In the bathroom, Xingxin sorted out her emotions and makeup and was ready to go out. In this society, no matter what you have to do, you can’t tell it outside, because no one will love you, only someone will silently disdain.

When passing by Su Xiaojin's office, she saw her buried in her work, she laughed a bit, and didn't know who she was showing her hard work to, no matter how hard she tried, she still couldn't change it, she was relying on the backstage.

When she thought that Su Xiaojin was relying on the backstage, she felt much more comfortable. If she could raise the company by 5% in a month, she would not believe it if she had no one to back her up.

It didn't take long for Lisa to come back. From the moment she came back, the employees of the company were a little surprised. After losing such a big face, she still had the face to come back to work. Her heart was really big enough.

When Xiaoli saw Lisa coming back, she was a little embarrassed. She used her hair to cover up, trying to keep Lisa from noticing herself, but by such a coincidence, Lisa noticed her.

"Xiao Li, please come here, I need your help with something." Lisa smiled and said to Xiao Li, as if nothing happened just now.

Xiaoli heard Lisa calling herself, she didn't go or not, and finally she went, she smiled awkwardly and said, "What's the matter Lisa? Is there anything I can do to help?"

Lisa's eyes lit up, "Of course, I need your help to find you, and I already know you in the company, and I'm familiar with you."

Lisa's tone of voice didn't sound like what happened just now, she acted like a normal person, "Boss Qin transferred me to your team just now and asked me to be your supervisor."

"Let me start as a supervisor first, and when you Mr. Su leaves, and then I understand the business, I will take the position of Mr. Su." Lisa said with a smile.

When Xiaoli heard that Lisa still wanted to be the vice president, her face immediately changed, "Oh~ so that's the case, then I understand, then I understand, what do you want me to do, I Now go do it for you."

When changing leaders in the company, it is very important to stand in line. If you accidentally stand correctly, you may go smoothly in your life. If you accidentally stand wrong, you may fall down and never get up again.

Xiao Lisi thought about it, for the sake of her future life, for her own life, she decided to stand by Lisa's side, Su Xiaojin was about to leave, who knew when she would come back.

Rather than standing on Lisa's side like this, the company's senior management must have some strength to send her down, otherwise they wouldn't have sent her down.

Seeing her being so attentive, Lisa's mood immediately improved a lot, "Can you help me call out an employee named Xingxin? I need to discuss something with her."

matter?What is it that needs to call Xingxin out?

Lisa could see the doubt in her heart, "Mr. Qin asked me to take Xingxin's position first, let me understand the company's business, and then I will take her place after Mr. Su leaves."

Lisa smiled, then bent down and whispered to her: "If you follow me now, I promise you will be the best in the company in the future."

Then Lisa straightened her back and said, "Excuse me, Xiaoli, are you willing to be my assistant now?"

Lisa deliberately said loudly that the purpose is to let the employees in the company know that Su Xiaojin is the vice president now, and she will be herself in the future, so she must be nice to her.

The employees in the company raised their heads, took a look, and then quickly lowered their heads to work. Lisa was not unhappy when she saw that no one spoke. When she became a vice president, they would always flatter her.

Seeing that no one stood up, Xiaoli couldn't wait to express herself, "Sister Lisa, aren't you looking for Xingxin? I'm going to find her for you now."

"Well, let's go."

After Xiaoli agreed with Lisa, she ran to Xingxin's office non-stop. She opened the door of the office and went in without even knocking.

She said proudly: "Xingxin, Sister Lisa is looking for you now, please go to the front to find her immediately and say that I have something to tell you, but I have to tell you, you have to be mentally prepared .”

After finishing speaking, Xiaoli went out. After leaving the office, Xiaoli wished she could find a place to smile happily, because she was so happy today.

Just now she was still in the bathroom with a condescending look, and now seeing that she is about to be demoted, let alone how happy she is.

Xingxin frowned, and then she hurried out. Although she didn't like Su Xiaojin, she didn't fall to the point of standing on Lisa's side. She knew what was more important.

As soon as Xingxin went out, she found Lisa sitting in the meeting place waiting for her. She looked around, and then she found a chair and sat down, "Excuse me, Lisa, what do you want from me?"

Lisa smiled and said: "Nothing, just to inform you that starting today, you will return to work at your previous position, and your current position is mine."

Then she took out a document from her bag, "This is the notice of resignation. If you have no objection after reading it, please sign it."

Xingxin was taken aback for a moment, then she took the document tremblingly, opened it and looked at it carefully, it was true that this was approved by the high-level, and it also had Qin Xiu's exclusive seal.

Xiaoli looked at his appearance, and she felt very happy, "Xingxin, if you don't have any problems, sign it quickly. After all, what you are wasting is your own time, and sister Lisa's time. Don't you Your own time, but you have to take care of Miss Lisa's time, her time is very precious."

Xingxin thought for a while and then she signed. She stood up and said, "Sister Lisa, please wait a moment. I'm going to pack my things now. I'll call you over after I'm done packing. Do you think it's okay?"

"Of course, you can go now. Anyway, I don't have anything to do today. You can wait."


Lisa glanced at Xiao Li and said, "She may take a little longer to clean things up now, why don't we go down and have a cup of coffee now, and come up later."

"Good! Good! I like drinking coffee best."

After they left, Xingxin walked to Su Xiaojin's office. At this time, Su Xiaojin was looking at the documents. She saw that Xingxin came over, and quickly sent the documents in her hand.

"Why are you here? Come in and sit down, are you looking for me for something?" Su Xiaojin asked suspiciously.

After all, the current time is working time, if there is no urgent matter, she thinks she will not come to find her.

As soon as she sat down, Xingxin looked at Su Xiaojin for a long time, and finally she said with red eyes: "President Su, did I do it? Yes, please tell me if you don't want to demote me."

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