After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 695: Go to the Tourist Village

"Have you forgotten what we are going to do today? Today we have an appointment to go to Guiyin Temple to pray for blessings. If you delay the time, we can't play anything, and I can't wish you well."

The best way to deal with the enemy is to deal with him in the same way as he does. If he acts like a baby to you, you should act like a baby to him, the kind that gives him sweetness by reasoning.

When Gu Nanting heard that Su Xiaojin was going to pray for him, he immediately did nothing, got up and put on his clothes.

Su Xiaojin watched all this helplessly, and cursed silently in her heart, she became a real mother so fast!
After everything was packed, they gathered at the agreed place and started to go to Guiyin Temple.

For this trip, Mu Cheng and Gu Nanting drove their wives in a car, and brought some clothes, so that they could play outside for a few more days, and also brought some snacks. Since there were many mosquitoes on the mountain, they also brought some prevention Spray for mosquito bites.

Most of the girls bring cosmetics. When they go out, they don’t take pictures or take pictures of Meimei. In order not to lose their inspiration, Mia brought a sketchbook to record the inspiration that burst out at any time. .

Mucheng car
"How long will it take, I'm a little tired."

The car drove for four hours, as if there was no end. For the people in the car, it was a kind of suffering, waiting and waiting.

Mu Cheng could see Mia's tiredness, but he couldn't say anything until the destination was reached.

"Why don't we see if there are any villages nearby, so we can stop and have a rest, and continue our journey tomorrow."

At present, this is the best way. It is already 2 o'clock in the morning. You can rest and stay in a nearby village for a night, and continue on your way tomorrow. Otherwise, it will be too late to arrive at Guiyin Temple tonight. Unfamiliar with the land.

"Okay, I'll take a look."

Speaking of which, Mia turned up her mobile phone and looked around. She really found a tourist village. The scenery here is good, so the local government adjusted measures to local conditions and turned the village into a village mainly for tourism. According to the evaluation, The folk customs here are simple and there are many activities. There is also a bonfire party today.

"I found it! This is good, I want to ask Xiaojin and the others if they want to take a rest here."

When Mia saw the village brighten up, she immediately sent a message to Su Xiaojin.

"Look, Xiaojin, there is a tourist village here!"

Similarly, Su Xiaojin was also bored in the car. She didn't know that the road was so far away, if she had known he would not have come.But it's useless to regret now, I can only keep going.

Seeing the news about Mia, Su Xiaojin's eyes brightened. First, there is finally a place to rest. Second, this is a tourist village, the place she dreamed of.

"Nan Ting, let's stop at a tourist village for a rest, shall we?"

Although it was a question, she knew that as long as she said she was tired, he would definitely agree to take a rest.

As expected, Gu Nanting still listened to Su Xiaojin's words very much. "Okay, I will stop wherever you say."

This is when Su Xiaojin suddenly felt hopeful, and immediately got up and sent a message to Mia from the body that was paralyzed in the co-pilot.

"I think it's okay, Mia send the address, where can we rest for the night!"

After a while, Mia sent the address, and the two cars drove to the village like this.

Driving is prohibited in the village, and the cars were arranged in one place in an orderly manner. They parked the cars and began to explore the village.

Most of the people who come to this village are tourists, after all, this is the main tourism.

Mia and Su Xiaojin wanted to experience what it was like to pick crops. After asking a small street vendor on the roadside, they learned that there are fruit farmers who specialize in growing strawberries and some seasonal fruits. They are generally open to tourists, just picking fruits. It costs money.

So the two little girls went bouncing around to pick strawberries, and the two big men just followed behind. They probably couldn't appreciate the fun, but they still followed.

The two of them found a fruit farmer, a very simple farmer uncle, and gave each of them a basket to pick as much as they wanted, and finally came back to ride.

"Such a big strawberry field, I really love love."

Since the two have been living in the city, they are not very familiar with the land. This time, when they saw a large strawberry field, they couldn't help but marvel at the strawberry fields that could not be seen.

"My saliva wants to stay, I don't want to leave, just let me die in the strawberry field, I want to be buried here, hahahahahaha"

The behavior of the two was obviously a little too aggressive, which aroused the displeasure of the tourists who were picking together.

"Whose family's young lady is here to experience life again, and she is not afraid that the ground here will get your feet dirty, cut."

It was a middle-aged woman who spoke. She couldn't help complaining when she saw the extraordinary clothes and tall figures of the two, which were so out of tune with this land.

I think her husband has been seduced by people dressed like this since he entered the city and was cheated out of a lot of money.

"Auntie, we are also from poor families. We have never seen the world, so don't mind."

The two of them can naturally see that this person is rude to them, but they are in a good mood today and have strawberries, so they can't be polluted by one person's words.


Middle-aged women don't want to communicate with them anymore, after all, they come here to enjoy life.

"Let's go strawberry picking, let's go!"

The two people who knew each other deliberately walked in the opposite direction of the super-middle-aged woman. Where there is a large strawberry field, they just don't affect each other's mood. After all, it is best not to interfere with this kind of well water. It's good that two people affect my mood.

And Gu Nanting and Mu Cheng, who followed Su Xiaojin and Mia, were obviously more excited than them. It was the first time they experienced such a life. They were naturally very interested in a rich kid who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. There are mostly strawberries, and now you can pick them by yourself when you come to this village.

The two of them shuttled among the strawberry fields with a basket. They just learned from the vegetable farmer what kind of strawberries are the best for 300 yuan. They picked a lot of what they learned and used, and soon immersed in the fun of fruit picking. middle.

"I think that's enough. This basket is enough for today and tomorrow, and I have to go to Guiyin Temple tomorrow."

Mia was very happy looking at the basket of strawberries.It feels good to have enough food and clothing by yourself. Although the fruit is not grown by yourself, picking it yourself has a different taste.

"Then let's go checkout!"

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