A group of people happily left the design department and ran into Jianghuai head-on, "Director Shen, you are so happy, where are you going?"

One of the assistants said: "Our director treats you."

"That's great, bring me one." Jiang Huai took the initiative to come over, and Shen Weiwei said: "Is it all done? Zhiyan doesn't have any work there, right?"

Jiang Huai curled his lips, obviously asking him, but the boss was most concerned with him.He nodded, "Of course, there's nothing I can't do without my help."

Bragging with Shen Weiwei for a while, in the end Shen Weiwei couldn't escape his soft-heartedness and agreed.

The wine that he drank when he was busy was the most delicious, so Shen Weiwei directly ordered a few bottles and put them in a row.

The TV hanging above the bar is repeating an advertisement endlessly.

"Waiter." Shen Weiwei called the person who was bartending, "Can you watch other things on this TV?"

"Of course, you can adjust it as you like."

As he spoke, he handed over a remote control, but no one on the left or right grabbed him. Shen Weiyi simply adjusted the channel slowly while drinking the wine in the glass.

After a while, she finally stopped on a certain channel and silently pressed the volume two bars.

"Director Shen, what are you looking for?"

Shen Weiyi leaned against the back of the chair, his cheeks were already blushing, "You'll find out after a while."

The bar was full of people, and almost no one was interested in a TV program. Only Shen Weiwei watched quietly. After about 5 minutes passed, the cheerful commercial music ended, and a stylishly dressed female anchor appeared on the screen.

Immediately afterwards, the familiar picture was released.

"According to the reporter, late one night, the famous actress Lin Mansha and the famous director Fu Xinyuan were in the same room. Half an hour later, Lin Mansha came out alone. It is reported that the two met because of the new drama "Flower"... "

Following the female anchor's voice, the noise in the bar gradually disappeared, and everyone looked at the small screen in unison.

The faces of the people illuminated by the Yingying TV turned pale, and the people who didn't know about it grew their mouths, like a group of zombies.

"Really, is it too outrageous?"

"The picture quality is too clear, how can it be fake."

"Female star? Not all of them are the same."

The cynicism was continuous and spread along the rear seating to the front bar. Shen Weiwei sipped his wine little by little, as if swallowing all the grievances as entertainment.

The little assistant also complained about the injustice for a while at first, but now it's all about the pleasure after the truth came out, no one said much, but everyone laughed happily.

Coming out of the bar, He Zhiyan was already waiting at the door by car.

The assistants glanced at each other, with envious smiles on their lips.

Jiang Huai raised his hand and coughed lightly, "Misses, I'll send you back today."

He said with a wink and left with a few people.

Shen Weiwei stood at the door of the car and sprayed perfume a few times to get rid of the smell of alcohol on her body, but just as she was about to open the car door and walk in, He Zhiyan stepped out of the car first.

Immediately afterwards, her eyes darkened, "Zhiyan..." Just as she was about to ask him what he was going to do, a coat suddenly fell on him.

"Don't freeze."

The wine was a little hot, and she forgot that it was already late autumn, and snow should be seen in a while.

Sitting in the car, He Zhiyan turned up the air conditioner again, "Why didn't you call me?"

Shen Weiwei smiled, thinking that calling you, it should be a reception for the three of them.

Seeing that she didn't answer, He Zhiyan could guess the reason.

Shen Weiwei felt a little guilty, so he said to He Zhiyan: "Zhiyan, you still have a rest day this weekend."

He Zhiyan nodded, his eyes moved slightly, and he turned to look at Shen Weiyi, feeling that she was about to say something important.

"Then why don't you accompany me to the winery, my classmate opened it to support her."

He Zhiyan didn't refuse, but he didn't quite know her intentions.

Overnight, this piece of news was like a seed that had been ripened all night, and it exploded to pieces as soon as it saw the sun.

The big dye vat of the entertainment industry finally leaked a trace of black.

"Mansha, come to the studio quickly!"

The agent only said this to her and hung up the phone.Usually, I only know that this person is timid and submissive, and this is the first time I heard her speak in such a fierce tone.

What the hell is going on?
Lin Mansha didn't know anything yet.After Li Zihao left, she lay on the bed alone and fell into a deep sleep, not hearing anything, let alone the news.

She felt a little apprehensive, and walked in the corridor of the studio with vain steps.

There was a meeting room in front, and it was quiet inside, but Lin Mansha felt that something was wrong.

Forget it, or go back, anyway, the manager dare not do anything to her.

Lin Mansha turned around and was about to leave, but at this moment, a voice came from behind, "Mansha, where are you going? Come in quickly."

Before waiting for her to react, the manager walked out quickly and dragged her in quickly.

A circle of people entered the conference room, some of whom Lin Mansha had never seen before.

"Mansha, have you seen this incident?"

No one told her what she was going to do, she just pushed the computer screen forward, and then she saw herself and Fu Xinyuan.

"This...this" was shot! "

The person who showed her the video sighed, and said, "You should have guessed that this video is the only one Shen provided to the reporter."

"She secretly took pictures of me!" Lin Mansha yelled and stood there blankly.

The manager didn't know what to say, and looked at the woman who spoke just now with a sad face.

The woman nodded and invited everyone out except her and Lin Mansha.

"Mansha, you may not know me yet, I am someone from your studio, you can call me Mr. Xu. You may not know me, but for possible future cooperation, I hope you can tell everything that happened I."


Lin Mansha is facing a catastrophe, and the mess will be the mess after all.

There are endless headlines on the Internet, and of course some blame the director. This kind of thing is unacceptable at any level.

"Still watching?"

He Zhiyan walked into the room and put a glass of honey water on the table.

Shen Weiyi took a sip, her whole body felt warm, she turned her head to look at He Zhiyan.

"Zhiyan, do you think Lin Mansha must have known about it by now?"

He Zhiyan was noncommittal, and said for a while, "Are you worried about being retaliated against?"

Shen Weiyi shook his head, "Does she rarely retaliate against me? Just let her go, Lin Mansha can't deal with me yet."

There is a reason for Shen's only self-confidence. Now Lin Mansha has a brokerage company besides herself.The two parties are nothing more than a contractual relationship, and it has been hammered to this point, even if there is power to recover, it cannot be resolved.

Lin Mansha gritted her teeth, but in the end she still couldn't believe the exposed things, so she should just throw the blame away.

Lin Mansha looked at Mr. Xu's eyes gradually filled with tears, "He forced me to do this!"

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