pick a peach essence

Chapter 239 Strange content

Bella's experience that day was really something she had never thought about in her life.

When she came out of the dormitory building that day, she couldn't help but fell to the ground.

Bella wiped the cold sweat from her forehead, really afraid to recall what she had just experienced.

Thinking about it is scary.

After Bella got the diary, she called Jiang Jinchen. Although she didn't know the specific content of the diary, she knew that this diary would definitely help Jiang Jinchen.

But no one answered Jiang Jinchen's phone no matter how much he called, she panicked all of a sudden, she was afraid that something would happen to Jiang Jinchen.

But she believed in Jiang Jinchen, because the man promised her to bring Tao Tao back safely.

So the only thing Bella can do now is to protect this diary well before contacting Jiang Jinchen.

After a while, she always felt that someone had been following her in those few days.

Bella was terrified. She wanted to find a senior from the student union to accompany her, but it must be obvious to do so.

The person who followed her would also find out something.

So Bella has been pretending to be calm these days, going to class, eating, and taking a walk every day.

However, just the night before Bella contacted Jiang Jinchen, she finally escaped from that man's surveillance.

I don't know if Bella's disguise was too good, or for some other reason, the man left.

Bella breathed a sigh of relief, and Jiang Jinchen also connected on the other side.

The two exchanged for a while, but Jiang Jinchen said that he had something very important to do, and this matter was really related to whether the person who hurt Tao Tao could be brought to justice on the spot.

Bella realized the seriousness of the matter, so the diary disappeared.

But Jiang Jinchen left a word to Bella before hanging up the phone.

"Maybe, you can give her this diary."

to her?
Bella was a little puzzled, but Jiang Jinchen said that someone would come to pick him up to see him after a while.

So Bella waited and waited, and finally, she waited until Jiang Jinchen.

Bella looked in surprise at the boy who looked somewhat similar to Jiang Jinchen.

Then she quickly knew that the boy was Jiang Jinchen's younger brother, so Bella followed Jiang Yihan here trustingly.


What Bella didn't expect was that she saw Tao Tao, the girl she had been worried about for a long time.

"What exactly is going on?"

Bella took Tao Tao's hand and looked her over carefully, and found that she was fine, so Bella was relieved.

So Tao Tao told Bella about her experiences in the past few days, and Bella felt emotional after listening.

"It's really a near miss."

Indeed, if Tao Tao's experience in the past few days were placed on anyone, he would not be so lucky.

"So, you have been protecting this diary?"

Tao Tao touched the thick black notebook and looked at Bella without blinking.

Bella nodded vigorously when she heard it.

"Yes, I'm afraid it will be snatched away."

Snatched away?Tao Tao froze for a moment, then suddenly remembered something.

"I forgot to ask just now, who is that man?"

Tao Tao looked at Bella suspiciously, but she seemed to have a name in her heart.

"that person……"

Bella frowned and recalled, and then she said it.

"The person who has been following me for the past few days seems to be the man I saw when I went to find the diary."

Tao Tao squinted her eyes, it seemed that he was right.

"That man, does he have deep facial features, like a mixed race? His hair is brown, um..."

Tao Tao thought for a while, then continued.

"He was tall and always liked to wear a white shirt and a dark green tie."

When Bella heard about the dark green tie, she became even more certain.

"Yes, that's the man."

After hearing this, Tao Tao lowered her head, thinking about something.

That man, He En is right, but...why is he obsessed with Shen Huan's diary?
Could it be... there is really their dark secret in this diary?
Thinking of this, Tao Tao hurriedly flipped through the diary, and the result really surprised her.

In this diary, everything happened from the day Shen Huan met Chu Xiuning for the first time.

It has been several years, and she still keeps this notebook very well. It seems that Shen Huan really likes Chu Xiuning.

Tao Tao pursed her lips tightly, wanting to continue reading, but at this moment Jiang Yihan stopped her.

"Let's go back and read it, it's not safe here."

Tao Tao only realized it when she heard it. She nodded, then got up and walked over to give Bella a hug.

"Thank you……"

In fact, Tao Tao has thousands of words to say to Bella, but she can't say anything now.

All her words turned into a "thank you".

In fact, Bella understands.

"Thank you for what you said to me."

Bella patted Tao Tao's back lightly, then whispered into her ear.

"You can definitely solve this difficulty. When you go back to school, we will study together."

Tao Tao nodded vigorously after hearing this.

