This news really scared Su Xiaojin a lot.

Originally, she was struggling with another matter, but she had to focus on Gu Nanting.After seeing the address sent by the secretary, Su Xiaojin hurried over by taxi.

She was really afraid that something unexpected would happen to Gu Nanting...

"Don't worry..." She murmured to herself all the way until she reached her destination.

The address sent by the secretary is actually a water park. According to the secretary, this seems to be a place where Gu's company wants to invest.

Su Xiaojin looked around for a week, and it seemed that the construction here had been completed, and the decoration was almost done.I don't know what happened to Gu Nanting here.

She walked for about 5 minutes, and happened to meet the secretary who was carrying things on the way. "Why didn't I respond to your call just now? Where did you say he was rescued now? How is he?"

It could be seen that Su Xiaojin was very worried.The secretary also had a worried look on his face. "I'll take you there right away. However, I don't know if the president's condition is good. He's still in the emergency room."

So Su Xiaojin followed the secretary for a while.

After a long detour, the two finally reached a path covered with flowers.There are other flowers planted beside the path, and there are balloons as decorations on it.

"What did you bring me here for?" Su Xiaojin realized later that she seemed to have been tricked. "You two are sincerely joking with me, right? Human life is at stake, how can such a thing be a joke?" Su Xiaojin was a little annoyed, and turned to leave.

The secretary waved his hand: "Miss Su is actually not what you think."

"I asked him to do this, it was my idea. If you think this matter is a joke, I'm here to say sorry to you." Gu Nanting's voice came from not far away, he was dressed straight In a black suit, holding a rose in his hand, he walked towards Su Xiaojin.

Gu Nanting's forehead was wrapped with gauze, but this did not affect his handsomeness and chicness.Wearing a suit, he came from not far away, especially when he walked along this path, like a prince who appeared from the Two-dimensional world.

Elegant and gentlemanly.

"I just wanted you to come to this place, and I didn't intend to make fun of you." Gu Nanting walked to Su Xiaojin's side and took her hand.

Su Xiaojin recovered from the stupefaction just now, her eyes were fixed on his forehead. "What's wrong with you? Are you seriously injured?"

Someone smiled: "It's just a hole. It's nothing serious after the explosion. You don't need to worry so much. It was really my fault that I only had this excuse to trick you. I want to apologize to you."

Su Xiaojin pursed her lips, and then punched Gu Nanting on the shoulder: "You can use any excuse to come to me next time, just don't use your injury as an excuse to lie to me. Do you know that you are so worried about me?"

Gu Nanting nodded: "Let's go, I want to show you something."

Su Xiaojin was walking along the flower path with someone in a daze.

At the end of the trail is a church, which is also newly built.Not sure why such a strange church would be built in the place of a water park.

This church is built in European style, and the most used is colorful glass.The door of the church is painted with copper-golden paint, which is heavy and solemn. According to the Christian style, a cross is always hung on the door.

Su Xiaojin personally doesn't like the architectural style of the church, but she is very satisfied with the color of the church.

Most churches are built with marble, and the building material of this church should not look like marble.It may be because it is in a water park, so it can be regarded as a viewing building.

It can be seen that the construction material of the church is glass mixed with cement.Under the refraction of sunlight, glass will refract all kinds of brilliance.So compared to the dark black color of those traditional churches, this church seems to be favored by God.

"Do you like it?" Gu Nanting brought Su Xiaojin to the side of the hall, and then looked at Su Xiaojin affectionately. "I know you don't like the architecture of the church, so I made a slight change here. Are you satisfied with this look?"

Su Xiaojin was speechless, but continued to stare at Gu Nanting.

Gu Nanting brought Su Xiaojin under the largest glass decoration, where the sunlight was perfect. "I have something to tell you." He said, his tone so firm and affectionate.

Su Xiaojin thought about it all morning and didn't hesitate anymore. She raised her head to meet Gu Nanting's fiery eyes, and took a deep breath: "It just so happens that I have something to say to you."

Gu Nanting raised his eyebrows, with obvious joy on his face. "In that case, why don't you talk about it first."

Su Xiaojin shook her head: "I think your matter should be more important."

In fact, Su Xiaojin has already guessed the right thing in all odds.Gu Nanting tricked her here, especially in such a solemn and romantic place, it must not be for some project construction.

So 80% is a confession and 20% is a proposal.

"Okay, let me talk first." Gu Nanting took out a small box from the pocket of his suit.The packaging of the box was very delicate, and then he slowly opened the box, and there was a diamond ring inside.

He took out the diamond ring carefully, like a treasure in the world. "This is my custom-made engagement ring. Her name is Mermaid's Tears. It is about a mermaid's love story. I heard that it has touched many people. I want to give this mermaid to you, and by the way, bring happiness and happiness to you." For you."

Gu Nanting held the ring in his palm, and then stretched out his hand in front of Su Xiaojin. "At the beginning, I didn't like you very much. It wasn't until I experienced more and more things with you that I realized that you fascinated me so much. We have experienced many things, and I have failed you too many times. I know I just woke up recently."

Su Xiaojin opened her mouth to say something, but when she saw the mermaid's tears, her mood was very complicated. There was excitement, but also sadness.It's just that there are some words... still can't speak the sound.

"Before I met you, I didn't think about what love is. After I met you, I was sure that you are my only one. I want to treat you well and give you all the good things in the world. Now I am here to propose to you seriously...Su Xiaojin , will you marry me?"

That ring, with its shining light, just hit Su Xiaojin's heart directly.Looking at the ring, she just felt heavy breathing.

It's time for her to speak out about her choice...

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