pick a peach essence

Chapter 201 Fission


Chu Manyun looked at the back of the girl who was getting further and further away, and said aggrievedly with her mouth pouting.

"What, I didn't ask my brother to pick me up today, I just wanted to chat with you..."

Tao Tao was walking home alone, feeling nervous for no reason.

For some reason, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and a bad premonition arose spontaneously.

Today was the first time that Chu Manyun did not get in that very luxurious car, but chose to walk home with herself.

She said that it was because that person couldn't come because of something, so she chose to be with Tao Tao.

At that time, Tao Tao suddenly had a feeling that the reason why Chu Manyun became good friends with herself was because she wanted to find someone to accompany her after leaving that man.

There is no such thing as real feelings.

Maybe girls at that time had a lot of thoughts, thought a lot, and cared a lot.

Thinking of this, Tao Tao stopped. She turned her head and looked at the endless road, always feeling that she and Chu Manyun hadn't had a heart-to-heart relationship.

She told Chu Manyun everything about herself, but that girl never said anything.

Including the identity of the mysterious man.

After a long time, it will also make Tao Tao feel a little unbalanced.


Chu Manyun is indeed a very good girl.

How to do it?Tao Tao was caught in a tangle.

In the end, Tao Tao decided to follow her inner instinct. She put her schoolbag on her back and ran back in the opposite direction from home without looking back.

However, she did not meet Chu Manyun on the road.

It shouldn't be, she remembered that Chu Manyun's home was indeed in this direction.

Could it be... that man has already taken her back?
Tao Tao pursed her lips, knowing that she was still a step late, forget it, and explain to her when we meet tomorrow.

However, Tao Tao at that time did not know that the two of them had no tomorrow.

Tao Tao walked alone on the deserted street and suddenly felt a little lonely.

Just now, Chu Manyun, did he feel the same way?

Tao Tao sighed, lowered her head and kicked the pebbles on the side of the road, but at this moment, she suddenly saw a shiny thing on the ground.

"Eh? This is..."

Tao Tao quickly bent down, and took the shiny thing in her hand.

At this time... Chu Manyun's favorite hairpin.

Tao Tao heard from Chu Manyun that this hairpin was given to her by that man, and she cherishes it very much, and she can't even touch it by herself.

But now, it was left here?
Tao Tao seemed to understand something suddenly, she hurriedly looked around here carefully, and sure enough, she saw a very small trace on the ground.

Since it had just rained this afternoon, the ground was a little wet, and those traces were clearly visible.

This should be... the trace of something being dragged away.

Is it...

Tao Tao panicked suddenly, and without thinking, she followed the trace and quickly ran in that direction.

As a result, Tao Tao saw a scene that she would never forget.

I saw that the eldest sister in the school actually found some gangsters outside the school, pushed Chu Manyun to the ground, and kicked her one after another.

This, how could this be so?

Tao Tao instantly understood that the eldest sister should like the school grass of their school, but the school grass also likes Chu Manyun.

Moreover, the two of them were getting too close for a while, so out of jealousy, the eldest sister wanted to teach Chu Manyun a lesson.

This was Tao Tao's first time, and she was stunned when she encountered this kind of campus bullying.

Tao Tao panicked and didn't know what to do, she almost cried, although Tao Tao tried her best to calm herself down, she still couldn't control herself.

She stood there reacting for a long time, and finally, after she heard Chu Manyun's cry of pain, Tao Tao knew what she should do.

Yes, she wants to call the police.

Only the police can subdue these punks.

Tao Tao took out her mobile phone, and just pressed two buttons, when she felt her eyes were suddenly shaken by something.

At this time, the rays of the setting sun shone on those people through layers of dark clouds.

Tao Tao raised her head and froze in place.

What dazzled her eyes just now turned out to be a fruit knife.


Tao Tao stared blankly at the eldest sister, holding a fruit knife in her hand, and kept making gestures on Chu Manyun's face.

No, you can't...

Tao Tao shook her head frantically, she threw away her phone, and rushed forward without thinking.

A little gangster saw the skinny girl rushing straight towards him, and kicked her out without even thinking about it.

Tao Tao felt a sharp pain in her abdomen, she was in a trance for a while, but she still forced herself to wake up.

No, I'm going to Chu Manyun.

Tao Tao got up from the ground, once again took advantage of those little gangsters not paying attention, and rushed into the crowd.

