't answer him when she heard it, she just asked him a question very anxiously.

"Where are you?"

where am I?Jiang Yihan sat on a chair in the waiting hall, feeling a little puzzled.

"I'm at the airport. I told you just now that I'm going to find my brother."

After hearing this, Tao Tao hurriedly asked again.

"Did your brother go to the imperial capital?"

Jiang Yihan pursed his lips and nodded.

"Yes Sister-in-law, what's the matter with you? I'm worried about you. "

However, Tao Tao really didn't have time to say a superfluous nonsense at this time, because the situation was too urgent.

"How long before you get on the plane?"

Jiang Yihan frowned, and glanced at the ticket in his hand.

"An hour and a half."

You still have time.

Tao Tao breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm going back to school to find something now, and I'll send it to you."

Tao Tao looked at the scenery on the road and realized that she was almost at school, so she hurriedly said.

"Xiaohan, you have to promise me that you must hand over everything I gave you to your brother."

Jiang Yihan listened to what Tao Tao said in a daze, but before he continued to ask, Tao Tao hung up the phone.

Jiang Yihan pursed his lips and looked at his watch. It took half an hour from the school airport without traffic jams.

I must make it there, but...

Although Jiang Yihan didn't know what happened, he knew that what Tao Tao said just now must be very important to Jiang Jinchen.

So Jiang Yihan sat in the waiting room, quietly waiting for Tao Tao's arrival.

After Tao Tao got off the car, she went to find Bella decisively, and Bella was even more surprised when she saw Tao Tao.

"Oh my God, why are you here? What if someone sees you?"

Bella couldn't figure out why Tao Tao came here anyway.

"Bella, I have a very urgent matter now, you must help me."

Bella looked at the sweat on Tao Tao's forehead, and instantly understood how anxious she was.

"It's okay, just tell me, I will help you."

After hearing this, Tao Tao hurried over to hold Bella's hand.

"I want to go to Shen Huan's dormitory for those two things"

"What, what?"

Bella froze in place for a moment, she stared at Tao Tao's serious expression in a daze.


It took Bella half a minute to recover from the shock. Seeing Tao Tao's eagerness, she nodded quickly.

"no problem."

Bella took out the lockpicking tool used last time again, and brought Tao Tao to Shen Huan's dormitory.

"You wait for me outside."

Tao Tao took the tool and smiled at Bella.

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll be there soon."

Bella nodded reluctantly, because she was supposed to guard the only entrance outside, and she was afraid that what happened to let that man sneak in last time would happen.

"Okay, go in, I'll guard the outside for you."

Only then did Tao Tao quickly run into the elevator, and then stood in front of Shen Huan's bedroom according to the room number Bella gave her.

Tao Tao took a deep breath and was in a trance for a while.

Just when she was desperate, life suddenly brought her hope.

By accident, Tao Tao saw the most important page of the diary.

What was written in that diary was really enough to destroy Chu Xiuning.

Tao Tao closed her eyes, and then struggled to open them, but her mind was still replaying those words automatically.

"I learned a secret about Chu Xiuning today. He actually lied to those people."

"Chu Xiuning told me before that he was developing drugs in the imperial capital, but the whole incident was kept secret. However, I only found out today that Chu Xiuning actually... deceived the people in the imperial capital because he was able to participate The researchers who came to drug research must be healthy people both physically and mentally, but...Chu Xiuning was already sick at that time."

"He deceived them and entered the research institute. His courage is really too great, because he will be punished for doing so, ranging from life imprisonment to life imprisonment, to shooting at worst."

"But fortunately, I left his evidence. The test report is behind the hanging picture in my room. If that man wants to kill me one day, I will threaten him with these."

In fact, there is more content behind, but Tao Tao can't read it anymore.

She caught the key word, which is "being punished".

punish?What kind of punishment is it?Life in prison, or shot?

So what's going on here?
Although Tao Tao herself was very puzzled, she knew that the evidence in Chen Huan's hands would definitely be the last straw that overwhelmed Chu Xiuning.

So Tao Tao must seize this opportunity.

Tao Tao pursed her lips, took out the lockpicking tool, and resolutely unlocked the door.

However, the moment she opened the door, she saw a real person standing in Shen Huan's room.

it's over...

Tao Tao's eyes darkened, and she almost fainted.

Who can tell her why this man is here?

Tao Tao walked into the room in despair and closed the door.

With a "bang", the empty corridor fell into a deathly silence.

"Why are you here?"

Tao Tao pursed her lips, and cautiously tested him, because now Tao Tao didn't know whether he was an enemy or a friend.

"That's the question I want to ask you too."

He En walked up to Tao Tao step by step, looking down at her.

The man's eyes suddenly fell on Tao Tao's hand, the girl was stunned for a moment, and then she reacted quickly.

She quickly put her hands behind her back, trying to hide the diary inside.

"It really is with you."

He En stretched out his hand expressionlessly, and opened it to Tao Tao's years ago.

"Bring it."

Tao Tao shook her head.

"That's what I found out first."

However, He En suddenly smiled when he heard it.

"That's obviously what I gave it to you."

What does he... mean?
Tao Tao was stunned for a moment, and then understood everything. It turned out that He En knew that Bella took the diary that day.

But... what on earth does this man want to do?
"He En, you..."

However, when the words came to her lips, Tao Tao didn't know how to say them.

"I want to make an exchange with you."

Tao Tao suddenly thought of a way in her mind.


He En raised his eyebrows and signaled Tao Tao to continue talking.

"I want to use this diary to exchange the thing behind that hanging picture with you."

He En's expression turned bad all of a sudden.

"You are too greedy."

The man's emotionless voice came, and Tao Tao's forehead also broke out in cold sweat.

"That stuff is very important to us."

In fact, Tao Tao was also really puzzled. In this matter, Shen Huan was obviously a victim, and getting rid of Chu Xiuning would be good for them.

But why did He En come to stop her?
"We can work together."

Tao Tao felt that time was passing by, she was really running out of time.

Really can't spend any more, otherwise it will be too late.

She didn't know what evidence Jiang Jinchen brought to the imperial capital, but Tao Tao knew that the evidence in Chen Huan's hands was really the most useful.

He En chuckled lightly.

"I don't want to work with you."

Really are……

Tao Tao felt that she really had no way to communicate with this man.

"But I can help you."

Um?What's the meaning?
However, when Tao Tao fell into despair, He En suddenly changed his mind.

He actually wants to help me?
Tao Tao obviously didn't believe it.

"You, are you serious?"

He En nodded and continued.

"But, Chu Xiuning is our common enemy, and I can help you deal with him."

If this is the case, why does He En talk so much nonsense?Tao Tao is really puzzled.


Sure enough, He En gave his reasons at this time.

"You can't hand in this diary."


Tao Tao frowned and looked at the man.

"Because I don't want Shen Huan to go to jail with him."


Tao Tao glanced at the man again.

"No, in this diary... Shen Huan is not guilty, because she only wrote about Chu Xiuning."

However, as soon as Tao Tao finished speaking, He En quickly shook his head.

"You still don't look carefully."

He En took the diary from Tao Tao's hand while talking, he turned to the last few pages at once, and held it in front of Tao Tao.

Tao Tao's eyes widened in shock.

What I saw in the last few pages of Shen Huan's diary were all the illegal things he had done for Chu Xiuning.


Tao Tao raised her head and looked at the unpredictable man in front of her in doubt.

He En, how did you know this?

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