After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 696: Meeting the Evil Woman Again

When I came to the queue, I saw a long queue in front of me. Probably they came at the wrong time and caught up with the peak season.

"Just take it and go."

After a while, Mu Cheng and Gu Nanting walked behind them.

It turned out that when they just settled the bill with the fruit farmer, they paid his two money by the way. Gu Nanting never liked to wait, although he didn't know how much it was, but he transferred a thousand, which should be enough.

"Okay, where is our next destination?"

The four put the fruit on the car and searched for the next interesting place.

"It is said that there is a sea of ​​flowers in front of us, we can take beautiful pictures now."

Just as Mia wanted to share the good news with Su Xiaojin, she didn't expect Su Xiaojin to open her mouth first. It really was because of the sympathy between the girlfriends.

Su Xiaojin looked at Mia, and Mia looked at her, and they both laughed.

Only two big men were left looking at these two people at a loss.

"A little bit to the left, touch the flower with your hand, yes."

Although Gu Nanting is not interested in flowers and plants, but for Su Xiaojin, he still researched the photography skills in advance.

The place where they are taking pictures now is the flowers and plants planted by the local residents themselves. Although they can’t name them, they are more numerous and beautiful. Tourists from all directions will come here to take pictures.

But there is another disadvantage of this, that is, most of the tourists who come will step on the lawn intentionally or unintentionally. If one person does not step on it, it will have little effect on the flowers and plants, but if thousands of people step on it, there will be a big problem.

"I don't think the quality of people coming from big cities is very good, so they just come here just by stepping on flowers."

It was the middle-aged woman who was talking, and she never thought that she would meet these urban ladies when she came here to look at flowers.

But Su Xiaojin and the others didn't step on the flowers to take pictures, but followed in the footsteps of their predecessors and walked in bit by bit. If you say step on it, they stepped on real land.

On the other hand, a "good quality" woman walked among the flowers and plants.

"There are so many scandals!"

Mia couldn't bear the sight of people always catching them and scolding them. Her own mother didn't even say such nasty things. It was too much for her to be like this for a stranger!

When the woman heard Mia say that she was ugly, she immediately fought back with a ferocious face, looking like a shrew.

"The eloquence of today's goblins is really good. I don't know how to respect the old and love the young at such a young age. I am really worried about your future."

These words made the four of them feel uncomfortable. It's really a bad time for a woman to find a job first and blame others.

"You, a middle-aged woman, can't spit ivory out of your dog's mouth, so I worry about your future. Can't you be a good person! You must come to my place to make trouble, and let your husband take good care of you!"

Mia couldn't bear others to scold her at first.

"I don't know why, you always catch us and scold you, you should go and see your brain first, we have a doctor here, and we can help you solve it now!"

It was Su Xiaojin who spoke again. At this time, she had already stopped among the flowers. She lost the joy of taking pictures, and it felt really bad to be disturbed.

They all managed to find time to come out, but at this time, they met some strange people to stir up the interest. Since I have lost interest, don't blame her!
"I'm a doctor. Speaking of which, aunt, I see that your complexion is sallow. It seems that you are suffering from malnutrition, and your Yintang is black. You have been plagued by bad luck recently?"

Seeing that everyone was chatting enthusiastically, Mu Cheng couldn't help but say something himself.

Only Gu Nanting didn't speak. He felt that dealing with women, especially such unreasonable women, would embarrass her, and there were too many of them, so he wasn't afraid.

"You, you youngsters, are really disgusting. I'm going to go to another place, so you won't dirty my eyes."

In fact, this woman's complexion is not sallow, and she is well maintained. It's just that there are many wrinkles on her face due to her frequent facial movements.

Now it is said that the old face cannot be held back, and those who are desperate should find other places to hide.

"Goodbye, auntie, I hope I won't see your yellow face next time."

Mia smiled brilliantly while talking, while Mu Cheng watched silently, thinking that Mia is really pretty.

"Look what I'm doing, hurry up and take a picture!"

Uncomfortable by Mu Cheng's gaze, Mi put her hips on her hips among the flowers and instructed him to take a picture of herself, and Mu Cheng took advantage of the situation to record her losing her temper.


It was a blessing to be reprimanded by their own family, and they went on to take pictures, completely ignoring the strange looks from others.

Since the four of them entered the field of flowers, other tourists have come to see them taking pictures, because Su Xiaojin's temperament is very similar to a big star, and Mia's temperament is slightly inferior, but she is much better looking than ordinary people.

In addition, Gu Nanting and Mu Cheng took pictures of them, which naturally attracted a lot of attention.

"Mom, are they filming a TV series?"

A family just happened to come here to see flowers. The second son was only eight years old. He looked at the four of them with a childish voice, pointing with his little finger, and looked at them like characters in a TV series.

The adults also explained patiently.

"No, brothers and sisters are just ordinary tourists like us, they came here to take pictures."

The woman touched the head of the second son, the little fluffy head was filled with simple things, the woman looked at her son and smiled happily.

"Let them take a picture of me."

Not far away, another girl's voice sounded. Judging from the voice, she might be about fourteen or fifteen years old, but her tone was indeed very cruel.

"Nian Nian, here, he is here to have fun, and he is not a professional photographer. Let's go find someone else."

It was her father who answered. He really couldn't do anything about this little ancestor. He was used to it when he was young, and he has been lawless until now.

"Father, you don't like Niannian anymore. You didn't treat Niannian like this when mom was still here. When mom is gone, you just, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

This girl obviously knows that her mother is her father's pain point, so she has been unable to get anything. When she mentions her mother, she can get anything.

"Nian Nian, you... well, I'll ask."

When her father was helpless, who made that woman her weakness.

The man had no choice but to move slowly, hoping that his baby bump would suddenly regret not wanting to be photographed.

"Come on, Dad, Niannian is waiting for your good news."

Probably seeing her father's hesitation, she had no choice but to urge her behind her back.

"it is good."

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