But this time she was very timely, Tao Tao threw the girl down when the knife on the head of the eldest sister was cut on Chu Manyun's face.

As a result, the moment Tao Tao threw Chu Manyun down, she felt a cold metal piercing her back.

it hurts……

Tao Tao's eyes darkened, and she almost fainted.

"Tao, Tao Tao..."

Chu Manyun's entire face was swollen badly. She stared blankly at Tao Tao who was pressing on her body, and felt what seemed to be some warm liquid dripping on her legs.

"You are so ugly..."

Tao Tao gave Chu Manyun a very disgusted look, at this moment she still had time to joke.

For some reason, she always felt that all her guilt towards Chu Manyun had disappeared.

Instead, contentment.

Yes, Tao Tao felt that she was not a bad friend anymore.

"You are so stupid, why did you block the knife for me!"

Chu Manyun suffered those punches and kicks just now, but she endured them all without saying a word.

But when Tao Tao's bright red blood flowed down, Chu Manyun couldn't help crying anymore.

"You idiot..."

Chu Manyun hugged Tao Tao, her trembling hands stroking the wound on the girl's back.

so hot...

Is this the temperature of blood?

Is this also the temperature of emotion?

With tears streaming down her cheeks, Chu Manyun hugged the drowsy Tao Tao, sitting on the ground and crying.

Looking at the deep wound on Tao Tao's back, those little gangsters suddenly panicked.

They turned their attention to the head of the big sister with the knife.

"Elder sister, is this... will something happen? Let's forget it, let's get out."

However, the eldest sister seemed to have had a long-standing grudge against Chu Manyun.

She turned her head and yelled at the punks.

"A bunch of trash, what are you afraid of, the police can't find us if something goes wrong."

The eldest sister became more and more angry as she spoke, and she tightly held the knife in her hand, as if her eyes were red.

"If you are afraid of death, get out of here!"

As soon as the elder sister finished speaking, the younger brothers around her scattered.

Only one girl with whom she had the best relationship was left.

"Big, big sister, or forget it and let's go, look, she, she bleeds a lot..."

Because of her young age, the girl had never seen such a thing before. She tugged on the cuff of the elder sister's head and urged her to leave quickly.

But the eldest sister couldn't listen to a word.

"You let go."

The girl looked at the elder sister's head and suddenly showed a very terrifying expression on her face. She was so frightened that she quickly let go of the hand holding the elder sister's head, and took a few steps back.

"Chu Manyun, I never thought that someone like you would have such a good friend."

As the eldest sister spoke, she kicked the weak Tao Tao aside.

"do not want!"

Chu Manyun originally wanted to protect the girl who was injured for herself, but she was really powerless.

She felt that her hands and feet were kicked by those people just now and she was a little bit exhausted.

Chu Manyun could only watch Tao Tao's body helplessly, and was kicked aside by the woman.

"What on earth do you want! Don't do anything to my friends!"

Chu Manyun roared hysterically.

"Oh, friend?"

The eldest sister suddenly sneered.

"A person like you deserves to have friends?"

"Stop joking, ask yourself, are you qualified to be friends with her?"

While speaking, the eldest sister walked up to Chu Manyun, and picked up the girl's chin with a knife stained with blood.

"Do you know what she sacrificed to be your friend?"

At this moment, the elder sister's words sounded like a curse, Chu Manyun listened in a daze, motionless.

"She was isolated by all the students in the school because of you, but she still believed in you."

"But you, you didn't even tell her about yourself."

When the eldest sister said this, she clicked her tongue twice.

"Do you know what the classmates are saying about her behind her back? They say she is a slut, she approached you just for your family's money, and wanted to seduce your man."

Chu Manyun shook her head frantically after hearing this.

"No, that's not the case. Tao Tao has never done such a thing. Why do you say that about her?"


The eldest sister looked at Chu Manyun as if she was a fool when she heard it.

"Why? Just because our mouths grow on our bodies, we can say whatever we want. Besides, haven't you heard about these things? Then why didn't you clarify for her at that time?"

"You are afraid. You are afraid to bring up your own scandals. That's why you choose to pretend to be blind and let your so-called good friend accompany you to be wronged."

The elder sister's words hit Chu Manyun's heart word by word. She held her head in pain and kept repeating the three words.

"No, no..."

The eldest sister gave a cold snort of disdain.

"She is also not smart enough to choose to block the knife for you bitch."

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