After lunch, Su Xiaojin went directly to the company for the interview, because the company moved very quickly and had already arranged an office for her.

Besides, her project was very urgent, so she had to work overtime in the past two days to complete it.

People in the company looked at Su Xiaojin differently.

The first point is because she is in a wheelchair, and the second point is that all the other interviewees are waiting at home to be notified, and she is the only one who was admitted to the company in advance and arranged a job position.

Therefore, in the eyes of these people, they all think that she is an airborne person who got in through connections... If it wasn't for the rich and powerful family, or some status somewhere, it would be impossible for her to enter the company so quickly.

"Hey, make this form, and then go to make a copy, give me another half an hour, and I will ask for it later." Suddenly someone had an idea and wanted to play tricks on this person.

Su Xiaojin just finished writing the whole outline, and when she was thinking, someone accidentally interrupted her thinking.The man stood in front of her very unceremoniously, with his hands crossed over his chest, he was full of air and had no good temper.

Seeing his appearance, he came here specially to make things difficult. "Hey, new here, you are an airborne soldier. I don't know if you understand the truth here. Our company doesn't need useless people like you." Seeing that Su Xiaojin ignored him, he got a little angry and snapped He touched the table.

Su Xiaojin looked at him coldly, and her tone was not particularly good. She was here in a hurry to do a project, but she didn't expect someone next to her to disturb her desperately. "Is there something wrong? I don't know how to do it myself, so I'm here to help you."

That person was not convinced, and just wanted to find fault: "Isn't it just to ask you to copy a document for me? Why are you so fussy here? Newcomers need to understand a little bit of rules, don't think that you are airborne and have a background, we can't What about you."

When Su Xiaojin heard this, she only felt it was funny. "You have hands and feet, and some time is worse than serving in the military by yourself, and the newcomer must help you with things. Besides, it's not that you didn't see that I am in a wheelchair and it is inconvenient to walk. Instead of letting me dawdle Go and copy the materials you want, and then hand them over to you very late, why don't you go there yourself."

After Su Xiaojin finished speaking, she didn't want to talk to this person anymore, and was ready to continue the project at hand.Unexpectedly, that person got worse and unplugged her computer.

Su Xiaojin, who couldn't bear it anymore, continued to look at the man in front of him coldly. "What on earth do you want to do? Are you looking for faults? Is it because I don't like me coming to you all of a sudden, or I think you are not as good as me, so I deliberately make things difficult here."

"So what if we don't like you, we just want to get out, so what if we bother you? If you have the ability, tell the manager! I don't believe that because of you, the paratrooper manager, you can still put us in the same office. Everyone will be fired." The man is full of confidence, and the other people in the office are sitting around, silently wanting to watch this good show.

Fortunately, what Su Xiaojin made just now was saved, otherwise she would have to start from scratch again. "Don't think that I'm in a wheelchair. I'm just a good-tempered person who can be manipulated by others. If you move me here, I believe you can pack up and leave tomorrow!"

After saying this, unexpectedly, everyone in the office started booing.

"Hey, do you really think of yourself as your grandfather? Isn't everyone in the office still working? Where do you get the confidence from?"

"It's just an airborne soldier. What's the use of keeping you or not keeping a useless vase? Isn't it just that the family background is better?"

Listening to these people's words, Su Xiaojin just frowned slightly.She doesn't need to listen to these people talking nonsense about nonsense, as long as she does a good job at hand.

She didn't intend to pay attention to the people here, so she turned on the computer patiently and continued with the work at hand.She had already taken a step back here, but she didn't expect these people to go too far, and they came to her side, and their three or two sentences were inseparable from ridicule and sarcasm.

"You see, aren't you just a skirt? If it wasn't for your family background, how could you come to work in the company?"

"I hate employees who complain the most. I didn't expect you, a newcomer, to be so confident!"

"What are you pretending to do here?" Someone suddenly knocked off her mouse.

Su Xiaojin took a deep breath, looked at the mouse on the ground, and instantly changed her face. Her tone was extremely cold, and everyone who heard it felt cold sweat on their backs. "Pick it up for me, I don't want to say this a second time."

That person didn't know why his whole body trembled, and after a long reaction, he said, "Why should I listen to you? You're just a cripple sitting in a wheelchair..."

"Then you can try to see if I, a cripple, will let you get out of here!" Su Xiaojin's voice was not loud, but her tone sounded scary and gave off a feeling of oppression.

As soon as she said this, the whole office burst into laughter.Unexpectedly, at this moment, the manager came in from the door, looked at the crowd, and said sharply: "What are you doing here? Are you done with the work at hand? Do you feel that you are very idle... "

Su Xiaojin's man, who was provocative just now, started by saying, "Manager, we just explained the rules of the office to the newcomers. I didn't expect that it would be fine if she didn't listen, but lost her temper with us instead... Isn't it a cripple? , As for putting yourself in such a high position?"

Hearing this, the manager immediately turned pale: "Aren't you going back to work for me? What are you doing here to scold me?" After speaking, he looked at Su Xiaojin and put on a more polite expression: "Miss Su, the three In a few days, I will provide you with the best help, and I hope you can make a plan that satisfies us."

Su Xiaojin calmly took a look at the man just now: "I can make plans in three days, but you have to fire this man... I don't know how your company selects people, people with such low quality You can also come in, has no one told him that it is impolite to interrupt other people's work at will?" Su Xiaojin asked very bluntly.

The manager looked at the employee with some embarrassment, and said in Ms. Su's ear: "Yes, yes, but you can get the planning done first, and you can talk about other things." In fact, he was dubious about Su Xiaojin, and he was not very optimistic.

So the attitude he showed was considered polite, and Su Xiaojin didn't say much.Just nod. "Then you just wait and see."

"Okay, I'll wait and see..."

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