"it is good."

So the two girls made a promise.

Tao Tao followed Jiang Yihan back to the villa, and Bella also went back to school by herself.

The two of them arrived at the villa, Tao Tao got out of the car, and looked at Jiang Yihan who was still sitting in the car.

"what happened?"

Tao Tao was a little puzzled.

"I... want to find my brother."

Are you looking for Jiang Jinchen?

Tao Tao smiled helplessly after hearing this.

"Are you worried about him?"

Jiang Yihan heard Tao Tao's teasing, and he really blushed.

"No, I just want to help him."

But Tao Tao didn't believe it.

"Alright, alright, let's go."

Tao Tao turned around while talking, waved at Jiang Yihan, and walked in on her own.

What a joke, if Tao Tao stays here again, this child will definitely be even more embarrassed.

So Tao Tao went back to her room, opened Shen Huan's diary and read it.

Tao Tao flipped the pages of the book, and roughly understood the matter between Shen Huan and Chu Xiuning.

Chen Huan actually fell in love with Chu Xiuning the first time he saw him. As for when Shen Huan met that man...

Tao Tao stretched out her finger and pointed to a line of words in the diary.

parent meeting?
At this moment, Tao Tao suddenly remembered that they had a parent-teacher meeting, and it was Chu Xiuning who came in person.

It's just...Chu Manyun heard more gossip at that time.

It seems that Shen Huan fell in love with Chu Xiuning at first sight at that time.

after that……

Then it was all about a girl who had a crush on it.

Until, in Shen Huan's diary, the man named Chu Xiuning disappeared.

Tao Tao glanced at the time, yes, it was the time when Chu Manyun had an accident, after that, Chu Xiuning no longer appeared in Shen Huan's diary.

And when that man appeared again, it was a few years ago.

Tao Tao suddenly saw a key message in the diary.

Shen Huan said that Chu Xiuning took the initiative to come over to find her.


However, Tao Tao also discovered Shen Huan's uncontrollable heartbeat and joy when he saw Chu Xiuning again.

Tao Tao smacked her lips, thinking that this girl is really stupid, this man is here to kill you, okay?
Sure enough, Shen Huan's subsequent diary also reflected her fear and terror at that time.

Because she knew Chu Xiuning's purpose, she also knew that she was the only one who survived from that time.

The remaining one is Taotao.

Tao Tao sighed softly, she didn't want to see how Chen Huan helped Chu Xiuning to harm others, she just wanted to know some information about Chu Xiuning.

She flipped through the pages one by one, and the sound of "sough" echoed in the quiet room.

However, at this moment, Tao Tao stopped suddenly. She held the diary in front of her eyes and looked at it carefully.

Tao Tao keenly caught a key sentence.

"Chu Xiuning, seems to be sick."

I got sick?What disease?

Tao Tao hurriedly continued to watch.

"He has become very strange these days. I remember that in the past, no matter how much I made him angry, he would just leave the house without saying a word, but...he hit me today."

Chu Xiu Ning him, hit Chen Huan?
Tao Tao suddenly felt that she was about to see the truth.

"He suddenly changed into a different person when he was eating today. He dropped the plate on the ground, pointed at my nose and called me cheap."

"I think he is getting more and more strange. He always stands by the bed alone at night, looking back at me and smiling. That smile is really weird."

This is very wrong...

Tao Tao raised her head from the diary, it seemed that her guess was correct, Chu Xiuning, he really might have a split personality.

Because it's not just Tao Tao who thinks he's weird, even Shen Huan, who gets along with him day and night and loves him very much, also thinks he's "sick".

Tao Tao continued flipping through the diary, but a photo suddenly fell out from the gap between the papers in the diary.

This is……?
Tao Tao bent down and picked up the photo from the ground. She squinted to look at it, but the result surprised her.

Tao Tao tried her best to calm herself down, she carefully looked at the contents of the photo, and finally understood everything.

Chu Xiu Ning him, suffering from severe split personality disorder.

And in that photo were Chu Xiuning's diagnosis records.

Tao Tao touched the photo, and it seemed that her guess was correct, Chu Xiuning was really abnormal.


Tao Tao's mood suddenly fell again, even if she knew that Chu Xiuning had a personality disorder, so what, this was not evidence that could bring him down.

The girl sighed. Now that she sees the diary in her hand, she also feels dull and hopeless.

in case……

Can find some mistakes made by men, isn't it all right?

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