pick a peach essence

Chapter 200 Chu Manyun

That was... the summer nine years ago.

Tao Tao has just graduated from elementary school and was admitted to a very good key junior high school in this city.

Tao Tao's mother was very happy. On the night before school started, she bought a lot of delicious things for her to celebrate.

The next day, Tao Tao's mother also personally sent the girl to her school.

Before entering the school gate, her mother told Tao Tao that she must get along well with her classmates.

At that time, Tao Tao was still a lively and innocent child, she quickly agreed to her mother and reassured her.

Tao Tao looked at the school gate and the students coming and going, and she suddenly felt that her future days would also be happy.

The girl took a deep breath, turned around and walked briskly into the school.

However, as soon as she took a step, she suddenly heard a discussion.

what's the situation?
Tao Tao turned around suspiciously, and what caught her eyes was a particularly beautiful car.

At that time, Tao Tao was still young, and she didn't have any idea about cars. She just thought that the car was very beautiful, dark, shiny, and shiny.

People gathered around the car, not knowing what they were talking about.

And at this moment, a man got out of that very beautiful car.

In his 20s, he also looked very young, with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his eyes.

I saw the man gently opened the passenger door, and then very gently took a girl's hand.

The girl got out of the car and stood in front of everyone.

Tao Tao heard everyone gasp.

Because that girl... is really beautiful.

The girl's skin is particularly fair, and she looks like a young lady who grew up with a golden spoon in her mouth.

Her hair was black and shiny, tied into a light ponytail, and even ordinary school uniforms could give her a different feeling when worn on her body.

Tao Tao almost opened her mouth in surprise, she saw the man bent down, and gently pressed a kiss on the girl's forehead.

so gentle...

Tao Tao suddenly felt a little envious, but at the same time she was also very puzzled, why did she suddenly feel that the discussion around her became louder?
The girl shyly said something to the man. The man hesitated, but finally nodded.

He rubbed the girl's hair, then watched her walk into the school.

Tao Tao looked at the man's figure and thought he was so tall.


However, when Tao Tao was in a daze, she suddenly heard a very nice voice coming from her ear.


Tao Tao came back to her senses, and suddenly saw the focal point in the crowd, standing in front of her.

"Ah, hello hello."

Tao Tao panicked a little, she didn't expect that girl to talk to her on her own initiative.

"Are you also a student in Class One and Three?"

The girl gave Tao Tao a very gentle smile.

so beautiful……

Tao Tao thought that if she was a boy, she would definitely be moved.

"Ah... you, how do you know?"

The girl smiled softly when she heard it.

Then she pointed to the name tag on Tao Tao's school uniform.


Tao Tao almost blushed in embarrassment.

"Hello, my name is Chu Manyun. Since we are in the same class, let's go together."

Chu Manyun looked at the dazed girl in front of her with a smile.

"Ah, good good..."

Tao Tao felt as if she had been hit by a big pie now, she was obsessed with the tenderness of Chu Manyun and couldn't help herself.

Chu Manyun felt that the girl named Tao Tao in front of her was really cute.

While thinking about it, she took Tao Tao's hand and led her to the classroom.

For some reason, Tao Tao suddenly turned around for no reason at this moment, and glanced at the man just now.

As expected, she met the man's probing gaze.

Tao Tao turned her head quickly, and was led by Chu Manyun to the classroom without saying a word.

In this way, the two of them became good friends.

In fact, at that time, the two girls were very young, and they didn't know what the so-called "good friends" meant.

They just feel that when two people stay together, they are very comfortable, and there will be no quarrels or jealousy.

So, this is the "good friend" in the eyes.

Tao Tao was also curious about the man's identity, but she didn't have the nerve to ask Chu Manyun because it was her privacy.

No matter how good the relationship between two people is, they should leave some space for each other.

So the identity of that man, not only in Tao Tao's heart, but also in everyone's heart, left a mystery.

That man would personally come to pick Chu Manyun home every time. Every time Chu Manyun wanted to invite Tao Tao to her house, but Tao Tao refused decisively.

"Next time."

Then she looked for various reasons and rejected Chu Manyun.

Although she really couldn't bear to see the disappointment in the girl's eyes every time, but she...

But she was very afraid of that man who appeared beside Chu Manyun all the time.

