After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 466: Miss Su, stay for a while

Su Xiaojin probably worked in this company for about a day, and she had almost finished the planning. In the next two days, she came to the company according to her mood.

The employees who saw her were all dissatisfied with her face.Especially the man who was about to be fired, his face was so ugly when he saw her, and he was always talking all kinds of things beside her.

"I think some people are only hot for 3 minutes. They worked overtime all night yesterday. Why are they free today? Do you think that your plan is not credible, so you just don't do it?" The man just can't understand Su Xiaojin. A gesture.

Why does this woman not move, she can sit in the office and enjoy the benefits with the slightest effort.

He guessed that this woman must be a gangster with no experience at all, and she was trying to be brave enough to complete a plan by herself.

Three days had passed, and the attitude of the people in the office towards her had changed significantly. Most of them wanted to come and see Su Xiaojin's jokes.

"Have you finished your plan? It's better to just sit here and pack up your things and prepare to leave!" The man patted Su Xiaojin's table unceremoniously. on the legs.

Facing Su Xiaojin's lack of response, his masculinity did not come out at all. "I'm talking to you. No matter what your background is, even if you are a newcomer, you should know the rules of the office, and remember to answer when the elders talk to you."

Su Xiaojin snorted, and didn't want to talk to the person in front of her anymore.

The manager quickly went over to collect the things. After seeing Su Xiaojin handing in a paper version of the plan neatly, his eyes were full of doubts and disbelief.

"I hope your plans are not made out of water, but are some useful things, otherwise it will be a waste of our company's time." The man next to him was also curious, why did this disabled man in a wheelchair finish it in more than a day? Yes, they need to spend a week or more planning to complete.

The manager took the plan and smiled and said: "Miss Su, I will show this plan to the superiors carefully. If there is anything else, we will talk to you again. Please wait here patiently."

The attitude of speaking was polite, but the tone made people feel a little uncomfortable, with a slight sarcasm.

Su Xiaojin didn't take it seriously, just nodded and watched the manager.

About half an hour later, the company's upper management held an emergency meeting. The content of the meeting was about whether to select Su Xiaojin to enter the company to directly take over the position of manager.

90% of the senior leaders agree that although Su Xiaojin is like an airborne soldier, it will cause a lot of dissatisfaction among many members of the company, but the expected income achieved by her plan alone can make the company's performance this quarter. point growth of 3%.

Such an outstanding talent is placed in front of various companies, how can it be possible not to embrace him?
After almost an hour passed, the smile on the manager's face became stronger and he spoke politely.He walked towards Su Xiaojin: "Miss Su, do you need me to push you to the CEO's office to meet the leaders?"

"No need, I'm not so disabled that I can't use it." Su Xiaojin didn't like the comparison of the manager's attitude before and after, so she chose to go by herself.

After arriving at the office, she saw a dozen people sitting there.When those people saw her, they all got up and came over one after another.

"Miss Su, I have admired your name for a long time. I hope you can cooperate happily with our company." The chief CEO of the company extended his right hand to shake hands.

Su Xiaojin nodded, and also extended her right hand to shake hands with him, expressing a happy cooperation. "Now that everyone has seen my strength, in the next month I will use my strength to prove to everyone that what I said is true."

These senior leaders all responded one after another. "Then look forward to Miss Su's more exciting performance."

You must know that even if a small and medium-sized company like them has the greatest development prospects, if they do not have a reasonable plan, do not find a good partner, or even promote all their innovative points, there will be a lot of trouble in the future competition. Those under great pressure are likely to face the risk of bankruptcy.

After all, although the top ten domestic companies are relatively old brands, the reason why they are deeply rooted in the country is because of swimming, their classic products, customers and partners.

They have accumulated a lot of publicity channels over time, and they are well-known both at home and abroad, so their status cannot be shaken for a while.

Even if these small and medium-sized enterprises have more advanced and innovative theories, if there is no investment and publicity, they can only withdraw cash in situ.

The plan proposed by Su Xiaojin this time is a joint cooperation with some foreign organizations and group companies.The main purpose is to establish diplomatic relations and achieve mutual benefit and promotion of both parties.

Even some domestic listed companies have joint contract negotiations and foreign policies.

"Thank you for your trust in me." Su Xiaojin sat in a wheelchair and bowed to everyone.In this way, Su Xiaojin took the position of manager of this company without any suspense. There is a one-month assessment period, but she believes that this month will pass quickly.

The top management of the company valued her performance very much because of the excellent planning this time.

"By the way, you haven't forgotten the thing you promised me. The employee who provoked me that day needs to be fired. I think people with low quality and no self-discipline and self-knowledge should not stay in the company. .” After Su Xiaojin said this, the manager over there was a little embarrassed and looked at the CEO.

How should I put it, although the boys in that office have relatively low positions, they also came in through connections.However, he is indeed not an empty vase, he has real strength, but due to some reasons, the company has not given him a promotion.

If this person is dismissed hastily, the company may have a certain conflict with a certain bureau.Fortunately, that man didn't ask for a raise or promotion, so everyone just turned a blind eye.

"This..." The manager was a little embarrassed, he couldn't decide on this matter for the time being.

Su Xiaojin sneered: "It seems that that employee has a great role and significance to your company. I was too abrupt. If he doesn't leave, then let me go."

After Su Xiaojin finished speaking, she was about to leave, but was stopped by the CEO, "Miss Su, stop!"

Su Xiaojin smiled slightly, and turned around: "Have you decided who to keep?"

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