Xiaotuanzi's body improved quickly, and according to the time, Su Xiaojin took him to the hospital for an examination.The place they went this time was not the hospital where the operation was performed, but a nursing home with more comprehensive institutions and higher technology.

Qin Huai is now doing research here, because Xiaotuanzi is the first patient in their team to succeed in technology, Qin Huai still needs to observe Xiaotuanzi.

"Are you here? Sit next to me for a while, and I'll get you a glass of water or coffee. Xiaotuanzi, why have you gained weight again?" Qin Huai happened to be processing research data, and when he saw Su Xiaojin coming in, he called her to go first Sit in the office for a while.

The office is not small, and there are several research instruments beside it, of course the relatively simple ones, and there is also a desk.Sofa, coffee machine, etc. This is a one-person office, and Qin Huai works as a professor here.

"I'll just drink hot water." Su Xiaojin sat on the sofa with Xiaotuanzi in her arms, pinched his little face and said, "His body feels much better, and his complexion is also good. If he gets fat, he will be healthy."

"Brother Qin Huai, I'm still growing, so I'm not fat." Xiaotuanzi pouted, he wasn't actually that fat, it was just his round face.

Qin Huai took care of things, brought Su Zhi into a room, and said to Su Xiaojin, "It may take two or three hours for the specific observation. I am here to watch Xiaotuanzi. Family members are not allowed to accompany me, so otherwise Would you like to take a stroll in the nursing home first?"

After finishing speaking, he turned to Xiaotuanzi and said, "Xiaotuanzi has grown up, we need a physical examination, but mother can't accompany you in, you have to be good~"

Xiaotuanzi made an ok gesture and nodded his head hard: "Don't worry, I will listen to my brother. Mom, you can go around by yourself. I will call you when I come out." After finishing speaking, He pointed to his phone watch.

Both Qin Huai and Xiaotuanzi asked Su Xiaojin not to accompany her, so Su Xiaojin walked around the nursing home alone.

This nursing home is very large and divided into many areas. For example, the area where Su Xiaojin is now is a general nursing area, with parks and so on. It looks like a small community, where the elderly or seriously ill people usually live.

The area where she and Xiaotuanzi were just now was a research area, mainly for the research of various diseases.

Looking at the small park here, Su Xiaojin felt in a good mood, so she sat on the chair next to her, basking in the sun and looking at the scenery not far away.

She looked up at the sky, feeling the rays of the sun.Occasionally, two or three people would pass by, but she still enjoyed it comfortably.

A woman in her fifties came slowly. For some reason, Su Xiaojin raised her head and met the woman's eyes.

The woman was looking at Su Xiaojin with complicated and excited eyes: "Xiaojin?" She spoke in a tentative tone, fearing that she might mistake the person in front of her.

Su Xiaojin didn't know the woman, so she just gave her a suspicious look. "You know me too?"

"Xiao Jin...don't you remember me?" The woman's eyes were filled with tears. She had been looking for this man for five years, but she hadn't heard from him. She often called Gu Nanting, but she never heard from Su Xiaojin again.Su Xiaojin seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. "I... am your mother, child."

She said this with a trembling voice, sounding very excited, and her eyes met Su Xiaojin, showing enthusiasm and kindness: "It's been so many years, where have you been? Even if you go out and don't tell Gu Nanting, you can't Forget about me. I have been looking for you, afraid that something will happen to you, afraid that you will be wronged..."

Su Xiaojin was a little confused about the current situation, her doubtful eyes met the passionate eyes of the woman, but she didn't know where to focus her gaze. "Did you recognize the wrong person? Sorry, I don't know you."

Perhaps because of the loss of memory, these people Su Xiaojin once knew, now she has no emotion or relationship with them.

The woman shook her head desperately. "I won't admit it wrong, you are my daughter, Su Xiaojin..." She hugged Su Xiaojin excitedly, her hands gently stroking Su Xiaojin's face. "Son, what the hell happened to you outside?"

The sudden warmth hit Su Xiaojin's heart, and she found that she did not resist this feeling, maybe this is probably the effect of family affection where blood is thicker than water.

It's just that Su Xiaojin doesn't know what to do when facing the woman's enthusiastic appearance. "I'm sorry, maybe the two of us know each other, maybe you're not wrong, but... I lost my memory many years ago, so I didn't recognize you, I'm really sorry."

Su Rong let go of Su Xiaojin, and then kept looking at her daughter.She seemed to have become more mature and thinner, and her eyes seemed not as clear as before. "You said, you lost your memory?" Su Rong was a little surprised when he heard this.

When she was in the Gu family, she heard the news that Su Xiaojin had run away from home that day, and she had a premonition that something bad would happen.During that period of time, Su Rong couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, and sometimes had a low-grade fever, a high fever, weakness from time to time, or nightmares. It took about three or four months before the symptoms completely disappeared.

Su Xiaojin didn't want to mention the matter of amnesia, she just vaguely said: "Some important things happened, so I lost my memory, but it's nothing."

Although the words were light and calm, only Su Xiaojin knew what he had experienced and how severe the pain was at that time.

"Then when did you come back here?" Su Rong felt that Su Xiaojin didn't want to mention that matter again, so she changed the subject.

"About two or three months ago, I came back for some reason." Su Xiaojin always felt that she had an inexplicable situation with Su Rong, so she would answer when the woman asked her a question.

Su Rong took Su Xiaojin's hand, and those red eyes looked at Su Xiaojin: "Where do you live now? How are you doing? Are you still alone?"

Su Xiaojin shook her head: "No, there are two of us now, I'm with my son, I'm here today to take him for a reexamination."

Son... Su Rong silently read it a few times, remembering that when Su Xiao left, she was still pregnant. "Then he now..."

"No big problem, I'm fine now." Su Xiaojin smiled, even if something bad happened to her, she would not tell Su Rong, even if this person was her mother.

There is an old saying that when a child travels thousands of miles, the mother is worried, and the children and grandchildren report happiness but not worry.Su Xiaojin chatted with Su Rong for a few words, but didn't explain much about her current situation.

"Mom~" A childish voice came from not far away, and both of them followed the voice and looked in.

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