Tao Tao always felt that that man would hide in a corner where others couldn't see, staring at her every time.

But this may also be my own self-indulgence, but...

Tao Tao would feel uncomfortable when that man appeared beside her.

However, the turning point of the matter happened when Tao Tao was in the second year of junior high school.

I don't know when, there have been various rumors about Chu Manyun in the class.

And most of these gossips are about that mysterious man.

Moreover, those gossips are really ugly.

They said that the relationship between Chu Manyun and that man was unusual, that she was adopted, and some people went so far as to say that Chu Manyun was that man's child bride?

Tao Tao was really angry, every time she rushed up and punched those women who were talking nonsense, and then warned them not to talk nonsense.

As a result, this caused... She and Chu Manyun were isolated by all the students in the school.

At that time, Tao Tao saw for the first time that Chu Manyun's sunny face was stained with dark clouds.

"Man Yun, don't worry, there is still one year left, we will be fine after we graduate."

But Chu Manyun remained silent.

"I'm the one who hurt you."

"Don't talk nonsense."

Tao Tao shook her head quickly when she heard it. She put her hands on the girl's shoulders and said to her seriously.

"I'm your best friend. If someone bullies you, I will carry it with you."

After many years, Tao Tao only realized now that she at that time was able to say such big words so easily.

That's right, Tao Tao broke her promise.

The flashpoint of the matter was after a sports meeting.

At that time, the squad leader reported Chu Manyun for the 1000-meter run in the sports meeting. It was well known that Chu Manyun had been in poor health since childhood, but the squad leader did it on purpose.

Tao Tao wanted to go to the teacher for an argument, but was stopped by Chu Manyun.

"Forget Tao Zi, I can run."

Tao Tao had no choice, she looked at the determined girl, and finally just sighed.

"It's okay, I'll be by your side to protect you."

Chu Manyun smiled at her, full of trust and dependence in that smile.

Tao Tao accompanied Chu Manyun to do warm-up exercises, and the girl started the competition under Tao Tao's repeated instructions.

Tao Tao couldn't remember exactly what happened that day, but the only scene she remembered was that Chu Manyun fainted on the ground due to exhaustion.

Tao Tao rushed up anxiously, but she didn't expect that there was someone who was faster than her.

Tao Tao squinted her eyes, and suddenly recognized the boy who was holding Chu Manyun in his arms carefully.

That is……

The school girl recognized by girls in their school.

For some reason, Tao Tao suddenly had a bad premonition when she saw the intimate movements of the two.

But fortunately, Chu Manyun's body didn't have any major problems, it was just a muscle strain.

During the few days when she was resting in the hospital, the school grass was always with her in the hospital. Looking at the shy smile on Chu Manyun's face, Tao Tao seemed to understand something.

But... At that time, Tao Tao always felt very uncomfortable in her heart, and she always had sudden panic attacks for no reason.

She didn't know since when, she always saw different people wearing their school uniforms appearing around Chu Manyun's ward.

Tao Tao didn't pay attention at first, until one day, she saw a familiar face.

That person is...

Tao Tao opened her eyes wide in surprise.

That person turned out to be someone next to a big sister in the high school of their school.

Tao Tao watched that person's eyes fixed on Chu Manyun in the ward, as if she knew something.

After Chu Manyun was discharged from the hospital, she really got closer and closer to the school girl.

Tao Tao also tried to tell Chu Manyun what she was thinking, but she didn't listen.

"It's okay, you don't have to worry, they dare not do anything."

But in the end, this time, Chu Manyun was indeed too naive.

Those people really did the thing that made the girl in the Mood for Love lose everything.

Tao Tao only remembered that day, the sky was gloomy, and at night, there was no light to be seen.

Tao Tao and Chu Manyun were walking on the road, listening to her talk about the school girl.

For some reason, Tao Tao felt very irritable today, she just wanted to go home quickly.

"That... Manyun."

Tao Tao interrupted the girl who was talking happily.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

Chu Manyun turned her head with a smile and looked at Tao Tao's face.

Tao Tao was suddenly stunned by Chu Manyun's clear pupils, and was speechless for a moment.


Tao Tao pursed her lips, raised her head and glanced at the increasingly dark sky.

"I suddenly remembered that my mother asked me to go to the mall to bring her something, and I left first."

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