Shi Neng Wu Wang

Chapter 153 One time is enough

The group of eels continued to lure the poisonous foxes to appear, and occasionally the flower foxes would come out and scare them away.

When Du Xiao saw them, he was also taken aback.

But, obviously, the poisonous beasts hadn't encountered any creatures that made them run away instinctively as soon as they saw them.

Therefore, even if you are a little bit stunned, you still go forward regardless; those who dare to stop me from poisoning me will have only one end, and that is to be so poisoned that I would rather die.

Du Xiao also has "golden gilding skills", and it is only strong but not weak.

But they all have an important shortcoming, that is, they are too arrogant.

Yu Xingxing discovered this point in the first poisonous beast.

They believe in their own strength too much, and they don't take these people seriously.

So, even when the noose was around their necks, their eyes were filled with contempt: these people just got away with it.

Of course, Yu Xingxing picked up the poisonous time energy pearl.

In this way, along the way, Yu Xingxing picked time energy beads all the way.

At the same time, Du Xiao's body was also carefully packed and placed in the space bag of one of them.

They want to take it back for research, and the poisonous beasts in each zilian library are the key research objects.

After picking up about ten poisonous time energy beads a day, they finally returned to the supply point.

After closing the door, Yu Xingxing couldn't wait to make friends with them: "Brothers and sisters, I find your clothes are really cool!"

"Little brother, do you like it?" One of them responded, his name is Zheng Langhu, and he is the captain.

Not bad, there are signs of continuing to communicate.

It would be even more handsome if someone could lend him some clothes.

"I'm curious, because if you wear this outfit, are you not afraid of the poisonous palm?" Yu Xingxing continued to ask.

"There are reasons for this, but the bigger reason is that we have the ability to resist heart poison!" Zheng Langhu continued.

"There is also this kind of time energy skill." Yu Xingxing saw that there are many types of 猓, and there are many kinds of time energy skills.

The Tao is one foot tall and the devil is ten feet tall. It is probably difficult to think of a time skill that can withstand ten thousand poisons with one move.

Seeing Yu Xingxing's envious eyes, Zheng Langhu said again: "However, this kind of time energy technology was developed by our research institute, not from absorbing time energy beads."

"Can time skills be developed?" This is beyond Yu Xingxing's imagination!

"Of course, the advancement of technology can replace natural generation. Little brother, when you go to college, you will find that there are many things that you can master and even change! Of course, there are things that you can't master or even change. More!"

Zheng Langhu said to Yu Xingxing earnestly.

"En." Yu Xingxing was still digesting Zheng Langhu's words.

It seems that they all think that this kind of worm is natural.

However, it is impossible to say whether it is really natural, and Yu Xingxing does not know.

"Little brother, what do you want this poisonous time energy pearl for?" Zheng Langhu suddenly asked him, as if the main purpose of their coming here was this time energy pearl.

"I'm very interested in Huahuji's 'Golden Gilding Technique', and Duji's Time Skill is probably stronger, so I want to absorb it." Yu Xingxing said honestly.

"'Golden Gilt Skill'?" Zheng Langhu was a little surprised. Few people said they were interested in this time skill. Even if there were, they should be girls.

But Yu Xingxing, a big boy, what does he need this skill for?
Want to pretend to be a girl and seduce boys?Or pretend to be a handsome boy to seduce girls?
However, looking at Yu Xingxing's handsome features, even after tossing around in the training room, his face is black and gray, but it can't conceal his handsomeness.

He also doesn't need to use "Golden Gilding Technique" to make further changes.

"Yes, I have some time skills that go well with the 'Golden Gilt Skill'. If they can be used together, it will be even more powerful." Yu Xingxing explained again.

"That's it. As far as I know, enlightened people who are at least three o'clock in the time-energy diagram may absorb it. It's just a probability, but there is no guarantee of [-]% certainty." Zheng Langhu said.

The time-energy map is before three o'clock. He has no problem with this, and the possibility of him absorbing it exists.

Yu Xingxing nodded, looking very promising.

"Besides, don't absorb the Time Energy Beads of Du Xiao. It is said that there are special codes in its Time Energy Beads, which can communicate with other dimensions." Zheng Langhu said solemnly.

"Can communicate with other spaces?" Yu Xingxing was surprised again.

"Yes, this is also part of our research on it. If you really want to absorb it, you must absorb it safely under the guidance of professionals. Don't be reckless to avoid hurting yourself."

Zheng Langhu gave another warning.

Yu Xingxing nodded: "Thank you Brother Zheng, I will remember."

"Today's Shi Neng Bead is for you, and tomorrow's Poison Shi Neng Bead will be taken back by ourselves. So, you can go there together tomorrow, or you can do other things." Zheng Langhu said again.

He could see that they came to this refining warehouse not just to watch them catch poisonous people, but to watch the process once was enough.

"We are here to obtain Huahuyi's anti-virus time energy beads." Yu Xingxing said.

"That's it, the anti-poison skill can be combined with the ninja stone skill, and it doesn't need a very high level to resist ordinary poisonous beasts." Zheng Langhu looked at Yu Xingxing and said.

It felt like telling him to get on with other important things and not waste too much time on this little thing.

Of course Yu Xingxing has his own ideas, he also wants to absorb the "Golden Gilding Technique" in Huahuli Shi Nengzhu, which is what he values ​​most.

"Okay, I get it. We won't be with you tomorrow. We'll go catch the flower foxes separately. Because it's rare, we'd better bring more beads back." Yu Xingxing said honestly.

"Okay, I just want to remind you to be careful of the poisonous worm's attack, if you need anything, please contact me in time." Zheng Langhu was very forthright.

"Okay, thank you Brother Zheng!" Yu Xingxing hurriedly agreed.

"In addition, Huahuyi's deceiving technique is too powerful, has anyone really been fooled and killed?" Yu Xingxing couldn't help asking again, the local people probably knew better.

"Yes, there are many every year. You must be careful and don't think it is to scare people." Zheng Langhu emphasized again.

Yu Xingxing nodded, it seems that this time skill is indeed extraordinary.

He asked Zheng Langhu again: "Study poisonous beasts, why don't you catch them alive?"

"We just sent it to the research institute, and they won't bother to catch it. If it's real and alive, will those people in the research institute still survive?" Zheng Langhu gave Yu Xingxing a deep look.

"The more special it is, the more valuable it is for research!" Yu Xingxing nodded again.

"Little brother, you summarized it well." Zheng Langhu seemed to like Yu Xingxing very much. He also took out a business card and handed it to Yu Xingxing: "This is my contact information. If you need my help in the future, you can contact me. "

"I... I didn't do anything for you." Yu Xingxing still wanted to decline.

"I like you as a little brother, and we might meet in the future." Zheng Langhu said with a smile.

Of course Yu Xingxing didn't know, Zheng Langhu saw that such a senior officer as Guo Lan was protecting him, he must be an extraordinary person, and he would definitely not go wrong if he made friends with him.

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