Yu Xingxing and Guo Lan stared at each other at the supply point.

This Yu Xingxing, from Guo Lan's point of view, has a maturity and composure far beyond his age.

No matter in the zipper warehouse in Pengla City or in this zipper warehouse in Lihai City, his performance was impeccable and unexpected.

With such a talent, there is no need to test that level at all. What she thinks now is whether the guardian group can keep him?

Guo Lan took another look at Yu Xingxing, who was still concentrating with his eyes closed. He was still so immature, and he could tell at a glance that he was a middle school student.

Yu Xingxing suddenly opened his eyes: "Why are you secretly looking at me?"

"They have all gone to the hospital, let's go see tomorrow too." Guo Lan said expressionlessly.

"The doctor said that it will be fine in two days. What are we going to do? We can't help them." Yu Xingxing pouted.

In fact, he thought, take advantage of these two days to catch a few more poisonous beads.

I don't know how this poisonous beast will behave in the mirror dimension.

It has no poisonous gas, so if the poisonous palm is waved at the mirror dimension, will it bounce back to itself?

Then it is depressed and unwilling, and it engraves a large number of imprints on its own head.

Why does it want to engrave a brand on the head?
It is enough to make people depressed, but what is the mark on the head for?

It's worth experimenting with it to see how it works.

Through Lianyu, he found that there were very few flower foxes in the eastern region on the right hand side, but their remains attracted a large number of flower foxes from other regions to come to enjoy the delicious meal.

"Do you still have plans for these two days?" Guo Lan asked after listening to Yu Xingxing's tone.

"I want to catch a few more poisonous time energy beads." Yu Xingxing said honestly.

"Today, the four of us worked together to kill a poisonous snake." Guo Lan emphasized again.

"I know, I don't think I'm better than the four of us, I'm not that stupid; I won't send myself to the hospital."

Yu Xingxing's eyes looked at the front, it was dark, nothingness at all.

"I just want to try the mirror dimension and see if I can let it poison me." Yu Xingxing explained again.

Guo Lan lowered her head, if Yu Xingxing said that they would continue to arrest Xiao, she would still be willing to accompany her.

But this poisonous beast, to be honest, she is not sure yet.

Seeing that Guo Lan remained silent, Yu Xingxing said again: "Well, let's continue to catch the scorpion tomorrow. Anyway, if we are idle, we will be idle; we will talk about it when we encounter a poisonous scorpion."

Guo Lan nodded: "I'm worried..."

"I know, it makes you nervous, and I don't feel good either." Yu Xingxing added.

"I'm not worried about you, I'm worried about whether these poisonous beasts will affect other people." Guo Lan said again.

"Like the Zilian Library in Pengla City?" Yu Xingxing also became alert.

Guo Lan nodded.

"What do you mean?" Yu Xingxing looked at Guo Lan, wondering what her plan was.

"Apply for professionals to come over and see if we can help them kill some poisonous worms in the past two days. You can share some of these poisonous worm beads with you, if you want." Guo Lan looked at him.

"Really, that would be great." Yu Xingxing didn't expect Guo Lan to be so powerful!
As a result, the two of them quickly rushed to the guard room, and Guo Lan explained the situation to the guard soldiers.

As for the regular guards, they didn't dare to ignore them, and immediately launched a scan, and found that the proportion of poisonous worms had indeed increased a lot.

The soldiers quickly reported this phenomenon to the higher authorities and applied for a poisonous hive capture operation.

"We also want to participate in this operation." Guo Lan said again.

The soldier was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Sir, to protect your safety, please stay in the guard room."

"What? Don't believe us?" Guo Lan asked again.

"..." The soldier was speechless.

"That's it. Let's go together when they come over tomorrow." Guo Lan didn't give the soldiers a chance to continue making excuses.

"Yes!" The soldier had no choice but to agree.

Yu Xingxing was dumbfounded again, what kind of officer is Guo Lan?Soldiers still respect her so much?
However, judging from this phenomenon, it should be quite an official.

It seems that I have to behave well in the future, so as not to make her think that I am cowardly.


The next day, a six-man team in full gear arrived.

Bringing Yu Xingxing and Guo Lan, eight of them went in.

Yu Xingxing saw this posture for the first time.

Yu Xingxing looked at these people's clothes and felt a little strange.

It's not their rough protective clothing, but the special smooth protective clothing, like eel skin.

They nodded to each other without much communication.

Follow them in, hurrying along the way.

Yu Xingxing was also using Lianyu to search for poisonous worms and found their location.

They use a special kind of pollen to lure poisonous insects, which smells worse than heather.

Sure enough, after a while, the poisonous beast appeared.

Seeing them, the poisonous beast was stunned for a moment, and then a little confused: there is no large-scale war here, why did I ask about the breath of war?
These eels quickly slid to the side of Du Yao, Yu Xingxing and Guo Lan followed from afar.

How can the poisonous beast tolerate them being so presumptuous?

It's a slap in the face at them!
However, the strange thing is that if these palms of Du Xiao are on ordinary people, they will immediately have a headache; but on them, there is no reaction.

The six of them circled around Du Hao, spinning faster and faster. Du Hao followed them at first, but later after he fainted himself, he violently waved his poisonous palm in one direction.

Since these people are not affected by poisonous palm, why not deal with it immediately?But let it be consumed here randomly?
Yu Xingxing and Guo Lan remained calm and just watched.

After playing like crazy for about 10 minutes, Du Hao became tired and his speed and intensity slowed down.

At this moment, the group of people suddenly stretched out the ropes to the poisonous crocodile, and respectively entangled the poisonous crocodile's head, limbs, and torso.

At the same time, the poisonous beast was killed immediately.

Another person carefully opened Du Xiao's chest with a sword, and took out a Time Energy Bead.

Looking back at Yu Xingxing and Guo Lan, he threw Shi Nengzhu over and said at the same time: "Take it, let's go."

Yu Xingxing hurriedly used a handkerchief to pack the poisonous time energy beads.

Glancing at Guo Lan, there was no emotion in her eyes, as if she was waiting for his decision.

Yu Xingxing only saw their moves just now, but I don't know why they can resist the poisonous palm attack of the poisonous beast?

That's a poisonous hand that attacks hearts and minds, why haven't they been affected by anything?

Is it because of their costumes?
Or their special time skills?

None of this is known, so ask them later.

If it is clothing, it will be much easier to handle.

If it is a time skill, then think about it. After all, this kind of poisonous beast that attacks the soul is rare after all. Many poisonous beasts attack directly with gas, and more of them attack flesh and blood.

After putting away the Time Bead, Yu Xingxing stood up and glanced at Guo Lan: "Let's go, I want to chat with them when I have time."

Guo Lan heard this, and knew that today was going to be exhausted.

They moved quickly behind the group of eels.

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