"How dare I, I don't mean that." Although Shen Yuqing was denying it, she obviously had something against Feng Youming.

The one next to him was only doing sneaky work, and he didn't care about the rest. When these two people fought, it had nothing to do with him.

Feng Youming's face was really dark now, "Yuqing, you just want to play tricks on me at a young age, you really think I am..."

"Okay, then you can try it. If you dare to touch me, don't blame me for being rude." As she said, she found the recording from her mobile phone and played it directly.

Inside, is the dialogue between the two when they first met.

"I'll show this to my father and see if he believes me or you."

Feng Youming panicked now, and was about to reach out to snatch it, but it was still a step too late. Shen Yuqing closed the car door behind her back, and with a bang, Feng Youming's reaching hand was completely blocked.

"Hmph, it's ridiculous to dare to play with me."

Holding the contract, Shen Yuqing quickly destroyed it when she returned home.

Now she finally felt relieved, Shen Yuqing was finally able to sleep peacefully.

But she didn't know that Jiang was still hot, and the person who stole the contract went to the villa with Feng Youming, and took out another contract from his bag.

Feng Youming took it, "Have you deleted the printout?"

The man nodded, and Feng Youming smiled with satisfaction.


The next day, just after dawn, Shen Weiyi was woken up by a phone call from Jianghuai.

"Jianghuai, isn't it time for work? Why are you so early..."

"It's not good, director, we lost our contract."

Shen Weiwei's mind is still muddled, He's signed a lot of contracts, big and small, a year.

Which one was lost?

"Jiang Huai, please speak slowly, I'm listening."

It was like burning ants in Jianghuai across the river, and it was too late to say slowly, "Forget it, Director Shen, come here quickly, the police will tell you when you arrive."

After speaking, he hung up the phone with a click.

Unexpectedly, the police were alerted, so the incident must have been quite a big one, Shen Weiyi hurriedly jumped out of bed.

I was going to clean up briefly, but at this moment, there was a sudden roar of cars downstairs.

So early, who is disturbing the people?
The apartments here are all five-story buildings, and you can usually hear any small movements downstairs, let alone such a loud car.

Shen Weiyi hurried to the window, pulled the curtains, and the blackness ran out and stopped downstairs.

"He Zhiyan?"

The people in the car seemed to sense something, the moment Shen Weiwei opened the curtains, he also looked up.

Shen Weiwei was stunned, forgetting that he was only wearing pajamas, with messy hair draped over his shoulders.

He Zhiyan just glanced at her lightly, and then signaled her to come down quickly with his eyes.

Shen Weiyi didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly ran downstairs and got into the car.

Because she was too anxious, Shen Weiyi just found a random piece of clothing to put on, and didn't comb her hair well.

Not to mention makeup.

He Zhiyan glanced at her in the rearview mirror, and let out a low sigh without hesitation.

When Shen Weiyi heard it, she noticed the playful look in the other party's eyes. She turned around quickly, facing out of the window, and said quietly, "I'm really sorry. You have to bear this kind of image to see you."

He Zhiyan smiled lightly and started the car.

"Did Jiang Huai tell you all about it?"

"I didn't say anything, just let me come over." She still held some grudges about what happened just now, so her tone sounded colder than He Zhiyan's.

"Our contract to buy Oona was stolen."

After the words fell, Shen Weiyi was no longer in the mood to be angry, and he was stunned, "Stole it? Who is it? What about surveillance? Did you get a picture?"

He Zhiyan didn't speak, but shook his head quietly.

He didn't know about these few, or in other words, there was no evidence, except for the signs that the office had been pried open, there was no other evidence.

Afterwards, Shen Weiwei didn't speak any more, and sat quietly in the back. When he arrived at the company, even when He Zhiyan thought she was going to fall asleep, this man pushed open the door and walked out quickly.

As soon as he entered the company, the police and Jianghuai were already waiting there.

Several people took Shen Weiyi and He Zhiyan to the monitoring room, and beat the elder brother when he was questioned by the police.

The people in the technical department here have re-tuned the monitoring.

"This is the surveillance of yesterday, and it was fine until eight o'clock in the evening."

According to the situation, the police said, "But after eight o'clock, the monitoring suddenly became a little strange, don't you think?"

From the moment he entered the door, He Zhiyan had been staring at the monitor closely, never leaving his eyes.

Indeed, he could also tell that there was something wrong with the monitoring, and it was obvious that someone had tampered with it.

The first person to suspect was the person in charge of monitoring, but according to the police, after questioning, there was insufficient evidence and he had sufficient alibi, so it was impossible to start.

"Who could it be?" Shen Weiyi rubbed his chin and thought about it seriously.

But at this moment, He Zhiyan's eyes froze, and he raised his foot and walked outside.

His movement was so sudden that the police didn't have time to stop him. The people in the monitoring room didn't know what he was going to do, so they all followed him out quickly.

He Zhiyan went to the garage downstairs, and there was a dark blue sports car near the door.

Without saying a word, he took out a car key from his pocket, and after hearing a few beeps, the car door opened, and He Zhiyan pointed to the car monitor.

The police reacted immediately, got into the car, and at around nine o'clock in the evening, they did record something.

Shen Weiyi subconsciously followed in. She sat in the back seat and watched a black car appear on the surveillance camera.

"One hour……"

Shen Weiyi looked at the time, the car was parked inside for a full hour, during which time a man got out of the car and went straight to He's gate.

"Is he the only one in the car?" Shen Weiyi asked.

The policeman stared, his eyeballs were almost sore, he blinked desperately, shook his head, "I really can't see clearly."

"It's too dark outside, and the lights were not turned on in the car. However, the possibility of an accomplice is not ruled out. Let's check the car number first."

For the time being, I can only see so much, and I can only search according to the clues in front of me.

After seeing off the police, several people returned to the company again. Shen Weiwei stared out the window and murmured, "It's a bit strange."

He Zhiyan didn't make a sound, he should be thinking about it too.

"He has so many contracts, why did he only steal one? Shen Yuqing has something to do with this matter, but why did she just think of stealing it now? What did she do?"

Shen Weiyi couldn't think of a reason for a while, so he asked He Zhiyan, but the other party was bored, just staring at the eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

During the long silence, Shen Weiwei became more and more upset, she walked out of the office and wanted to call Shen Guoliang.

Let's not talk about what happened, at least check his tone and see what happened recently.

However, before Shen Weiyi could dial the phone, Shen Guoliang called her first.

"Only one, are you busy?"

Shen Weiyi remained calm and said lightly: "It's okay."

"Then go home after get off work, I have something to talk to you about." Rong Shen was the only one who refused, and he hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

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