After rebirth, Mr. Gu still wants to trick me

Chapter 444: You are the one who killed Su Xiaojin

Gu Nanting sneered, and the corners of his mouth curled up unnaturally. "Of course you won't hurt me..."

Su Mengning put away her stiff smile after listening to the words: "I knew you still believed me..." Her tone was very light, with a hint of coquettish tone.

"Of course you won't harm me out of your own heart, but... Did you do the matter that happened first, why I was so irritable and my memory was confused?" Gu Nanting originally looked at Su Mengning Acting like a baby will still make some emotions move, but now he actually feels a little disgusted with this expression.

Su Mengning heard the sound, and felt that her body was too stiff to move. "Nan Ting... I did make a request for you, but I didn't do it in the hope that you could forget that bitch! Why don't you turn back, but look at the difference. If you are willing to turn back, why should I still With such a humble means?"

She smiled, but there was more bitterness and hatred in this smile. "Obviously the two of us grew up together, why should she go first?"

"So you used drugs privately, tampered with my memory, and controlled my spirit?" When Gu Nanting said this, his voice had already started to become hoarse. He came to the bar very early today, and when he came in, he drank nearly A case of wine.

After drinking myself dizzy, I started thinking about things, about my memories, about my emotions.

Su Mengning walked over and grabbed Gu Nanting's sleeve, her eyes were full of tears, warm and deep. "Do you think I want to do this? I just hope that the reason why you are away from that woman is small, but I just hope that you can give me one ten thousandth of your love for that woman... Is this too much to ask?"

She was trembling when she spoke, and she only dared to pull his sleeve with that hand. She was afraid that when she had physical contact with Gu Nanting, this man would give her a hard look, and then shake her away in disgust.

"Nan Ting... I didn't expect that the side effects of that medicine would be so severe..."

"You also didn't think that I would get rid of the mind control little by little..." Gu Nanting stared at the sleeve that she had pulled, and it tore open with a beep, he didn't want to be so close to this woman.

Su Mengning looked at the torn sleeve, tears rolling down her eyes. "Nan Ting...You can't treat me like this. We've been together for five years, don't we have any affection?"

She originally thought that by coming here today, she could have a further distance from Gu Menting.What I didn't expect was that it was self-defeating. Today Gu Nanting came to completely clear the way with her.

Maybe she knew a long time ago that sooner or later she would face such a result... But so what?She still did this thing without hesitation, even if she lived in a dream for the past five years, deceiving herself and others, or wishful thinking, at least she could touch her heart and say that during the five years, Gu Nanting only loved She is alone.

"This is not the reason why you tricked me into drugging me. Su Mengning, you should know in your heart what you have done. Since someone can fish you out of prison, they can naturally send you back. This is what I gave you." Your last chance, if I see you next time I won't be polite."

Gu Nanting got up and looked at Su Mengning with condescending eyes.

Su Mengning didn't stand still, and sat on the sofa with some loss of strength. "Nan Ting...Even if you are ruthless, can't you pity me? I already have nothing, I can't lose you anymore...I just wonder what is so good about Su Xiaojin! She has forgotten you. Forget it completely Thoroughly...why do you still pester her?"

"Gu Nanting... I love you to such a lowly level, why can't you just look back at me? Even a glance is fine." Su Mengning found that she wanted to get up to persuade her to stay, but she couldn't get up no matter what.

"I think you're crazy?" Gu Nanting had already started to leave the room, he had finished everything he had to say, and now he could only let Su Mengning take care of himself.

Looking at the back of Gu Nanting leaving, Su Mengning seemed to realize something, she rushed forward and grabbed Gu Nanting's feet firmly: "Don't go... Nanting, don't go, okay?"

Gu Nanting moved his feet and dragged Su Mengning's body, walked a few words, and the cold voice came from above to the ground. "What else do you want? I think you are crazy!"

"Hahaha, I'm crazy, that's right, is it wrong to love you crazy? I'm crazy, do you think you are a normal person? Yes, I drugged you, so the side effects will make you Overlapping memories will make you irritable...Look at all the things you have done in five years, don't you think you are also crazy?" Su Mengning began to laugh loudly one after another.

She laughed happily at the beginning, but at the end of the joke, she could faintly hear her start to cry, laughing and crying at the same time.Crying and laughter fused together, piercing and sharp, Gu Nanting stood there, he looked at some sentiments, he didn't want to kick this woman away.

"Gu Nanting...Only the two of us are the most suitable. Do you think Su Xiaojin will forgive you for doing those things? Isn't it bad enough that you hurt her? Did she avoid you? Come and find me , Is it because she is lost and can't find her?" Su Mengning laughed for too long, Meng Yang coughed a few times, took a big breath for a while, and then burst into that piercing laughter.

Frowning, Gu Nanting squatted down and pinched Su Mengning's chin firmly: "Shut up! What nonsense are you talking about..." His eyes were a little red.

Su Mengning's chin was pinched, it hurt, it really hurt, but no matter how painful it was, it couldn't compare to heartache or despair. "I'm not talking nonsense. Think about what you've done recently. Will she accept you? Gu Nanting... Don't blame me for Su Xiaojin's departure. I'm just contributing to the flames and an accomplice. And you are the mastermind!"

"I told you to shut up, didn't you hear me!" Gu Nanting roared angrily, "If you say one more word, believe it or not, I'll tear your mouth apart."

He was angry, and likewise, his heart was flustered.Yes, what Su Mengning said is correct, he has done all the bad things to Su Xiaojin, he is the one who really harmed Su Xiaojin.

It was precisely because he was talking about the point that he was angry.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect you to be afraid!" Su Mengning continued to laugh crazily, and then it turned into crying: "She has completely left you, and she will never choose you again. There is only one way out. Me. Why can't we be together?"

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