"Go back earlier, I won't go back today." Gu Nanting had already tied his tie when he entered the venue, Su Xiaojin gave him the jacket on his body, but Gu Nanting didn't wear it.

"So do you want to continue to be with these women?" Su Xiaojin spoke in a low voice, showing a trace of displeasure: "Take your seemingly gentle smile and gentleman?"

Gu Nanting sneered when he heard the words: "It's okay, I'm talking about business opportunities, not like women talking about gossip."

Su Xiaojin didn't speak anymore, and turned her head to the door, Mia asked her what happened, Su Xiaojin just shook her head.

When she went back at night, Su Xiaojin was still in a dazed state.

She clicked on WeChat, and someone added her as a friend. She was a teenager with a non-mainstream avatar.

The man sent a message: sister-in-law, hello...can I often go to your work place to have fun?
Su Xiaojin didn't like Gu Yuming, nor did she hate him.Although Gu Yuming was a little surprised by the way she appeared today, she was quite acceptable.

Gu Nanting regarded Gu Yuming as a problematic youth, and Su Xiaojin also had a certain inherent impression. The two of them were unfamiliar, so Su Xiaojin instinctively wanted to refuse.

But she thought about it, since Gu Yuming already knew where she was working, if she really might cause trouble, Su Xiaojin had nothing to do, so she agreed to him first.

Su Xiaojin replied: Yes, but don't be the same as today, and don't make trouble in the store.

"I see, don't be like Gu Nanting, I'm annoyed."

The chat between the two was temporarily over, Su Xiaojin didn't know what to say, so she simply stopped talking.

Gu Nanting did not come back that night, Su Xiaojin received the money from Xiao Yiming, after she figured it out, she gave it to someone else.

Xiao Yiming continued to send messages: What, you are not busy today?Your agarwood is ready?
Su Xiaojin replied: It's done, you don't need to bother so much, I always feel that you have some conspiracy.

Xiao Yiming sent Su Xiaojin a smirk, and then he spoke seriously: I want to borrow the original developer of this project.

Su Xiaojin didn't even think about it: okay.

It would be a good thing if the senior could find a job in advance because of this project. After all, his mother's affairs still required a large amount of medical expenses.

Su Xiaojin pushed the senior's wechat over, there was nothing else she wanted to do, so she stared at Ji Zilan and started to feel dazed.

Ji Zilan's flowering period is coming soon, Su Xiaojin calculated that it will be these two days.She also wanted to witness the blooming of Ji Zilan.

Looking at Ji Zilan with her head down, Su Xiaojin began to continue how much savings she had now, and the matter of her mother could not be delayed too much.

The longer the vegetative state, the lower the probability of waking up.

Su Xiaojin has always wanted to know the whole incident of the car accident. Unfortunately, she was too young at that time, and the pictures in her memory were intermittent. Later, she was not capable enough, and someone intervened, so the matter was settled.

Su Xiaojin did the math, adding the original 200 yuan, the later 200 million yuan and odd salaries, Su Xiaojin had a deposit of more than [-] million yuan.

The hospital where her mother Su Rong is currently staying costs [-] a day, and Su Xiaojin's money can only pay for her mother's stay for more than half a year. If she needs to be treated, the cost will definitely be more.

It's not like she didn't think about it, if there was no car accident, would Su Xiaojin's life be different?
After thinking about it, Su Xiaojin became confused and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day, the pot of Jizilan by the bed had already bloomed, the blue petals were flamboyant, and the blue-purple stamens were reserved, exuding a refreshing fragrance.

Ji Zilan is an aristocrat among flowers, and Su Xiaojin's confused way of raising her makes it bloom such beautiful flowers.

She carefully cut out a few flowers and placed them next to the agarwood. The contrast between blue and red, one is public and the other is restrained.A vitality and a depth make the woodcarving full of beauty.

After the gift was settled, Su Xiaojin also picked out a tune from the score.

There is nothing to do today, it is better to blow the meteor.

Su Xiaojin took the yun, and began to recall the score, played it a few times, but felt that the effect was not good, the pure yun was not as high-end and elegant as the piano.

But what was missing, Su Xiaojin couldn't think of it for the time being.

Xiao Yiming sent a message to Su Xiaojin, telling her that the cooperation between him and that senior has been negotiated, and he is very optimistic about that senior.

Then he asked Su Xiaojin what he was doing, Su Xiaojin blew a paragraph and sent it.

"Tsk tsk, your technique seems to be on the verge of perfection. Not bad, but is there something missing?" Xiao Yiming sent a message, and felt that the score was missing something. "Why don't you sing it too, aren't you also good at the piano, why don't you have a piano solo.

Su Xiaojin replied: "Su Mengning will also go, she wishes for me to play the piano. Follow her ass, although I do play the piano better than her, but I don't want to be like her."

What she wants to do is to be a person who shines, not a person who follows behind a shining point.

"How about adding some electronic music?" Xiao Yiming suggested.

But where did Su Xiaojin go to find electronic music?And if she wanted to invite someone, Su Mengning would definitely point to the east and west to discredit Su Xiaojin.

"I'd better think about it." Su Xiaojin continued to study the score without looking at her phone.

For electronic music, it is best to use an electric guitar, coupled with Yun's ethereal, it has a sense of rhythm.

Su Xiaojin pondered for a long time without any result, so she took a look on her mobile phone and found that Gu Yuming had spoken to her. "Sister-in-law, are you free in the afternoon? May I take you out to play in the afternoon?"

Su Xiaojin was a little baffled when she saw the news, she didn't say anything, she wanted to refuse but was worried that Gu Yuming would look for something.

In the afternoon, when Gu Yuming came to Su Xiaojin's place, she didn't find it strange, after all, Gu Yuming already knew his WeChat ID and mobile phone number.

Su Xiaojin decided to wear a more domineering style today. She changed into black overalls, added a half-short black T, tied her hair high, and wore a ponytail. She wore sunglasses, a peaked cap, and black Martin boots.

Sexy and domineering.

As soon as Su Xiaojin went out, Gu Yuming was stunned, and then laughed loudly: "Sister-in-law, are you going to rob? Why do you look like a big sister in society?"

Su Xiaojin was speechless, she just felt that Gu Yuming didn't seem to be as Gu Nanting said, it should be easier to get along with each other.

"But it's still very cool, let's go, I'll show you a lot." Gu Yuming showed off his cool black motorcycle with a slight second look like Su Xiaojin playing handsome.

"Get in the car, although it's not as good as my brother's Rolls-Royce, but the feeling of sitting on my motorcycle is fast and very comfortable." Gu Yuming threw the helmet to Su Xiaojin, and Su Xiaojin took it and took it on.

Sitting on Gu Yuming's motorcycle, Su Xiaojin was still not at ease.I don't know what tricks this little brother-in-law will do.

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