This seems to be somewhat different from what I imagined.

The other party was obviously confused, and Lin Mansha took advantage of the situation to continue, "He who paid Xinyuan threatened me, but I didn't agree. You have to trust me, Mr. Xu."

"Then how did you come to talk about this role?"

I heard that during the period when Lin Mansha had gone abroad, the company was ready to gradually abandon her and find an opportunity to sign and terminate the contract.

But who would have thought that such a large IP could be discussed all at once.

Lin Mansha whispered: "Of course I fought for it myself."

"Nonsense!" Mr. Xu saw through her trick at a glance, "I know you think you can escape by taking the opportunity, but the outside media are not vegetarians, and our company can't lose too much for you alone."

Hearing this, Lin Mansha already understood most of it, and this was the prelude to giving up on her.

"Mr. Xu, if you give me another chance, I...I will save everything."

Mr. Xu raised his eyebrows, his face was full of disdain, "How are you going to make people believe you?"

Lin Mansha clenched her fists tightly, "It's fine if you can't do a fake show."

All the public opinion finally ran to Lin Mansha, and the people waiting for interviews at the door of He's a few days ago disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Shen Weiyi looked out of the window, locked the door of the design department in an extremely relaxed mood, and came to the parking lot downstairs, where He Zhiyan sat in the car and waited for her.

"Have I dawdled for a long time?"

He Zhiyan wanted to say that it wasn't just right, but the time agreed with him was indeed not long.

"How long will it take to get to the winery?"

Shen Weiyi thought for a while, "Probably over an hour."

Without further ado, He Zhiyan drove directly. Shen Weiyi gradually became sleepy on the road, and fell asleep without knowing it, and by the time she opened her eyes, she had arrived at the place.

"Oh my god, I actually fell asleep all the way!"

He Zhiyan smiled, "Anyway, there's nothing to see outside, so it's okay if you want to rest."

But Shen Weiyi was still a little depressed. She remembered that her classmates told her that there were many grape fields nearby. At night, the villagers would light up a patch of lights, which looked like a sea of ​​grapes from a distance.

It's a pity that I don't have that good luck.

After getting out of the car, Shen Weiyi hurriedly called his classmates, and a tall and thin woman came out after a while.

She still had sleeves on her arms, as if she had just finished her work.

"Wei Wei, long time no see, this is..." His eyes shifted to He Zhiyan, Shen Wei Wei smiled, and naturally took He Zhiyan's hand, "This is my boyfriend He Zhiyan, you Don't mind if I bring him here with me."

"I don't mind, I'm very happy that you can come." The classmate said enthusiastically.

It seems that it is still the same, the same as when I was recruiting people into the school club.

"Zhiyan, this is my college classmate Yu Yue, the president of my college club."

He Zhiyan nodded lightly, his dull expression indicated that he didn't want to talk too much.

Yu Yue was also a sensible person, so he quickly led the two of them in without saying a word.

"Only, after visiting the winery later, I actually have something to ask you."

"What is it?"

The three stood still and stopped at the underground winery.

Others put the best on the surface, but the winery is different, all the good things are hidden, you have to go underground to discover another world.

Yu Yue explained while showing them the wine, "Actually, it's my best friend, who is going to hold a wine tasting party at our winery today. She didn't understand at first, but those rich ladies just called her over."

Shen Weiwei was stunned for a moment, his eyes were fixed on the shining purple container for a long time and he couldn't take his eyes off it.

"Is your girlfriend also a rich wife?"

Yu Yue nodded, "It's my fault that I didn't make it clear. She married a wealthy businessman just after graduation. She originally thought that she would have no worries about food and clothing in the future, but you also know how dare you deal with those women if you don't have three or five years of experience."

Hearing this, Shen Weiyi felt a little embarrassed, she looked back at He Zhiyan, she shouldn't have to worry about it.

"So your girlfriend was bullied?"

"Yeah, I'm going to drag her over for the reception today. She doesn't know how to taste it. I just want to make her look ugly today, so can you help me out?"

Shen Weiyi didn't expect that there was still a task, and he was under pressure instantly, but he didn't know much about wine, "Yu Yue, your task is really too difficult, I'm afraid..."


He Zhiyan's voice suddenly came from next to her ear, and Shen Weiwei's words were interrupted. She looked back at He Zhiyan in a daze.

"What did you say?"

He Zhiyan approached the wine cabinet opposite, pointed to one of the bottles and said, "Petus, I didn't think there would be one here."

Shen Weiyi hadn't reacted just now, but at this moment she suddenly seemed to understand something, and walked quickly to the wine cabinet.Although I can't say that I know it very well, when I was studying abroad, I still studied for a few days at least.

You are not unfamiliar with the name "Petus", but it is the most expensive red wine in the world.

Yu Yue smiled, "I didn't expect you to understand so well."

He Zhiyan didn't speak again, it seemed that he would speak only when facing Shen Wei.

"Zhiyan, do you understand well?"

He Zhiyan looked at the wine bottle and explained a lot naturally. Shen Weiwei had never seen him talk so talkatively before, so he suddenly had a solution in his mind, "Yu Yue, why don't we let Zhiyan participate together."

Seeing that he is also a sensible person, Yu Yue was even happier, "Then I will leave it to you, and I will thank you very much when the reception is over."

The reception will start soon.

Shen Weiyi and the others were the first to enter the room, and there were seven bottles of unlabeled wine on the table, which should be for them to taste.

Then several luxuriously dressed women came in. They were chatting and laughing very well, but at this moment, Shen Weiyi paused and looked at the woman walking in the middle.

Yang Yufang!Why is she here.

The other party also saw her, but in front of so many people had no choice but to pretend not to know her, Shen Weiwei also restrained his urge to leave.

The ladies sat down after entering, and just when everyone thought that there was no one else, a thin figure floated in.

"Oh, Xiao He, why did you come here?"

The girl whispered: "The traffic jam is late."

It seems that this is Yu Yue's best friend. Shen Weiyi stared at the target and stood up actively, "There is no place over there, sit here."

The girl froze for a moment, she didn't know the person in front of her, but he stood up on her own initiative, so it was not easy to refute her face.

She nodded and walked over.

At this time, Yu Yue, the owner of the winery, appeared and stood in the middle to introduce to both parties.

"These are Mrs. Zhang and Mrs. Shen..."

Shen Weiyi didn't listen at all, just nodded lightly one by one, and listened carefully when it was "Xiao He"'s turn next to him.

"The only one who is about our age is He Wan."


Before Shen Weiwei could speak, He Wan greeted him first.Afterwards, Shen Weiyi also greeted him.

Yu Yue was relieved now, and ordered the staff to pour the wine, and the wine tasting officially began.

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