After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 641: Why did 1 lose his position without saying a word

"Demotion?" Su Xiaojin asked suspiciously.

She still hasn't understood what Xingxin said. Isn't she doing a good job in her current position?Why did you suddenly get demoted?

Su Xiaojin watched her cry, she quickly took a piece of paper and said: "If you have anything to say, just talk about it, don't cry and cry, it can't solve the problem, can it?"

Xingxin said in the result paper: "I... I know, Lisa just came to me, she said that she is going to take over my position now, and let me go back to my previous position."

"I don't know if this is your arrangement, so I just came here and asked you, after all, I cherish and like my current position very much now."

Although there is Qin Xiu's seal on the document, it is inevitable that people will think that Su Xiaojin told Qin Xiu, so she must ask clearly.

"I don't know the reason for your sudden demotion, but I can assure you that I definitely didn't say you are like this. I am very optimistic about you and think highly of you." Su Xiaojin explained.

"Just now I heard you say that Lisa was looking for you, right? Then it's very likely that it was Mr. Qin's arrangement. I don't know about this arrangement. Now go back and clear things up, and then I'll go up and communicate with Mr. Qin, and wait I'll come to you again after the communication is over." Su Xiaojin said comfortingly.

Xingxin nodded and said, "Okay, I see, thank you, Mr. Su."

Su Xiaojin nodded and said, "Well, you go out first!"

"Okay." Xingxin closed the door and went out.

Su Xiaojin looked at Xingxin's figure, and her face immediately became serious. Why didn't Qin Xiu drop Xingxin's post suddenly, and he didn't tell himself?At least let yourself be prepared!

Now that she has been demoted without saying a word, those who don't know think they are prejudiced against her.

Thinking of this, Su Xiaojin's head hurt a little, after a while, she went upstairs to find Qin Xiu, she must ask about this matter clearly.

As soon as she got out of the elevator, Su Xiaojin was going to look for Qin Xiu, but the new assistant looked at her with a bad expression, so he stopped him and said, "Mr. Su, Mr. Qin is on the conference call right now. If you have something to do, you can find her later." he."

Su Xiaojin glanced at him and said, "I have something urgent to ask Mr. Qin. If you delay, you can't afford the consequences. You should think about it, do you want to stop me?"

After the assistant thought about it, he finally stopped him, "I'm sorry, Mr. Su, even if you have something urgent right now, you can't interrupt Mr. Qin's conference call."

Su Xiaojin has no patience anymore, because she is very irritable and angry now, especially for Qin Xiu's behavior, why should she be demoted without saying a word, at least tell herself to be prepared!

"Step aside!"

Su Xiaojin spoke loudly, because she was really angry.

"Sorry, Sue..."

Su Xiaojin didn't want to listen to what he said anymore, so he walked directly inside, and the assistant also stopped her, "Boss Su, you really can't go in, Boss Qin really has important things to do."

"Boss Su, you..."

"Xiao Kong, go down first! In the future, President Su will come in without being stopped." Qin Xiu walked out of the office at some point.

"Okay, Boss Qin." Xiao Kong bowed to Boss Qin and then returned to his job.

Su Xiaojin looked at Qin Xiu and said, "Why? Why did you suddenly demote Xingxin? Why didn't you even say hello to me? Just did that? Am I not the vice president of the company?"

Qin Xiu looked a little excited at her, so he walked up and said, "Sit in my office for a while, and I'll tell you about it."

When Su Xiaojin heard what Qin Xiu said, her complexion became better. She sat on the sofa and said, "Now you can tell me why you demoted Xingxin without saying a word. He is my employee, and he was promoted. I should have the final say on whether to be promoted or demoted."

"Even if you are the president of the company and you want to demote her position, you should at least tell me. She is at least my right-hand man. I asked her to come to this position. If you just demote her without saying a word How do you make others think of me, and how do you make her think of me." Su Xiaojin said excitedly.

Seeing Su Xiaojin's excitement, Qin Xiu said soothingly, "I know you are very angry now, but isn't there a reason for me to do what I did? You can listen to me first."

"You said."

"Now the whole company knows that Lisa is going to take over your position, and you two just had a conflict not long ago, and Lisa is sent by the board of directors, I can't just let her go ?”

"I know you are very angry about this matter, but you believe me, there must be a reason for me to do this." Qin Xiu said.

Su Xiaojin became even angrier when she heard this. She questioned Qin Xiu and said, "It's impossible to let her go like this. She framed me and caused me to go to jail. The person who should leave is She, do you understand?" Su Xiaojin was a little upset.

"I know you have been wronged in this matter, and I need to give you an explanation, and I also need to give an explanation to the board of directors, so it is reasonable for me to put her in a position of confidence."

Qin Xiu knew that the reason why Su Xiaojin was so angry was because she hadn't been notified in advance, and what happened to Lisa also made her feel wronged.

"I know that you and Lisa are at odds, and I also know that you are not such a narrow-minded person, aren't you? You are just angry why I suddenly demoted Xingxin's position and didn't say hello to you, right?"

"I'm here to assure you that as long as Lisa doesn't do well enough, I won't let her take your place, and it's impossible for her to take Xingxin's place. I'll ask the board of directors to bring her back."

"Then let Xingxin return to her previous position, and let you be replaced by a better candidate." Qin Xiu said seriously.

"Okay, I believe what you said. If she doesn't do well in the future, I hope Xingxin can return to his current position, otherwise I will fight Lisa to the end even if I die!" Su Xiaojin said coldly Speaking of.

Although this matter has nothing to do with her, but Xingxin was single-handedly promoted by her, she can't let her people be wronged for no reason.

She finally understood why Lisa was so unscrupulous. It turned out that there was a board of directors behind her. Even if there was a board of directors behind her, she would definitely make her pay the due price.

It just so happens that the previous account hasn't been settled yet, so let's do the calculation together. Anyway, I will resign sooner or later, and she is not afraid even if I do something.

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