After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 455: I'm Not Reconciled

A few days later, both Su Xiaojin and Xiaotuanzi came out of the hospital.

Su Xiaojin didn't plan to live with Gu Nanting, so she contacted Su Rong.Gu Nanting didn't say anything, just sent the two of them to Su Rong.

"Look, grandma's temper should have disappeared by now, so you can go back to Gu's house and bring Xiaojin back by the way. You live outside, and I still feel a little uneasy about doing things." Gu Nanting said before leaving Time pulled Su Rong and talked for a while.

Su Rong could feel that Gu Nanting's attitude seemed to have changed a lot, and his mood became better and better. "Let me see. The main grandma is now in a nursing home and has gone to another environment. She has some newborns."

Gu Nanting said two or three sentences before leaving. Su Rong pulled Su Xiaojin's hand with a gentle expression on his face: "When the accident happened that day, I was almost worried to death. Fortunately, you are fine now, otherwise I would regret it .”

Su Rong looked at Su Xiaojin sadly, she was sitting in a wheelchair with a blanket covering her legs, but this time she was not as lucky as the last time, this time her legs couldn't connect at all.

Su Xiaojin, who knew about this matter, didn't have a particularly big reaction, just like usual.Xiaotuanzi would look at her mother worriedly from time to time, after all, the quieter Su Xiaojin was, the more agitated she might be.

"It's okay, this matter is over, let's do it like this." Su Xiaojin actually didn't know what to say, let's put it this way, she didn't know how to face this matter at all.

The car accident left some psychological shadows on her, and her legs were broken again, so it is very unlikely that she can only recover in a wheelchair.

If she didn't say anything, it doesn't mean she's fine, it's just that all these emotions or sadness or grievances are printed in her stomach.

"Xiao Jin... Actually, I'm not a good mother. I haven't taken good care of you these years, but you have been taking care of me all the time. So many things happened to you, but I can only silently watch and shed a few tears." Su Ever since Su Xiaojin got into a car accident, she has spent her whole life blaming herself.

If she had met Su Xiaojin earlier and brought Su Xiaojin and Xiaotuanzi by her side, perhaps so many things would not have happened, and perhaps Su Xiaojin would not have such a silent expression as she did now.

Su Xiaojin hugged Su Rong: "Actually, you don't need to blame yourself so much. In fact, everything that happened to me has nothing to do with you. It's all what I have to experience. You gave me life, it's already It's the best care for me, mother, this matter has nothing to do with you, you really don't need to be sad. "

Su Rong wiped away her tears, and took Xiao Tuanzi and her in.After Xiaotuanzi fell asleep, he said, "Xiao Jin, have you ever thought about returning to the Gu family? After all, we also came from the Gu family. Something bad happened, so we left the Gu family. Even if we don't go back, in grandma's situation, it's best to stay at Gu's house..."

When this matter was mentioned, Su Rong's face became a little serious.She personally didn't want to go back to Gu's family, after all, He Yu was tit-for-tat everywhere, coupled with the original verbal attacks on Su Xiaojin and his attitude towards their mother and daughter.

In order to enter this kind of family and give up her dignity, it is impossible for Su Rong to do such a thing.

But now... Gu Nanting has told Su Rong about this matter many times, and asked the two of them to return to Gu's house.At first she didn't give any answer, but after thinking about it, she felt that it might be necessary to go back, at least for Song Weiwei.

"How about this, you bring grandma back to Gu's house, I still want to be outside alone." After Su Xiaojin lost her memory, although she never went back to Gu's house, her impression of Gu's house was not particularly good.

Mainly she didn't want to see a person, Gu Nanting.

Although Gu Nanting really tried his best to take care of her and Xiaotuanzi in the hospital, but... so many things happened between the two of them, she felt that she could never go back to the past.

"Actually, I understand what you mean by saying this. I hope that after I enter Gu's house, I can ease the relationship with Gu Nanting, but I have made up my mind a long time ago. I think it's good to leave him and live alone. It's pretty good too..." Su Xiaojin has been having nightmares these days, and the scene still has a cliff and a man who ruthlessly pushed her off the cliff.

And that man's face was Gu Nanting... Su Xiaojin could see her even when she opened and closed her eyes. She really didn't want to experience such a nightmare again.

Su Rong sighed: "I don't understand what happened between the two of you, but I support all the choices you make. You want to live outside alone, if you don't like it, just tell me, and I can accompany you Go out and live."

Su Xiaojin nodded, sitting in a wheelchair and looking out the window.

Su Rong touched her head and looked at Su Xiaojin's legs, feeling mixed feelings. "The doctor still said that there is still hope for your leg to be treated. As long as you persist in cooperating, you will be able to recover one day."

"Actually, I have a very clear idea of ​​what I want to be in the end. Now that I have become like this, I can only choose to be accepted by others, whether it is crying or making a fuss, there is no other way than to vent my emotions. Besides, I will keep it as it is now." When Su Xiaojin said this, she had already thought it over several days ago.

When she woke up, she found that she couldn't move her legs. The news spread in her mind like explosive news. Sadness, anger, grievance, and unwillingness flooded into her mind and occupied her mind. all her places.

She used to cry secretly alone in the middle of the night, and then denied the fact over and over again, but what could happen?Facts are facts that have happened and cannot be changed.

"Xiaojin, just say what hurts you. How can I not understand your character? I am your mother, and I will always support you behind you." Su Rong looked at Su Xiaojin like this.She just felt uncomfortable. If Su Xiaojin cried out, it might be a little better. She didn't want to see Su Xiaojin swallow all her grievances and pretend to be strong.

Su Xiaojin froze for a moment, pulled Su Rong's clothes, and within a short while, two lines of clear tears flowed down her cheeks slowly.She sniffed, and at this moment, all the grievances were released.

"I don't want to accept this fact at all. Sitting in a wheelchair feels really wronged... When I was pretending, I kept looking out of the window, longing for freedom, but now I can only spend my whole life in a wheelchair...I am not reconciled !"

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