"You are so obsessed with this relationship, why? What mother told you is good for you. If you continue to be so persistent, get out of the Gu family. I don't have a son like you." He Yu said angrily , She knew that her son's temper was rather stubborn, and if it was not difficult for her to say some harsh words, she would not stop at all.

Gu Nanting is not a person who will give up easily, he found that he has fallen in love with Su Xiaojin, so he will not back down from this relationship, it is impossible for him to let go.

"I will not break up with Su Xiaojin. I have failed her too much. It would be irresponsible to abandon her now, so... I would rather move out from the Gu family. You have the right to pretend that you don't have this son."

Gu Nanting's attitude is also very firm, no matter what the identities of the two of them are, he will definitely stick to this relationship.

He Yu was very annoyed by these words: "Are you really going to abandon the stock price family and hang out with a woman? My son has never been a person whose reason is buried by emotion."

Gu Nanting also calmed down and thought about this matter carefully. "I'm an adult, and I should be responsible for everything I do. My choice must be a choice I made after rational thinking. So mother... no matter how much you object, the two of us, I will definitely I insisted on being together, I had already planned to propose to her for a while, because the original engagement was really too hasty."

After that, He Yu hung up the phone angrily.

Listening to the beep on the other end of the phone, Gu Nanting frowned, why is mother so strange today?
The young couple didn't know that Su Rong had met Song Weiwei at this time, and they already knew that the two were brother and sister.

Grandma's attitude has been hesitant, but the attitude of the mother of the two of them is so determined that they must not be together. Being together is messing around, which will damage the reputation of the Gu family.

The two bedrooms are only separated by a wall, because the sound insulation is better, so I didn't hear the phone on the other side of the wall.Tonight, Gu Nanting did not sleep with Su Xiaojin, but slept in the guest room.

  The two phone calls made the two of them completely sleepless at night.

The next day, when Su Xiaojin woke up, she was not in a good mood.When she finished cleaning herself, Gu Nanting had already prepared the food for her to eat.

Su Xiaojin cast a glance at Gu Nanting, his spirit is not particularly good.Surprisingly, the young couple didn't sleep well at night.

"Why do you look weak, did you think about something last night? Otherwise, don't come to work today." Gu Nanting put the bread in front of Su Xiaojin, and kissed her good morning.

Su Xiaojin originally wanted to avoid it, but in the end she waited blankly for Gu Nanting's lips to fall.

"It's nothing serious. You don't have to order me to ask for leave because I'm not in a good mood today. The company has been very busy recently, especially with the project team. If I ask for leave, your project plan will be changed." I can't keep up by a large margin." Su Xiaojin held the bread in her mouth, and she didn't want to leave Gu Nanting, whether it was because of her own selfishness or business issues.

Gu Nanting placed the prepared chicken wings in front of Su Xiaojin again, and conveniently filled someone with milk. "You are in this state today, if you go to work, what will happen if there are more mistakes? You don't have to go to work today. If you insist on going, I will fire you."

His tone was coercive, but it was really for Su Xiaojin's sake.If Su Xiaojin was distracted like last time... last time she just trapped herself in the elevator, she might do something dangerous next time.

He didn't want any accidents to happen to Su Xiaojin.

"You're not in a particularly good spirit today. You're telling me what to do here, and I don't want to think about whether you should take the lead." Su Xiaojin was not convinced.

Gu Nanting had no choice but to soften his tone. "Hey, be obedient... I have to go to a few meetings in person today. As you know, I don't worry about the company's shareholders and directors. There has been no movement from the Jiang family recently. I think They may have changed their plan, I have to explore it myself."

Having reached this point, Su Xiaojin had no choice but to compromise. "Okay then... I won't go, I have half a day off today, but I will continue to go to the company in the afternoon."

Gu Nanting nodded, he was ready to leave after breakfast.

Su Xiaojin stopped him instinctively: "Nan Ting...I have something to tell you."

Gu Nanting stopped in his tracks, turned his head and smiled at Su Xiaojin: "Is there anything you want to tell me? Let's talk about it when we come back tonight. I'm in a hurry to make breakfast this morning."

Su Xiaojin actually stopped him, but couldn't say that sentence.

She had been thinking about what her mother told her yesterday.If it had been the case, she would have left Gu Nanting without hesitation, but... everything is different now.

"Okay, come back early in the evening, and I will make soup for you." Su Xiaojin still swallowed that sentence first.

Just stayed at home all morning in a daze.She made a phone call with Mia: "You, my mother really told me about that matter. She meant that she told me not to be with Gu Nanting and asked me to break up. But I..."

But Su Xiaojin couldn't bear to...

But on the other end was her mother, the mother she had just reunited with, and she had no way to oppose her mother.

Maybe after they broke up, they could continue to meet at Gu's family as brothers and sisters.But Su Xiaojin didn't want this kind of relationship.

Mia paused for a long time before responding to her: "If you insist on being with him, then continue to do so. Su Xiaojin, I feel that you have become less like you in this period of time. The Su Xiaojin I used to know has never She will not hesitate about this matter, she is a decisive girl."

Su Xiaojin nodded, because she had indeed changed a lot during this period, became more cautious, and began to worry.

She hung up the phone, and was about to call Gu Nanting on her mobile phone, but she couldn't press the call button for a long time.

Mia was right...she hesitated.

Just when Su Xiaojin was about to press the call button, the call interface popped up suddenly. It was the secretary's call, and the voice sounded urgent. "Hello...is that Miss Su? President, he had an accident when he was inspecting the construction site in the afternoon. He is being rescued now. Do you have time to come over?"

Hearing this news, Su Xiaojin almost didn't stop. "What did you say? How is he now? I'll rush over now and give me the address."

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