After crying, Su Xiaojin looked like a normal person the next day, maintaining a nonchalant, careless, calm look.

Xiaotuanzi woke up and stuck to her next to his wheelchair. "Mom~ I'm almost healed, can I go out and play with you?"

Su Rong came over to pick up Xiaotuanzi, pinched his nose: "Waiting for two days, let's go out to play together, Xiaotuanzi will endure for another two days, and I will cook something delicious for you in these two days?"

Xiaotuanzi saw Su Rong grinning and showing his dimples. "Grandma, you are the best."

At noon, Gu Nanting came to pick him up in a car. He asked Su Xiaojin for his opinion, and planned to take Xiaotuanzi to Gu's house, and Su Xiaojin agreed.

Xiaotuanzi didn't want to go out at first, but after Gu Nanting told him a lot of things, he started to get a little tempted and decided to go and have a look reluctantly.

When Gu Nanting came to pick her up, Xiaotuanzi looked at Su Xiaojin reluctantly, smacked her face, and then left with a smile.

Sitting in the car, Xiao Tuanzi touched the car, and it felt good.He was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, looking up at the scenery on both sides of the road with his little head raised.

"Uncle, actually I know you are my father, but for some reason, I just want to call you uncle now. Are you bullying my mother?" Xiaotuanzi crossed his arms and put on the appearance of a young adult .

Gu Nanting couldn't help smiling while driving: "You are a little guy, you are quite small, but you look like a smart ghost."

Xiaotuanzi pouted: "I'll tell you something serious first, I hope you can answer me seriously."

He's a little quick-witted, that's for sure.Sometimes when Xiaotuanzi sleeps with his mother, he can hear the people next to him crying secretly at night.

Sometimes my mother is sitting by the window, with her hands on her legs, leaning on the wheelchair, her eyes brighten and dark for a while.

He didn't want to make his mother feel so uncomfortable, and he must have this man in front of the ghost, and let him tell the truth. "Uncle, please cooperate with my investigation, otherwise I won't give you a chance to get close to my mother."

Although Gu Nanting wanted to laugh very much, he held back and put on a serious look, as if saying that you can ask questions casually.

"Did you do something too much to my mother, or something that made her angry, or she would always look like she wanted you to stay away from her when she saw you..." Xiaotuanzi patted the seat lightly with his hand, It was as if the judge in court had slapped the table.

"Indeed, if I did a lot of excessive things to your mother, I probably won't get her forgiveness... I know that those things I did were very excessive and wrong. I don't expect her to forgive me, I just hope She gave me a chance to make up for all my past mistakes."

Thinking of this incident, Gu Nanting's eyes darkened for a moment. Now he wants to use all his best to repay all the mistakes he made before.

He also understands the truth that if you knock a nail hard on a wooden board and finally pull out the nail, the wooden board will be scarred...and this kind of scar can never be repaired.

In fact, as long as Su Xiaojin is still willing to see him and doesn't run away from him, that's the best result he can think of.

"So, mother left you five years ago because you bullied my mother, right? Now she doesn't want to see you, and you bully me again, right?" Xiaotuanzi was a little angry when he said this.

Fortunately, Gu Nanting did not speak.

Su Zhi pouted and snorted angrily: "If you want me to say that you are an irresponsible person! Even if the two of you quarreled before, you can't leave my mother alone, she has raised me for five full years! And You have ignored the two of us for the past five years... Even if you met my mother, you still bullied her in the end! Gu Nanting, you are really the worst father I have ever seen!"

Xiaotuanzi is actually a child, and all his emotions are the most authentic reactions and expressions at the moment.

At the beginning, he supported Gu Nanting and Su Xiaojin to be together, but after hearing some things Su Xiaojin said, and Gu Nanting admitting it himself, he felt that Gu Nanting might really be a bad person...

"Do you know that my mother lost her legs in this car accident, she can no longer stand up, and when she is sitting in a wheelchair, she will cry alone and won't let me see... Do you know that she How sad did you cry when you had nightmares at night? It's all because of you!" Xiaotuanzi pointed at Gu Nanting with his finger and roared in a childish voice.

Gu Nanting didn't speak, but concentrated on driving the car, and only opened his mouth slowly when he got to the place. "I know that what I did may never be forgiven by her for the rest of my life. I know that because of what I did, she has been hurt a lot, and she doesn't even want to see me. But it's not too late, I I just want to treat her better now, I won't force her to do anything she doesn't like, I just want to be by her side silently..."

Yes, if he could wake up earlier, maybe Su Xiaojin would never have left five years ago, maybe they are really a happy family of three now, he can't blame Su Mengning for this matter.

What Su Mengning said was right, she used some drugs by any means, but Gu Nanting was not innocent, he was the mastermind, and he personally killed Su Xiaojin, so there is no one else to blame for this matter.

Gu Nanting let out a sigh of relief, the place he brought Xiaotuanzi was the place where he confessed to Su Xiaojin for the first time.

This auditorium has been well preserved, with all kinds of words planted beside it, and it is now in full bloom.There are still twists and turns on that path of fallen flowers, and the last end is the place where he confessed his love...

"This is where I confessed to your mother. At that time, we were engaged and were about to get married, but later, she rejected me..." Gu Nanting smiled, recalling that scene at that time is really happy.

Xiaotuanzi took a look at this place. The European-style auditorium is full of romantic atmosphere. It can be seen that this place has been carefully set up.

"Then why did mom reject you?" Xiaotuanzi was much calmer after discovering her emotions in the car.Children are so straightforward and cute.

Gu Nanting pulled Xiaotuanzi along until they reached the end of the path: "I really didn't expect that she would reject me at that time... because of our two identities... I told her from the beginning that no matter what happened to us, I'll always be with her. I'll run to her with all my might..."

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