Shen Weiyi turned her head, not knowing when He Zhiyan stood behind her, she was startled, and heard He Zhiyan say to her: "You can't go."

Shen Weiwei was stunned for a moment, "Why?" After asking, she felt something was wrong again, "Why are you eavesdropping on my phone?"

He Zhiyan remained silent, anyway, he just threw three words at her.

Shen Weiyi felt that he was baffled, and of course there was no reason at all, but He Zhiyan didn't say anything, she didn't know anything.

After getting off work in the evening, Shen Weiwei of course didn't listen to He Zhiyan's words, and planned to go to Shen's house to see what kind of medicine they were selling in their gourd.

As soon as he left the company's gate, He Zhiyan's car stopped at the gate.

The employees of the company come and go, this car is as dazzling as if it has been turned on ten times, and passers-by will unconsciously take a look at it.

"Isn't that Mr. He's car? Why is it parked here?"

"Probably waiting for someone?"

"Who are you waiting for?"

"How do I know that?"

There was a lot of discussion in the ear, and Shen Weiwei didn't dare to go forward, but He Zhiyan had already given her countless looks in the car, telling her to get in the car.

While hesitating, He Zhiyan's patience was running low. Seeing that he was about to open the car door, Shen Weiyi rushed over.

He finished the steps of opening the door and getting into the car neatly, and the people outside had no chance to see their faces clearly.

"My God, did someone go up just now?"

"Uh... are you sure it's a human? I think it's a dark mass..."

Before the voice of discussion disappeared, the car had already started and drove out.

Shen Weiyi stayed in the back seat and breathed a sigh of relief, "I didn't expect Mr. He to be so kind, so I'm really worried that I will go alone."

When He Zhiyan heard this sentence, the expression on He Zhiyan's face was obviously a little stiff. He wanted to defend himself a few words, but the misunderstanding became deeper after he finished speaking, so he simply shut up and didn't speak.

The car drove out smoothly all the way, and after a few minutes, it arrived at the Shen family's mansion.

The housekeeper standing at the door saw the car and immediately greeted it. Shen Weiyi got out of the car, and He Zhiyan followed closely behind.

The housekeeper was stunned for a moment, then glanced at He Zhiyan, "Miss, this is..."

"It's nothing, this is my friend."

Shen Weiwei gave He Zhiyan a look and told him to go back to the car and wait for him.

But waiting has never been He Zhiyan's habit, he ignored Shen Weiwei's reminder, and walked in with big strides, as if returning to his own house was normal.

Shen Weiyi had no choice but to follow him and walked in.

Shen Guoliang was sitting in the living room waiting for someone, and Yang Yufang was sitting next to her. Shen Yuqing didn't know where she was at the moment, but she guessed that she should be hiding.

"What are you looking for me for?" Shen Yuqing sat down alone.

Shen Guoliang raised his head and was about to speak when he saw He Zhiyan. He pursed his lips, and it took him a long time to sort out a polite smile.

"Mr. He, why are you here today?"

"He said to take a look." Shen Weiyi replied directly mentioning He Zhiyan.

Shen Guoliang immediately showed a smiling face, "That's really troublesome Mr. He, for running so far, Yu Fang, hurry up and make tea, I want to treat Mr. He well."

Yang Yufang responded repeatedly, and ran to the kitchen. Shen Weiwei's expression remained unchanged, and he secretly gave He Zhiyan a look.

The other party understood what she meant tacitly, nodded, and sat directly beside Shen Weiyi.

At the same time, Shen Weiwei stood up and shouted to Yang Yufang, "Auntie, let me help you too."

Yang Yufang was stunned for a moment, and just about to say no, Shen Weiwei had already walked over, stretched out his hand to grab her, and dragged her into the kitchen.

Outside, only He Zhiyan was left, and Shen Guoliang swallowed the words he had just brewed up in an instant.

"Mr. He, we're really bothering you, but today I'm looking for the only one for something very important."

He Zhiyan nodded, and said slowly, "Uncle Shen told me the same."

Hearing what he said, Shen Guoliang hesitated for a long time, but few people dared to refuse He Zhiyan's gaze.

"Actually, it's not a very important matter. It's just that I've heard rumors these days that Mr. He is very interested in my youngest daughter's company?"

It's true that Shen Guoliang didn't say it directly after being in the business world for many years, but what did he mean by asking.

It seems that he still doesn't know that Shen Yuqing's studio has been acquired by them, and besides that, Shen Yuqing seems to have said something to Shen Guoliang, some of which Shen Guoliang still doesn't know.

At the same time, the two people making tea also have their own thoughts.

Shen Weiwei remained calm, but Yang Yufang was beating drums in her heart.

Seeing that the other party was silent, Yang Yufang didn't dare to act rashly. After a while, she slowly said, "Only, what are you doing here today?"

Shen Weiwei turned his head to look at her, but he didn't stop pouring tea, "Didn't Auntie know? She called me here."

Yang Yufang took a deep breath, but she was extra patient today, "You know that's not what I'm talking about."

"Then I have to ask you too? What did Shen Yuqing do?"

Yang Yufang paused, and a lot of tea spilled out. She quickly put down the tray and wiped the table nervously.

"Don't play dumb with me, you must know, and you are Shen Yuqing's military adviser from the beginning to the end of this matter. If Shen Guoliang knows that his wife sold the company, what will he think?"

"Shut up..." Yang Yufang lowered her voice, her eyes gleamed fiercely, "Shen Weiwei, what are you going to do? Do you really want to disturb our Shen family?"

"That's right, I just want you to be restless. I will remember how Shen Yuqing treated me."

"You are simply crazy."

Yang Yufang looked at her in horror, but the corner of Shen Weiwei's mouth raised an arc.

Carrying the tea tray and walking out, Yang Yufang followed, but she was still in shock, just now she really thought what Shen Weiwei would do to her.

"Yu Fang, what's wrong with you, why is your face so bad?" Shen Guoliang noticed and turned to ask her.

Yang Yufang pursed her lips, as if she was about to say something, but at this moment, the door was suddenly opened, and Shen Yuqing walked in.

Seeing Shen Weiyi, her eyes darkened obviously, and after a while, she smiled, "Is my sister here?"

Before the words finished, Shen Weiyi rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, I can't bear it, don't call me sister."

Shen Yuqing froze in place, she never thought that Shen Weiwei would dare to be so arrogant in her own home.

And Shen Guoliang didn't speak for her this time, and the atmosphere froze there instantly.

But in the end, it was Yang Yufang who reacted quickly, and she pulled Shen Yuqing, "Your sister is not very happy today, so please stop talking and go back to your room."

Shen Yuqing was not reconciled, and always wanted to say a few words back to her, but when she thought about her current situation, it was better to say a few words less.

She nodded, went upstairs and returned to the room, pretended to close the door, leaned against the door and listened.

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