What is he doing?
Su Xiaojin also looked around, and found that people in a few corners were looking at Su Xiaojin intentionally or unintentionally, as if observing Gu Nanting's movements.

"Could it be that someone left to trouble Gu Nanting?" Su Xiaojin guessed subconsciously, put down her things and talked to Mia, ready to follow Gu Nanting to have a look.

Su Xiaojin changed the clothes of the waiter, and pretended to casually look around the venue with a drink in her hand, but her gaze stayed on the black clothes not far away, a man in a peaked cap, and several other similarly dressed people.

 Is this group of people planning to deal with Gu Nanting?

After Gu Nanting finished drinking, he put down the wine glass, and then went to the back door of the restaurant alone, followed by those few people, and Su Xiaojin followed in silence.

In the darkness at the back door, there are seven or eight men behind one man.

"Gu Nanting, give me the money, I won't pester you after taking the money." A hat took off his brain, spit on the ground, looking like a bad boy.

Gu Nanting sneered: "You can really follow me, will you go on grandma's birthday? Now ask me why I want money, why don't you go like my mother? If you want money, you need money... What do you think of this kind of scene? Looks like you're going to rob?"

The man jumped up, and was about to punch Gu Nanting when he went up. "Can you be more frank? Why are you so wordy, just give me money"

Gu Nanting didn't show any weakness in the fight, he hooked the man with his backhand, and landed a heavy punch on his stomach.

"Gu Nanting, you're too fucking cruel." The man called out, beckoning his other buddies to go up too.

Gu Nanting rubbed his fists and neck, and smiled at the corner of his mouth, like Shura: "I haven't moved for a long time, I will practice my hands with you."

As he spoke, Gu Nanting unbuttoned his suit, took off his tie, and made a gesture of going up together.

"You asked for it." The man rushed up like a vicious dog.

Gu Nanting looked at the man's moves as if he looked at a child in kindergarten. "Just your three-legged cats. Save yourself."

Gu Nanting easily fought a few moves with a few people, and Su Xiaojin watched Gu Nanting fight not far away.I can't tell what it feels like.

So Gu Nanting said earlier that he didn't want to hurt her because of these men?

Su Xiaojin focused on the shape of the back door, and when she suddenly saw someone holding a wine bottle and was about to throw Gu Nanting on the back of the head, she shouted: "Gu Nanting, be careful behind you."

Saying that, Su Xiaojin rushed up uncontrollably, blocking Gu Nanting.Seeing the wine bottle flying over, Gu Nanting pulled Su Xiaojin who was rushing over, turned around and hugged Su Xiaojin tightly in his arms.

The bottle brushed against Gu Nanting's face and landed on the ground not far away.

"Damn it! Where did the woman come from?" The man was shocked at first, and then laughed wildly: "Gu Nanting, you are so fucking useless, you still need a woman's help?"

Gu Nanting ignored the man's words and just let go of Su Xiaojin to check if she was injured. "Didn't I say I don't want you to come over? Why don't you listen!"

He almost yelled this sentence, his breath was unstable, his chest heaved and he was extremely angry.

Su Xiaojin also turned fiercely towards Gu Nanting after hearing the words: "Aren't I worried about you? Do you know how dangerous it was just now?"

To be honest, Su Xiaojin was scared at that moment, she was really afraid that Gu Nanting would get hurt, so she rushed over without thinking of herself.

Gu Nanting was also taken aback by Su Xiaojin's sudden appearance, and he quickly pressed Su Xiaojin's head into his arms: "I know, I have a sense of proportion."

Su Xiaojin stopped talking.

The man seemed to have guessed something, and continued to say to Gu Nanting: "Gu Nanting, what are you acting in this time, I guess... Oh, I see, is she Su Xiaojin, the fiancée arranged by grandma for you?"

There was a hint of teasing in the man's eyes, Gu Nanting said coldly: "Gu Yuming, if you try to get Su Xiaojin's idea, you will die."

Gu Yuming scolded dissatisfied: "Damn, I just ask, don't you dislike her, or give her to me."

Just as Gu Yuming was about to say the next sentence, Gu Nanting gave him a solid punch. "Shut up! Don't think that no one can deal with you."

Su Xiaojin heard everything, but still didn't understand.

Su Xiaojin didn't hear the name Gu Yuming, but from their conversation, they seem to know each other.

"Then you give me the money, I won't say anything, I'll just take the class obediently." Gu Yuming yelled, glancing at Su Xiaojin from time to time.

Su Xiaojin also put some eyes on Gu Yuming, and after a closer look, Gu Yuming actually resembled Gu Nanting in sextant, but she had never heard that the Gu family had a child.

Gu Nanting was a little impatient: "Okay, it will be credited to your account tomorrow, don't spend all day doing business with those cronies who just know how to fight and fight games, and do some serious business."

"You don't need to say, don't you and your mother look down on me? I know it, and I know it very well." Gu Yuming left contentedly after achieving his goal.

Only then did Su Xiaojin look away, and was about to ask Gu Nanting about Gu Yuming.

He said: "Gu Yuming is my younger brother, the illegitimate son of the Gu family, so it has not been made public."

Gu Yuming was the child of Gu Nanting's father and a woman when he was away on a business trip. Later, his father brought the woman back, but Gu Nanting's mother strongly opposed it, and the woman had no choice but to live outside.

Later, the woman died of dystocia and Gu Yuming stayed behind. Gu Nanting's father said that the child belonged to the Gu family.

However, Gu Nanting's mother still objected very much. Although Gu Yuming was a child of the Gu family, he was still treated as an illegitimate child, and he was not treated very well since he was a child.

Gu Nanting's mother hated Gu Yuming very much. Gu Nanting couldn't say that he hated him, but hated that iron could not be made into steel. Gu Yuming's favorite might be Gu Nanting's grandma.

Gu Yuming didn't go to school very much, after junior high school he started to mess around, fighting, surfing the Internet, playing games and so on, later he smoked and hung out with street gangsters, which made Gu Nanting extremely bored.

After a while, Gu Yuming would ask Gu Nanting for money.

This is probably the case today.

"What does he want so much money for?" Su Xiaojin knew that Gu Nanting's face was not very good, so she couldn't continue asking.

Gu Nanting calmed down the air-conditioning all over his body, and then replied to her: "I don't know, this kid has already raised a lot of money from me, and the rest of the family ignores him, so it's just me and grandma. He is too capricious and irritable, I guess he would feel better in the Gu family's position."

Gu Nanting put his coat on Su Xiaojin's body, and returned to the restaurant with his tie and Su Xiaojin.

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