After rebirth, I picked Mr. He's treasure

Chapter 348 That's My Brother

Shen Weiyi hasn't fully realized what a serious mistake he made, and he still keeps talking.

"I thought he looked familiar the first time I saw him." Then, Shen Weiyi turned to He Zhiyan, "You really look alike, you are the kind who talk less and do more, and Lu Yanping..."

Why is there him!
He Zhiyan clenched his fists tightly, and his tense face turned blue again.

"My two elder brothers have quite different personalities. Lu Yanping is always so kind when he speaks."

"Then which one do you like better?" He Zhiyan looked at Shen Weiyi with extremely firm eyes.

Shen Weiwei didn't notice it, and after thinking about it carefully, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Children only make choices, and I like them all."

"What about this?"

Seeing Shen Weiwei's delighted expression, He Zhiyan finally couldn't help it.

He took Shen Weiwei's hand, pointed to his face, and asked solemnly.

Only then did Shen Wei realize, "Zhiyan, are you jealous?"

He Zhiyan nodded, got up and put him on the bed.

In the midst of spinning around, Shen Weiwei didn't know what happened, and the two of them had already changed into this posture at this moment.

The shyness of being late finally made Shen Weiwei understand how slippery he was just now.

"Zhiyan, why do you even eat my brother's jealousy?"

"They're men too."

Shen Weiyi couldn't help shivering as the cold voice passed by his ears.

If it's broken, it's not good. This person is serious.

Although I am somewhat happy in my heart, but now is not the time.

"What's wrong with the man!" Shen Weiyi put his hands against the sinking body of the opponent, his face so tense that one couldn't help pinching him.

However, just as He Zhiyan stretched out his hand, the other party grabbed his hand.

"Zhiyan, I just found my relatives, so I'm happy..." Shen Weiyi prolonged the last word on purpose.

The big watery eyes looked clear and innocent, and He Zhiyan lost all confidence when he was confused by these words.

His face changed again and again, and then he got up, and then without saying a word, he got into the bathroom by himself.

Shen Weiyi breathed a sigh of relief and smiled triumphantly.

At this moment, the mobile phone placed by the table rang suddenly, Shen Weiyi picked it up and was about to take it to He Zhiyan, but there was the sound of water in the bathroom.

Forget it.

Anyway, Jianghuai called.

"What happened?" Shen Weiyi asked nervously.

Jiang Huai froze for a moment, "Director Shen, you are so good at predicting things, is Mr. He by your side?"

"No, don't tease me, just talk."

"That's good... Actually it's not that serious, it was Lin Rushan who took him away."

After the words fell, Shen Weiyi hadn't reacted yet. After all, she didn't know the whole picture of this matter, and only learned a little from a few words.

At this time, the door of the bathroom was opened, and He Zhiyan didn't even have time to brush his hair, so he just put on a casual sweater and walked out with a slightly irritable expression.

"What happened?" He Zhiyan asked.

Shen Weiwei handed him the phone, shook his head, "Ask Jiang Huai to tell you."

But the person on the opposite side didn't know that they had changed, and they were still laughing and joking, "Director Shen, if Mr. He is not by your side, just pretend you don't know about it, don't tell him."

However, before the words fell, a cold voice came along the receiver.

"Don't tell me?"

Jiang Huai was so frightened that his hands trembled and he almost dropped his phone. He hurriedly explained, "Mr. He, it's not what you think."

He Zhiyan didn't have the heart to talk nonsense with him, so he urged coldly: "Say it quickly."

Only then did Jiang Huai explain the matter clearly.

When Lin Rushan saw the police coming that day, he sent them away first, but after seeing Jiang Huai, he didn't give up, completely revealing his hideous features.

He pulled Jiang Huai to the corner, with a sly look in his eyes.

"What are you going to do, I can warn you that there are security guards standing at the door of the company, you are not young, can't you live the last half of your life well?"

Lin Rushan sneered, "Threats are what I'm most afraid of in my life. I've dodged both open and hidden arrows, and I can still let a junior ride on my head."

Jiang Huai didn't dare to act rashly, he was well aware of the insidiousness of this old guy.

Make up your mind, interrupt and do a plan to slow down the army first.

"Forget it, I won't say anything about it. What do you want to say?"

"You just need to be sensible. Don't disclose this matter to anyone, otherwise..."

He looked up and down the He's Building, and said with great interest: "The development in the past few years is indeed good, but you should understand the truth that prosperity must decline."

Jiang Huai didn't speak, but looked back at Lin Rushan with murderous eyes.

But the other party just smiled, as if looking at an ant, nothing to be afraid of.Then, he swaggered out.

After Jianghuai finished talking about this matter, he breathed a sigh of relief for some reason, followed by a burst of indignation, "Mr. He, I think Lin Rushan is too old to have a brain. When you come back, we must let him see what means is. .”

Jiang Huai thought this speech was perfect and hit the boss's mind, but the phone was silent for a long time and no one answered.

"Mr. He?" Jiang Huai cautiously probed.

He Zhiyan sighed softly, "Forget it, let him make trouble for now, just let him be satisfied."

What's with this weird sense of caring?

Could it be that after leaving for a trip, the whole person has changed?
Putting down the phone, He Zhiyan sat on the bed and watched today's financial news without distraction.

Shen Weiwei had just prepared a lot of words of comfort, but it seems that they may not be needed now.

The next day, Lu Yanping came to pick him up, and Lu Yanxing also followed.

He Zhiyan still hasn't forgotten what happened last night, when he saw the two brothers, his face turned ashen.

Lu Yanping came over quietly and asked, "What's wrong with him? Did we mess with him?"

Shen Weiyi shook his head helplessly, "It's okay, he's just in a bad mood."

Lu Yanping is a smart person, after hearing this sentence, he didn't ask again.

I drove all the way to Beixin West District. I heard that it has just been developed into a scenic spot. Since it has not been long, the environment and facilities are well maintained, so it attracts many people to visit.

"Only, our place is small, don't you think it wrong?"

Wang Shujie naturally took Shen Weiwei's hand, and the two were like mother and daughter.

"How could it be? I'm too happy to be happy."

From childhood to adulthood, the Shen family rarely took her out to play, let alone such a happy and happy family together.

"Really? As long as you don't mind. When I have time..." Wang Shujie paused for a moment, then hurriedly changed her words, "When the time comes, I will definitely pick a good place for you in Beixin and buy a house."

I don't know why they suddenly talked about the house, Shen Weiyi looked back at He Zhiyan, he was walking with Lu Tao, they didn't know what they were talking about.

"Is it too early for you to mention this? And my job is still in Dongxin." She explained hastily.

Wang Shujie shook her head, "It's not too early, I think you're getting married soon."

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