Getting married soon?

Shen Weiwei didn't know how to tell this, but Shen Weiwei finally felt the feeling of being urged to marry by his family.

Here, every time she has never experienced, she is very novel and cherishes it.

"I... I'm not ready yet?" Shen Weiwei said shyly.

Wang Shujie smiled, "You are reserved, but I think that young man is nice, he treats you very well."

As she said that, Wang Shujie looked back and saw He Zhiyan chatting with her husband, and she responded with her lips, but her eyes were always on Shen Weiyi.

"Look, I just said he must be very good to you."

I took people and walked to other places. This scenic area is very large. If you don't spare a day, it is difficult to visit the whole area.

Not long after leaving, Wang Shujie was a little tired.

Lu Yanping proposed to take a rest here, and there was a small gazebo next to it.

The whole family walked over together, but they didn't find anyone looking at it furtively.

"Yuqing, what exactly does your informant do, how do you know so much, he won't trick us here first, and then..."

Holding the binoculars, Shen Yuqing turned her head and said seriously to Yang Yufang, "Mom, we all saw the man, and I paid the money. Why doesn't that man do things for me?"

Shen Yuqing took it for granted, and she definitely didn't take it seriously in her heart, but Yang Yufang was always cautious.

While she was thinking about it, Shen Yuqing suddenly touched her, "Mom, look. This Shen Weiwei really looks like these two people from the Lu family."

"Let me see." His train of thought was interrupted, and Yang Yufang didn't want to continue to struggle. She grabbed the telescope and looked at it, instantly dumbfounded.

"How is this possible? Did Shen Weiwei know about our plan and deliberately find someone who looks like him to lie to us?"

Yang Yufang was afraid that the Shen family's hypocrisy would be ripped off, and now she has deceived herself to this extent.

Shen Yuqing was a little helpless, "Mom, you can see clearly that they are exactly the same. No one knows that we have arrived in Beixin today, not even Dad."

Speaking of Shen Guoliang, Yang Yufang sighed again in her heart, she didn't tell him about it, she originally wanted to bring her son here, but she suddenly answered the phone this morning, put down and took Shen Luocheng away.

She wanted to ask if something happened, but seeing that he was still angry, Yang Yufang endured it and said nothing.

"Then you don't think it's fake, but what to do next, you can't keep watching."

Shen Yuqing gave a low laugh, as if she had been prepared for a long time, "Mom, don't worry, I already have a clever plan."

"It's almost time to leave, this time..." Lu Tao glanced at his watch, then raised his head and said to his second son, "Yanxing, can you go to the hotel you booked now?"

Lu Yanxing, who had always been stern, nodded, then turned to look at Shen Weiyi, and said, "Do you have any taboos? I have reserved the senior chef there, and the menu has been prepared."

Just as Shen Weiyi was about to answer, He Zhiyan had already said it before her.

"Yes, I don't like food that is too strong, I don't like food that is too greasy, I don't like..."

"No! I have nothing against you." Shen Weiyi hastily interrupted He Zhiyan, and he didn't usually talk so much.

But today it seems that if he didn't stop it by himself, then he would continue to talk.

Lu Yanxing's eyes darkened, and he looked at He Zhiyan with an expression of treating the same kind.

Shen Weiyi thought that he would get angry, but after a long while, Lu Yanxing still didn't move, just nodded silently.

"Mr. He, don't mind, my brother has that temper, but he really cares about the only one."

Since they gave him steps, he naturally had to be graceful, He Zhiyan also nodded calmly, "I know." Then, he pulled Shen Weiyi past him, and leaned against him again.

Lu Yanping: "..."

"Okay, didn't you agree not to be jealous? It's just a normal question."

He Zhiyan frowned, obviously not accepting such an explanation, but there were no more, and he would not be so naive as to insist on explaining clearly.

He has to be forgiving and forgiving, and he has just learned recently.

When we finally arrived at the restaurant, the family didn't put on airs, and they ate casually.

Everyone chatted and laughed when they talked about being happy, and Lu Yanping who was unhappy would take the initiative to say something else to warm up the atmosphere.

The family was happy and harmonious, Shen Weiyi seemed to understand the meaning of the so-called family to her.

Thinking of this, I was very emotional. When I was immersed in this emotion, the phone suddenly rang.

"Excuse me, I went out to answer the phone."

He ran out in a hurry, but the caller turned out to be an unfamiliar number.

Shen Weiwei picked it up curiously, and it was Shen Yuqing's voice on the other side.

"Life is so nourishing. It seems that the Shen family's efforts these years have been fed to the dogs. Now that you have found your family, have you forgotten who raised you?"

Shen Weiyi wanted to laugh when he heard it, could it be that Shen Yuqing was the one who raised her?What a shame.

"Shen Yuqing, you really dare to call me. I haven't settled with you for the letter."

Shen Yuqing was subconsciously stunned for a moment, and hadn't thought of an excuse yet, because since Shen Weiyi was so sure, the content of the letter was probably very clear.

"Oh, what a misunderstanding. I'm not suitable because I'm afraid that man is actually harassing you, so I wrote the rejection letter for you. I'm doing this for your own good."

Open your eyes and tell nonsense, you can tell better than a book storyteller.

"Well, I'll take it as your good intentions, but what are you going to do? You're calling, isn't it just to ridicule me?"

Shen Weiwei gritted his teeth and looked around nervously, but he didn't find Shen Yuqing's figure.

"Of course not, you look to the left."

On the left, just by the window, Shen Yuqing was greeting herself in the opposite building.

At this moment, not to mention the chills all over his body, he also felt his hairs stand on his head.

"Did Shen Weiwei see it? I'm here, and I've been staring at you. If the security of the Lu family is not too strict, I really want to visit the house in person."

Shen Yuqing said triumphantly, Shen Weiwei was so engrossed in this phone call that she didn't notice the side at all because of her anger.

At this time, a person came over suddenly, and covered Shen Weiyi's mouth with his hand.

"I don't want to be like this either, but what can I do if you did something you shouldn't do?"

Shen Weiwei looked at this familiar person in horror, who else could it be if it wasn't Yang Yufang.

It could be seen that she was a little nervous and scared, and the hand covering her mouth was trembling.

Shen Weiyi immediately calmed down, first stood obediently without moving, and then clasped Yang Yufang's hand with his backhand.

Yang Yufang looked at her in shock.

"Ms. Yang, since you want to do it, be cruel. Are you giving me room?"

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